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Guest fuxx0rz

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Guest fuxx0rz
Guest fuxx0rz
Guest fuxx0rz

k i first was banned from the secondary server(the one that redirects u when first is full)

but i didnt care in fact i dont even remember how i got banned in there maybe tking or talking poop

and then i got bannned from 1rst server (saturday 10:35pm pst)


i did 9 shot kills (all hs) w/ ak on one round and finished map by like 6 guys, im not hacking dude i dont need that stuff to be good i have been in cal, several mexican teams ( im mexican btw) but all i want is to get unbanned plz


oh and i said "CENSORED BY SJ" just when the map ended, i dont think that was the reason cuz id have been warned at least once


this is not the first time i get banned for """"hacking"'""" but i assure u guys im not take demos and scan my files im 100% sure i dont need cheats well anyways i enjoy this server a lot and hope to get unbanned really quick


k my steamid is :STEAM_0:1:982058

that happened on the west coast server

Edited by stuttering.john
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uhm. lol. wow. uh. missed the boat. i don't even know where to begin. this wasn't about hacking. not even remotely about hacking.


- i changed your forum name. completely inappropriate.

- i'm banning you on all of our servers, just to be sure.

- don't argue.


you need to reread our rules, our motd, everything. reply AFTER you've read EVERYTHING, and try again. here's a couple choice links for you.







good luck. you're going to need it.

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Guest MyOtherNameWasOffensive
Guest MyOtherNameWasOffensive
Guest MyOtherNameWasOffensive

dude i dont see anything wrong w/ my ex-name , even cal guys let me use it :/


well since this is a no bad words community i wont say em


i was using the nickname "Get Firefox!!"


i really like the server man plz unban me :'(


edit: oh and u posted a link about joining gc, i dont want to thx for the offer lol

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Guest MyOtherNameWasOffensive
Guest MyOtherNameWasOffensive
Guest MyOtherNameWasOffensive
there are other servers out there that are better suited for guys like you. we run clean servers, and that doesn't seem to be of interest to you.


this means im not getting unbanned???


if it was for the bad words im sorry i use em on a daily basis, if i get unbanned i wont even talk u can have my word on that

Edited by MyOtherNameWasOffensive
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we run clean servers. that means no swearing. period.


you said you typed a w0rd at the end of the round. why'd you have to type it with a 0? was it filtered the other way? yep. were you warned? yep. the plugin does it automatically. i'd feel confident saying you were warned in game by our admins, too.


did you read the MOTD when you connected? nope. did it look something like this?motd_3b.gif



maybe you're just one of those really focused cs players that doesn't notice anything going on around him. but we do, and based on what i've noticed, it doesn't seem like you'd be a benefit to our community. i don't think you're going to promote our standards (which i linked you to above). am i wrong? if so, why?


last chance.

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