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GC 2007 Survey Results - Stuff to do?


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CS:S Division


A California server, Immutable. A west coast server, a california server...did I mention california server? :)


west coast server would be awesome...


I REALLY miss the no-scope server. I understand the reasoning for discontinuing it and don't blame you, I just miss it.


Unrestrict autosnipers on retrocedence. Hahaha




change up the maps on cs:s!!


More custom map time. If not another night per week, make Saturday Custom Map longer in duration.


1.6 server


You hooked us with Immutable and reeled in the line. but we're still here. Now we complain about high pings and full servers. A small 16-man westcoast pub to begin with is perfect.


Bring Back Scopeless :)


Add another full time no-scope server so we can have our regular scope-all-the-time server back!


Enable "sv_turbophysics 1" for CS servers. Less computation for the server and, in my opinion better game play. No more getting stuck on barrels and filing cabinets! :D


no scope server


Possibly look at some of your round times. Some maps people just camp and when your dead it takes too long and gets boring.


Bring back scopeless?


More maps on the CSS server in the regular rotation.


Don't ever stop hosting CS:S, cause that game rocks!


well i haven't been on in a while because i really enjoyed the noscope servers...so seein those again would be nice


Create links to the rest of the CS community. We link to you but your new website has no links!


There ya go.



Special Event Division


More special events like map night, zombies, gun game, assasinate maps, less repitition in the auto map votes.

More events with different games. Not to say you should get servers for everything, but maybe scope out some friendly servers along the way and hook up some events with them.


event like 'open sight slaughter' that was a monthly 10on10 team-play battle.


Make it OBVIOUS that there is going to be a gaming event. Most of the time I miss out on the gaming events and I had no idea they were even going on. It would be nice to know exactly when things are. Like in a calendar. Maybe have a gaming nights link to a calendar right next to chit-chat forum.


more matches or events that people (gc and non gc) would have to sign in for




More theme stuff...I love to mix it up...


The click question on this seemed positive. If you have ideas and want to lead...




Food Division




Free Beer. ;)


Bake me Cookies :)


You bake me cookies and give me beer.



Survey Division


Have more of these surveys to help let the community voice their opinions in a controlled manner.


Hmmmm. Might be opening a whole new can of worms. Maybe more surveys or discussion threads/topics?


No worms - there will be more of these (not for bit of course).



Party Division


Get a bigger UT presence for FragFest... somehow. :) -


Have parties (smaller than FF) more than once a year...maybe regional stuff.


How about a BBQ for the Minneapolis folks.


Another Escape LAN in the middle of the year to tide us over 'till FF08?


Par-tay. (I got nothing left in the post tank - sry)



Other Game Division



Battle Field 2


World of warcraft


Maybe promote more games like FlatOut2 that GC might not host a specific server for but are really fun. Even something like Hellgate: London would be awesome to rally the GC troops for (if it ends up being any good).


Oh, and I hope you host a Team Fortress 2 server when it comes out. :)


GamersCoalition. We are a coalition of gamers. I would take that to mean that we enjoy many different games. Not just to focus on one game (CSS, although I am excited about UT3 or the likes. I think we should continue to welcome all gamers like we are doing now.


This probably goes without saying, but there needs to be a server for Team Fortress 2 when that comes out.


Broaden the gaming horizon. CSS is an older game, and will contintue to age. Great new games are constantly on the horizon. Watch for them and use them. Perhaps a server specifically dedicated to trying out new releases?


We got half the monies if you want to kick start a new gc server gametype. You pick up half and get it cooking, eventually we can take over. If it flounders, you are only out half the server cost and your time.


That said, we are always looking at other gametypes to just go with but there has to be community demand.


I totally spaced asking about Team Fortress 2 - my bad.



Membership Division


Maybe this happens at board level, maybe not: I don't get the impression that there is any real "qualification" of new members. We obviously have some wonderful members today and loyal and great regulars. I remember a little while ago GC grew exponentially, there were names joining every day who I'd never heard of. Now only playing on 2 of what was then probably 5 servers it wasn't much of a surprise, but I do believe that it created a very fragmented community. A fragmented community where a lot of people felt $50 gave them rights, not that $50 just got them through the door and their actions would deem whether they were worthy. I personally believe it's why there was a such a quick (12 months?) rise and fall in membership/server traffic.


Payment is important to GC. Could the emails of people needing to renew be sent to them instead of a monthly listing of those needing to renew sent to every member on GC. I get tired of reading them.


Lower the cost of being a long time member


Set up a more graduated membership program. For example, For someone that wants to be a GC member but doesn't want an email/ftp/reserve, it'd be $25.


As mentioned in the click question responses - we're looking at this stuff.


And as for the renewal emails, ya know, we (Fatty) does what he does to save time, but with computers these days, yeah - this might not happen right away, but we can flip to just emails to those in need of renewing. We may harass you twice if it is your time though. Still, that would be 2 renewal emails vs 12 a year...



Stuff Division


Stop favoring people who are jerks just because they are your brother/cousin/whatever.


Perhaps a GC and VI community merge? Maybe not VI, but thats just an example. No suggestions, but that would possible solve a problem that I said in question 35.


Emphasize fun atmosphere on the server.


Just be careful not to do to much and let the your core competency slip. Excellent servers with great people where the whole family can enjoy a good game without worrying about nasty sprays, swearing, cheating, or other unsportsmanlike behavior. Keep up the good work! If my 10yr old son wanted to get into CS:S, I would only let him if he stayed with GC servers. You've earned a trust, and I hope you continue to strive to keep that trust!


Sponsor a competitive team. We have enough CAL M+ calibers within our community, or that are regulars who uphold our strong standards... sponsor them..


rekindle UT ONS!!!!!!!!! heh


Hook me up with Lunk


Let's relax. Real life is stressful enough. This community should be about fun. There is too much drama that gets taken out when someone has a negative moment (be it either some random turd, or a gc member who posts about something negative). I think it is very important to let the members know that they can talk w/o being removed, that opinions are heard and not immediately defended, and when someone makes an donkey of themselves, the more mature players have anticipated their later feelings and have not caused them to have to later defend what they would likely apologise for later. So, let's calm down. Remember this is a community build around having fun. Let's have fun.


I am totally unaware of this nepotism thing - honest.


Yay fun!


UT is teh fun - where you been weeknights between 8 and 11pm?


Remind me to have someone else do this next time... spent.


Thanks for your honesty folks.



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