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Found 23 results

  1. Unclean

    Aion Update

    WOOT! Wait... what if someone set up a macro like this... /store /delay 31 min /store /delay 31 min /store /delay 31 min /store etc
  2. Unclean

    Aion history

    I just stumbled across this wiki on "The Lesser Key of Solomon", which is a book for weirdos that think they can summon demons. Anyway, one of them is called "King Asmodeus". I wonder if there's an angel equivalent like "King Elyosa". Kind of a neat read for the parallels to Aion. Oh, and one more thing - "daeva" is apparently a word meaning "demon". So all players "ascend" to demons? Is Aion actually satanic? That's kinda messed up if it is. Reminds me of a movie that came out a few years back where each child would get their own personal "demon", or personal pet. Was that the Golden Compass? Fishy.
  3. Unclean

    Aion Free Demo

    There are free demos of Aion available now - post up if you want an invite. It's a pretty cool game. What is Aion? Main Site
  4. I have a story to share, and I'll try to write this in a way that's non-MMO person friendly. So last night I'm in an area known for getting great equipment drops and experience. The problem is that it takes awhile for these harder-than-average ("elite") monsters to spawn. Basically, there's room for 1 person to be there comfortably, or 2 if they share. I show up there, and there's one person there. No biggie, we can share (or so I thought). He was there first, so I let him take the next elite monster that spawns. Then he comes back, and another one appears. He goes for that one too, but ends up catching the attention of two other elite monsters - he's probably going to die or escape by the skin of his teeth. So he runs away, the monsters reset. I take it, and he immediately attacks it too. Now this guy has his character at level 39 - mine is 36. That means he has the advantage - he has more health, can do more damage, has additional abilities available to him, etc. The way Aion is set up, whoever does more damage in this scenario gets the credit for the kill - they get the drops, but experience is shared. He gets the credit for the kill. I attack another one, and he goes after that one too. And another. And another. So I ask "what's your deal? Please attack your own monsters". He responds with "you started it". Mature, right? So I ask for a truce, since if he thought I stole one, he's stolen 4 of mine. He doesn't say anything, and goes after another one of mine. It's a bully! At least I'm still getting some experience from the kills, but he's getting all the stuff. So it's like I'm just helping him farm cool equipment, and he gets all the rewards. He's also rubbing it my face "thanks for helping me get all this great gear!" I decide to see if I can out-damage him, even though it's heavily stacked in his favor. So I start attacking monsters he's working on. I bring out all the big guns I have (even though his should be bigger). And somehow I get the credit for one! And another. And another. In fact, we roll through about 10 this way, and he keeps asking how I'm out-damaging him. I'm not entirely sure, but MAN! Was that an awesome feeling. Incidentally, with the first kill I got credit for, I got a rare item. It's like I was the third grader beating up the fifth grade bully. So have any of you had similar experiences? Something where you triumphed in seemingly insurmountable odds?
  5. Hey guys! As I've been playing in The Coalition I've had a great time and your guys are all awesome, however, it's quite desolate on the hours I'm on. The most I've ever seen online at one time has been 5 members and usually are always busy doing something else. So I'm sorta thinking about moving on to another legion just to find some more people to group up with etc. I have everyone on my friends list though and still intend to talk with you all. Or I'm open to merging with other members to another, larger, Legion. I just don't think The Coalition Legion is going to go anywhere anytime soon. :/ Iconic and Twilight Order, I have been told, are good Legions to be apart of (to throw names out there). I hate leaving and really wish The Coalition had a stronger build to it but I don't see it happening, especially without an active leader. I'm not disappearing though! I'll be around here and of course in game. ^^
  6. Okay, some of us are aware our brigade is passing down the 'owner' of the legion to someone else. My question is, who are we volunteering to take the place? I talked to some legion members and of us doesn't want that responsibility (including myself haha) due to the fact it takes hours for planning and recruiting. SO, who's it going to be? hehe other option for us was... 1. merge w/ a legion 2. join a legion and let everyone choose which way they want to go (my opinion: I personally would like to merge it with another legion or join/ whichever one. Some of us are in the high level already or even at max level :cough: Lousiest :luxhello:GRATS...anyway; I'd really like to start doing some raids and world bosses but that's really not possible the way we have been going ) does ANYONE want to take lead and start recruiting? Shaft? Shaft? hehe Unclean? or maybe LOB!?
  7. http://player.ku6.co...Gqed_OKSk/v.swf
  8. Hey guys just want to give you guys a heads up. I've been so busy at work and the raiding guild picked up some speed for somereason. I used to be able to two box them I just don't have the energy to lvl a toon. But as soon as you need anything for the legion send me a PM (i'll get a e-mail) or find Lobe or Sushie they have my number. I'll be there asap.
  9. Sedah

    so uhm....

    apparently us Sin's are capable of doing this... Killing Kromede solo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsoccWFJVF0 AND, farming Baluar elites solo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfHldq9d-d0 I have a lot to learn lol
  10. Did you guys know you can report bots? Just select them and type /AutoReportHunting, or go to your skills menu and drag the option onto your bar. http://help.ncsoft.com/cgi-bin/ncsoft.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=7495 How cool is that? I keep seeing farmers with the same last four letters (-sama) farming the same area over and over again. Time to try that out.
  11. Tried this out couple days ago, and I def. love it! lol Enjoying the cutscenes more than ever here are some examples - http://www.aionsource.com/forum/aion-discussion/15026-japanese-aion-voice-actors.html and the instructions - http://letspalapala.blogspot.com/
  12. Apparently we will be getting legion housing soon
  13. OK, me and about 20 others decided that we should go harass the Elyos on their side for a change, so went over to the Eastern Shard I think it was, ganking about 15 Elyos as we went. We finally made it there to find a massive army of over 30 Elyos waiting for us, we rushed up to our guards by the elevator to the upper Abyss and beat them back. They came around to their side of the elevator and camped out at their guards. So there we were, a nice clean battle field between us, with a raised arena and everything heh. So its 20 Asmos vs 30+ Elyos right by their fortress. So we fought back and forth for OVER AN HOUR! I racked up 186 kills, and at least 215 Elyos deaths occurred! We killed the same people over and over again so many times that I kept getting messages that 'I was no longer able to gain pvp xp from that target'! In the end we had utterly destroyed them and they gave up, and we left victorious! It was AMAZING!!! I was pulling people left and right to their deaths, I killed at least 7 other Templars that way... so nice to beat them at their own game heh ! Wow, so exciting! Shaftiel
  14. OK, me and about 20 others decided that we should go harass the Elyos on their side for a change, so went over to the Eastern Shard I think it was, ganking about 15 Elyos as we went. We finally made it there to find a massive army of over 30 Elyos waiting for us, we rushed up to our guards by the elevator to the upper Abyss and beat them back. They came around to their side of the elevator and camped out at their guards. So there we were, a nice clean battle field between us with no mobs to get in our way, and a raised arena and everything heh. So its 20 Asmos vs 30+ Elyos right by their fortress. So we fought back and forth for OVER AN HOUR! I racked up 180 kills, and at least 215 Elyos deaths occurred! We killed the same people over and over again so many times that I kept getting messages that 'I was no longer able to gain pvp xp from that target'! In the end we had utterly destroyed them and they gave up and let us have the field, and we left victorious! It was AMAZING!!! I was pulling people left and right to their deaths, I killed at least 7 other Templars that way... so nice to beat them at their own game heh ! Heh, everytime we won the center back we taunted them by showing our wings, it was quite the spectacle with 20 people with their wings out. Had a blast! Wow, so exciting! Shaftiel
  15. Sedah

    Servers for Aion

    Aight, making another thread; other thread is gettin fuzzy Lumiel & Triniel will most likely be the 2 servers we will be using after some long research via lousiest and votes I suppose? anyways, reservation for your character name/server starts tomorrow 18th 12pm PST > Clicky < and 2day headstart will begin on sunday the 20th [people that pre-ordered CE that is; correct me if I'm wrong hehe]
  16. I have a ever growing list of friends that want to come play Aion with me. And so that we don't all go rolling the same classes... (if I forgot names sorry... currently at work.) Ebil - Templar Ebil's Friend 1 - Sorcerer or Templar Ebil's Friend 2 - Ranger Ebil's Friend 3 - Chanter Ebil's Friend 4 - Templar Ebil's Friend 5 - Cleric (maybe) Ebil's Friend 6 - Ranger Dragon - Gladiator Sedah - Assassin Unclean - Cleric Shaft - Templar Lousiest - Ranger JackieChan - Assassin Rufio - Gladiator WTB casters? lol
  17. Not sure when we'll be getting them. Some are saying we'll only be getting them on release day, while others are saying we'll get them during head-start tomorrow. Here's a news feed from the official Aion website, with instructions on how to get the items. But it does not tell you when they will be available
  18. Here's a thread to discuss legion names. I'm not sure if this is already somewhere else. I've been leaning towards Saligia, which is an mnemonic for the 7 deadly sins in latin: superbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira, acedia. I've also created toons on Lumiel and Israphel (couldn't get on Triniel). If we decide to go there, I'm sure it won't be a problem getting on once we're live. Shathashin
  19. Okay, the OB for Aion ended today and we got a couple days before the full release comes out, seeing who's all gonna be playing it...don't forget CE ppl get a 2day headstart which is sunday and get to reserve your gaming name ahead of time. so far that I know of are...lousient,shaftiel,barashin,jackiechan,zaph]barashin's friend], & myself of course and I believe ebil and unclean are playing? not 100% sure on that also; some of us talked about creating a 'legion'...still tryin to figure out a name for that lol so lets give out suggestions oh yea, what class is everyone doing?; Sedah = Scout>Assassin[main] Priest>Chanter[alt]
  20. Mostly to make it easier for myself to find these links, and hopefully be of some use to everyone who's playing the game. If you find any good stuff (especially if you've played in the closed and open Betas) feel free to add to this 1. Getting started KFGuides' Aion Beginner Guide - Explains the core concepts of the game Gliding - Basically when to press "W" and when not to to maximize glide time. Wish I had known this earlier Gathering Enchancments, manastones and godstones Titles 2. Once you've obtained your wings Crafting - Only available once you've completed your Ascension quest and gain access to the capital city Stigma stones 3. On reaching the Abyss Thulf's Abyss guide - Explains fortresses, sieges, Abyss Points, Abyss Ranks Tips for PvP'ing. Also, here's a list of what abnormal statuses (sleep, stun, etc) can and cannot be cured (and why Clerics fare better in this dept) 4. Stuff I wish I knew earlier Enemy status bar explained - So that's what those dots meant Macros - Scripting mechanism in Aion. Very easy to use Avoiding unwanted PvP All you need to know about wings - You get better wings at higher levels! Level up your gethering skills - Totally ignored this during Beta. Thankfully we had Chen 5. Game mechanics Base stats - Each class comes with a fixed, i.e they don't increase as you level, set of base stats. This guide is still incomplete though Character stats, XP, DP explained - How grouping affects XP gained, what role stats play, etc How attack damage is calculated - How attack-manastones and weapon enhancing come into play Maximizing DPS - If you're only stacking physical-crit- and/or attack-manastones Finally, I found the class forums at AionSource to be quite informative. The mechanic analysis forum is also very interesting (read: less complaining). *** Credit goes to the author of these guides ***
  21. There are about 6 or 7 GC folk that are going to be playing the open beta for a promising new MMO, Aion Online. It starts today (Sunday) at 9am PST. Come crash the server with us! -Unclean Here are some useful links: About AION / download client: http://na.aiononline.com/uk/about/?src=hdr AION servers and Beta start time clock: http://kindred.aion.tv/status/ Gameplay Tutorial Videos: http://www.aionsource.com/forum/general-guides/17045-aion-video-tutorials.html
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