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We turned on Hardcore....then we modified it to make it more like the standard game play?


When the server was on regular hardcore, I saw a goodly amount of people in there--now I see a dropped off population. It now takes me two shots to kill someone with my m14 with stopping power instead of one, the radar map is on (if not active) at all times, and...well, I'm a little confused....



Why did we put hardcore on and then change hardcore to be more like standard gameplay? The whole point was that more of us liked hardcore better....or was this a temporary change and it's now back to normal? The only thing I think we should modify at all is the reflective FF (FF should be ON, but not reflective) and get rid of martyrdom and last stand (as those are incredibly lame)....

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The Idea of HC is there is no radar until called for with a 3 kill set. Having radar in HC is pointless actually. You can actually tweak some setting in HC if you like but then it isn't true HC. I noticed those thing also when I played the other day.


I second Mav on this one. Just a heads up.

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You had the server on HC for the last couple of days. It's now back to the way it was b4. It says its on HC but you still have the hud at all time and the kills are hard to get again. Don't know what happened but it was running great over the weekend but now its back to stock even though it says HC.


Just thought I would give a shout out.

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You can't use that Modern Rcon to switch modes like that. At least not that I know of. The problem with using that is its based off of COD2 commands. Thats what I found out when I tried to use it. Even though it has most of the features needed for COD4 the mode switch has a few changes in it that don't comply with 4.


When I had it I tried to change some things like that and found out the changes ended up completely different. You may want to just change it in the in web config. If you change it in the web config you can tweak it a little, say if you want the crosshairs to show and that kind of thing. Little tweaks like that will still leave it ranked. If you want I can throw you some of my old configs if you want to take a look at them and see what you can do with it.


I had set up a few specific ones here and there and had gotten some off the web. Anyways, thanks for the reply. Just PM me if you want those configs, I can e-mail ya the whole folder of everything I have if you want it. I closed my server months ago.

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