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Why banned for 1 month?


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Player GIJoeWOW

Steam ID STEAM_1:1:17694682 Steam Community 76561197995655093 Invoked on 10-02-15 21:47 Banlength 1 mo Expires on 11-01-15 20:47 Reason AFK, came back briefly while dying, left after dying. Was main. Banned by Admin Johnny Banned from Web Ban Total Bans 5 (search) Blocked (1) GIJoeWOW

  I am just wondering bc honestly I do not even remember this last night although it is probably true.  I was slightly intoxicated at 11:15 and going from server 1 to 2.

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Gonna wait for Johnny on the specifics.


However, I'll add this: intoxicated or not, rules are rules. You're still responsible for your actions, and following the rules. 

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Welcome back to the forums, whitegreyhat.


Let me summarize your AFK history.  You have a reputation within GC for going AFK all the time.  In one game with multiple admins on, including San and Peanut, you went AFK repeatedly.  This issue was discussed, and you were warned both in the game and messaged about it.  Not even 24 hours have passed, you went AFK again and you received a ban for it ( http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/46187-gijoewow/).  The ban was lifted and you agreed not to go AFK again.  Yet, within these past few weeks, I still hear complaints about you going AFK and Peanut even sent you a message to remind you not to go AFK anymore about 2-3 weeks ago.


Exhibit 1:  You going AFK at a major chokepoint.  Can you see how this screws your team over?









Exhibit 2:  You are a main, and you are AFK.  Not to mention you were killed and that smoker gained so many points off you to buy chargers.  Can you see how this totally screws your team over?  People are so fed up with you going AFK, they don't even bother to come back to save you.  Even the bots left you!  Please don’t lol and leave after doing your team dirty like that.



You are responsible for your words and actions on the servers, and being drunk is not a legitimate excuse.  Banning for being AFK is ridiculous but your level of AFK-ing is ridiculous.  It is borderline griefing as you consistently screws your team over by not contributing, kicking out non-member regulars when you rejoin, and rotating the mains around. 

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Ok first of all i never said I was drunk and i remember the game your demo was in.  I was not afk, i pressed the windows button and when i came back was smoked and it ended up killing me bc everyone left, someone tried to help but your demo ends before it shows that.  My actions were never intended to upset or make anyone think im griefing.   I want to say a lot more but I am so sick of trying to defend myself,  I have always tried to be welcoming and friendly to members, admins, and other players.  But i give up this is not a community I will be returning to because of this.

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Also when you permabanned me the first time I had no clue that it was a problem.  Other admins had to explain to me why it upsets other plays because of changing mains, etc.  And I really have stop doing that exponentially to what I was doing it.  As far as the first game u posted, it was a train wreck and we were beating the other team by ending the game 20 feet from the safe room.  I was afk but there as you can see me typing.  As I said its not like I was purposely trying to mess up the game and definitely have come a long way since this was first brought up.

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I apologize for assuming you were drunk, but regardless of your state of sobriety or lack thereof, your actions and words are your sole responsibility the moment you log onto the servers. 


The excessive frequency of your AFK-ing has become an issue we need to address immediately. Your reasons for going AFK is none of my business, but it becomes a problem when it affects the rest of the server.  There are 9 other players on your team and 19 other players on the server whose time and fun are equally as important as yours, and by going AFK, you negatively affect their gaming experience in various ways.  I can’t state this any more clearly.


Prior to your first AFK ban, Peanut specifically PMed and discussed the issue with you.  Then the issue was discussed in your unban request.  Peanut recently reminded you to not go AFK excessively.  Even after the first ban where you agreed to not go repeatedly AFK anymore, I have seen you go AFK repeatedly on a members twitch over multiple campaigns, and members are still complaining.


In a competitive 10 vs. 10 game, it is unreasonable (and their frustration is understandable) to expect an entire team to wait for a single player or risk themselves protecting a team mate who keeps repeatedly going AFK, or have a team mate who is not contributing at all times.  There is a very simple solution – please play when you can commit the time.  The admins have discussed this issue numerous times with you.

Edited by MeJohnny
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Hey Joewow

we reduced ban time to a week.  I know you have tried to stop this from being a problem, and you did it cut it down dramatically.  Just so we clarify this, you used to go afk all the time, multiple times every round.  I had more complaints about this issue with you, from players, than I think I ever had about any other issue in this game.  It is a silly thing, but it messes up the game for a lot of people.   However, after you were previously banned and warned and understood the problem, I think you stopped doing it. 


Hopefully we can just all move on with this.

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