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Whoa magic


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Kaanin what can you do now?



Lol actually very little I got into magic thinking it was great only to be dissapointed. Most magic, probably a good 95%, involves fake props, nothing you can do on the street out of nowhere, you have to go out with the intention of magic in mind and have your prop on hand. PLUS you have to buy the fake props. I personally felt very....cheap, buying the props and using them was fun n all, but it just felt unclever, I didnt quite feel accomplished so much as I feel like I bought a a fake prop and used it as intended, lol. So I retired my magic career before it ever got off. The other half of magic, slight of hand n all requires HOURS AND HOURS of practicing usually mundane and difficult moves. Such as throwing an orange into a jacket pocket from a foot away. 15 oranges and a soggy orange juice stained shirt later, and still it hasent gone in once, you dont feel to magical. Or training a bird to fly up your sleeve and into your pocket, uh yeah, not gonna even try. So I did learn some of the RARE no prop slights of hand that dont require stupid ammounts of practice.


I can do a french drop with any change, thats nice. Basically Its faking handing an object from one hand to another but actually you keep it in the first hand. I can almaost do it with a quarter flawlessly.

I can do 3 variations on where you have the audience member pick a card and you find it in the deck.

I can do fake deck shuffling, where you "shuffle" the deck but it remains in reletivly the same order.

I can "bounce" a breadroll on the floor.

I had a good 4 or more but I cant remember em.

And thats about it, and I got a good 12 prop tricks under my belt, but I dispise them. However all my diving into magic and practicing moves that I never got all the way to learning has gotten me very adept at spotting magic and knowing what happend.


Instead I took up Juggling and Contact Juggling to feed my inner Carny, and I love it.

Edited by Kaanin
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