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choke issues


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on aim_shotty I always get a choke of 20+ and after about maybe 30 seconds or so into the round it drops to about 5. I also am having this problem on some of the other aim maps too. I'm not sure if its just because i normally connect around 100ish latency. Would this be on my connection or are other people having similar problems?

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Check your rates first.


"rate" is your downstream bandwidth in B/s, should set to 25000 unless you need it lower for some reason.


"cl_cmdrate" is your number of updates to the server per second. Just set to 100 and it'll follow your FPS closely.


"cl_updaterate" is your number of updates from the server per second. The far right number on the "in" line of your net_graph 3 will show your actual updates received per second. Set as high as you can without getting choke. 100 is max for a 100tic server; no matter how high you set it you won't get more than the server's tickrate.

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