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Crazy PvP battle!


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OK, me and about 20 others decided that we should go harass the Elyos on their side for a change, so went over to the Eastern Shard I think it was, ganking about 15 Elyos as we went. We finally made it there to find a massive army of over 30 Elyos waiting for us, we rushed up to our guards by the elevator to the upper Abyss and beat them back. They came around to their side of the elevator and camped out at their guards. So there we were, a nice clean battle field between us with no mobs to get in our way, and a raised arena and everything heh. So its 20 Asmos vs 30+ Elyos right by their fortress. So we fought back and forth for OVER AN HOUR! I racked up 180 kills, and at least 215 Elyos deaths occurred! We killed the same people over and over again so many times that I kept getting messages that 'I was no longer able to gain pvp xp from that target'! In the end we had utterly destroyed them and they gave up and let us have the field, and we left victorious! It was AMAZING!!! I was pulling people left and right to their deaths, I killed at least 7 other Templars that way... so nice to beat them at their own game heh :)! Heh, everytime we won the center back we taunted them by showing our wings, it was quite the spectacle with 20 people with their wings out. Had a blast!




Wow, so exciting!






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