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techsupport transcript for a friend


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user Ashley has entered room


analyst Joel_ has entered room


Ashley> hi


Joel_> Hi Ashley. Welcome to Sony Online Support. I’m Joel. Please allow me a moment to review your concern.


Joel_> Thank you for waiting, Ashley. I'm sorry that the Notebook is overheating. I'll be glad to assist you with this.


Ashley> yay


Joel_> Please give me a moment while I get the information the information overheating of the Notebook.


Ashley> okay...


Joel_> Thanks for waiting, Ashley.


Ashley> yup


Joel_> I would like to forward a link to a page where you can get the information on overheating of the Notebook.


Joel_> When you receive the link please click on it to open the page and let me know if you are able to view it.


Joel_> http://www.iq.sony.com/srvs/autoresponsev4.asp?id=198695


Ashley> okay one second while i look at this link


Joel_> Sure, please go ahead.


Ashley> is there a 24-7 line i can call?


Joel_> You can contact the Telephone support team.


Ashley> great


Ashley> does this line operate 24-7?


Joel_> They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Ashley> great


Ashley> what's the number?


Joel_> Please stay online while I escalate the chat to our Tier 2 agents.


Ashley> uhhhh okay?


Joel_> They will be able provide you the contact information of the Telephone support team.


Ashley> you can't do it?


Joel_> Please wait, while the problem is escalated to another analyst


analyst Joel_ has left room


analyst Alva_ has entered room


Alva_> Hi Ashley. I'm Alva. Please allow me a moment to review your concern.


Ashley> sweet


Ashley> joel said he had to go to lunch


Alva_> Thanks for waiting, Ashley. I have reviewed your chat transcript with the previous analyst and will be glad to provide you the contact information about our Telephone Support Team.


Ashley> lol great


Alva_> Ashley, you can contact our Telephone Support Team at 1-888-476-6972.



They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Alva_> I am sure they will resolve your issue quickly and efficiently.


Ashley> thanks much... tell joel to have a nice lunch

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