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A nonaddictive mmo?


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I just read this article about GW2 and thought it was interesting enough to share.




I've owned GW2 since launch and haven't gotten past the character creator. My primary fear for touching the game is my insatiable compulsion to never stop playing an MMO once I start (I logged over 1500 hours in Rift in the short 5 months or so that I played it). Is this article overstating things? Is it really possible to get the full experience of GW2 and only play it a few hours a week?

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I just read this article about GW2 and thought it was interesting enough to share.




I've owned GW2 since launch and haven't gotten past the character creator. My primary fear for touching the game is my insatiable compulsion to never stop playing an MMO once I start (I logged over 1500 hours in Rift in the short 5 months or so that I played it). Is this article overstating things? Is it really possible to get the full experience of GW2 and only play it a few hours a week?


I cannot wrap me head around this, and I use to play WoW. Jackie knows, we played together. I normally play when friends are playing. Then again I played it from 8pm~2am at nights and got up at 8am~10am


P.S I said normally and not always.

Edited by ValenAlvern
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GW2 is a fun game and I could agree that it's non-addictive. I haven't put as many hours in as some but I have enjoyed what time I did spend in the world and I look forward to spending more time there. Perhaps its not GW2 that's non-addictive though and more so that most of us have put many hours in to a previous MMO and that is what has broken the addiction. I've played a few MMO's after I was addicted to WoW and never had the same compulsion to throw thousands or hours at any of the others.

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I'd recommend you don't get into WvW too much, then. There's 3-way matches that pit game servers (worlds) against each other on a weekly basis. Points are scored and tallied every 15 minutes based on how much of the WvW map your world controls--at the end of the week whoever has the highest score wins... pretty fun, but there is potential there to be sucked in for huge amounts of time.


I myself have sat reloading and firing a trebuchet in sieges that have lasted 2 hours just to bring down one section of wall... epic, but maybe you shouldn't go there. :happy:

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I'd recommend you don't get into WvW too much, then. There's 3-way matches that pit game servers (worlds) against each other on a weekly basis. Points are scored and tallied every 15 minutes based on how much of the WvW map your world controls--at the end of the week whoever has the highest score wins... pretty fun, but there is potential there to be sucked in for huge amounts of time.


I myself have sat reloading and firing a trebuchet in sieges that have lasted 2 hours just to bring down one section of wall... epic, but maybe you shouldn't go there. :happy:

Hahaha that is why I never left after lvl16. :dork:

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