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De-queuing a tank?


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Sometimes, there are points in a map where there are several people who have tanks and tanks begin to get backed up into queue.

I sometimes myself, being in the queue, more often than naught, feel like I could have contributed better to the team than to have bought a tank and wait for the queue.

Although tanks are indeed a game changer, I was wondering if you have placed a tank into the queue that you could get your 50 points back and drop out of the queue, kind of like selling your tank before actually using it, or maybe where the buy tank option is, change to something like "De-queue Tank (refund 50 points)." Not sure if it would be possible to tell who has bought a tank and is in queue instead of someone who is actually a tank, although I won't doubt the power of coding because it can do some cool things.

Just a suggestion, because sometimes I buy a tank, go into queue and other people are like, we need the tank limit increased. I'm like, dang I could have helped there instead of being the 2nd or 3rd tank in queue.

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