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Annoyed with Slim Smiley

Guest Careful Aim

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Guest Careful Aim
Guest Careful Aim
Guest Careful Aim

Man, that was annoying just now. There were some yahoos avoiding the filter and complaining about how they're not allowed to cuss. I respond with "yeah, it's not fair how there's no place to cuss in CSS". Slim responds "there are other servers" and kicks me. Its prime time and I can't get back on.


I suppose I could laugh about it - after all, it was slim who didn't get the joke and it is rather ironic that he took measures against me, who was tacitly supporting the admin, rather than those who were complaining. But somehow, I don't feel like laughing.

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i suppose if you can't laugh about it, then it's time to take a break, and it was a gift in disguise.


let the admins do their job. it's frustrating (for us, admins) most of the time as is, peanut gallery comments only add to the frustration. let the admins admin.

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here's what you wrote in allchat:



*DEAD* Shiva the Divine Cosmic Dancer : it's not fair how there's no place for people to cuss in CSS


Whining and complaining = off


I just kicked you, you're a reg so play like a reg.

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