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We need a smarter shuffle


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Hence as to why I said for some that may be too tall of an order ;). Without naming names, maybe a suggestion into prodding people to stick with teams might be negative reinforcement from the regulars policing themselves. If a regular switches sides with the obvious reason to stack teams and win, just issue a votekick and have them rejoin the server should they get caught stacking. My thought line is that, if a regular is unwilling to help the losing team as best as they can (by stacking or rage quitting) then good riddance, let someone else willing to do the job teach the new blood how to play 10v10. I don't believe that regulars should be thought of as immune to votekicks especially when it comes to stacking.


I agree that the Members should be held to a higher standard. If the Members are unwilling to step up to the plate then their status should be downgrade to the Donors: Let them have spectator spots, !hats, !lights, and other cosmetic stuffs, but remove the !votekick and other moderating privileges. Perhaps once the members recognize and understand their responsibilities we will have a more welcoming community.


Regarding team stacking, since topic has moved away from improving team scramble to team stacking rather than derailing the thread I started a new thread here: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/41619-suggestion-stacking-deterant/

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Nice. I took a look at it. Can you perhaps send me a copy of the server contents, or take a look for me?


In the common.php file, there is a function

function createtablerowtooltip($row, $i)


it creates this variable:

$ppm_versus = number_format(getppm($row['points_survivors'] + $row['points_infected'], $row['playtime_versus']), 2);


That's for getting the ppm. The other stats are very similar, if you check out the common.php file. I think the $row indicates the player identifier, or maybe there is a function for that.


But maybe you can send me the .php file where the server commands are in. I just need the scramble command code and the code that displays player rank and such when you join the server. Combined, it should be enough to program our own excellent scrambler. If you'd like to create this thing together trough skype, that's a possibility too.


Or is the server using the l4d2scores.sp file? (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1029519) Because then I think I might already have these functions!

Edited by yourbestfriend
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