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Hey anyone in here a drummer, and loves playing them? :huh: I am going to get into them and start taking lessons, and play them. Any suggestions or things you can tell me before I get into them, and start playing. I always wanted to play the drums and read the notes, witch Im gonna start very soon. If you are a drummer what do you like about them, and why? Cause I really want to know what you think about them. Thanks and I would really appriciate it! :D

Edited by Jeffe
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if you can pat your belly with your right hand, rub your head with your left then switch all while tapping your right foot... the I tihnk you got it made. Drummers are also always sought after for bands... It was funny... back home I played in a bunch of shows... and I remmber one night our drummer never left the stage, but three bands played....


As far as equipment goes... as for any instrument you should really find out how serious you are about it. If you know you're gonna love what you're playing and you're gonna play for a long long time you should drop the extra dough for a decent instrument (I've heard Pearl is a good manufacturer and Zidjilin(sp) are great for cymbals)

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Longhair is right about the equpment.... I bought my peal export series set in 99 and i hardly ever played em. They are collecting dust in my basement.. after that whole jazz thingy i was in, in middle school. Then when i was in high school i went to marching band in the drumline. I regret those days without earplugs. (lost some of my hearing :( )

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i myself am an avid drummer of 13 years. What can i help you with sir?


I myself am mostly into Jazz right now. Used to own a kit but since i dont play that much anymore got rid of it. I am in a few bands but i'm a keyboard player now.


As far as drums go. It all depends on how serious you want to get. You're going to want the best at the very beginning (like everyone) but you have to ask yourself if it's really worth it.


If your planning on playing some rock. A good starting kit you can find at a local pawn shop, they're going around always. If you get lucky you might find a really good kit. Start off with a regular 5 piece: 2 toms, floor tom, bass drum, and snare. For Cymbals, get a hi-hat, a crash and a ride cymbal. That's all you need for a starter kit. Depending on where you wanna go with it in the future (whichever genre you choose) you can customize your kit according to your style and taste.


What do i like about drums? well i like how you have to control what ever limb is doing. It's like multitasking. keeping rhythm is fun and making up stuff while still in time is great too. If you want some more in depth talk about hardware or learning gimme a shout i'll tell ya what i know

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Pearl Export = :boo:


Yeah, I'm a drummer. Drumming is cool, but keep in mind that if you join a band, there are some drawbacks. First off, you've got the heaviest rig, by far. And YOU have to carry it 90% of the time. Sometimes your bandmate's will be nice and help you bring equipment from the car to the stage, but picking it up, packing it, and setting it up when you get to a gig, as well as tear down, are your job, and drums are not the easiest thing to move. Second, and this one only applies to those who like the spotlight, the drummer is in the back. You seldom get noticed. Girls flock to the singer and guitar player, and even occasionally the bassist. Not the drummer. Maybe one girl will venture back to see the drummer. Usually, she's the best one anyway, though. She's a little above mauling the hottie up front, and seeks a little conversation, plus she's shy, so she goes to the guy who seems to also be shy, or at least doesn't have any friends around, the drummer.


Learning to read notes is pointless. Listen to lots of music, your favorite kinds, and try to figure out what the drummer is doing. The most basic rock beat you can learn, and must learn, is this:

on the hi-hat- 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and | 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and | ....

on the snare- 2 4 | 2 4 | ....

on the bass- 1 3 | 1 3 | ...


that's it. keep repeating that, and every once in awhile add in a different measure. two tapps with the snare on "4 and" or a different bass drum pattern. You'll learn lots of different variations to make a totally unique groove, but they all build off that single pattern. Learn it, learn it well.

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Thanks so much guys alot of information you said brings me to the conclusion that I really want to play. Crowbar,

Yeah that is pretty hard to carry it, and the band for me isn't gonna be for the girls :). If I join a band its gonna be for me, and the music I represent. Yeah I was reading the drum notes and all they tell me is whole note 1, half note 1 | 3. Then you know the rest. Ill work on it, and practice when I get the drums. It's not like im gonna get them right away I have to tell my perents im devoted, and I really diserve them. When I get them ill rock!


Hey thats pretty cool that you were the same age when Im gonna start them. Well I am looking for heavy metal, punk, and rock, or anything loud. The music I listen to is all I want to be like. When I start ill try to look for that kit thanks! Yeah making rythm is fun and im excited about getting into it. Thanks alot!


Hey yeah Ill keep that in mind, and sounds pretty cool. The equipment comes in handy to know all about it, when your just starting.


Thanks and when I get the drums Ill keep everything, what you guys said in my head, and remember it. I really want to do this, and have fun on the way!

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have fun!. Yeah Crowbar i totally know what you mean. In my jazz band i'm the drummer so i get to lug around this pearl export kit. Heh the one thing that teed me off. I played in highschool in this jazz band and our music teacher never got the school to invest in covers for the drums (for transport) get this. the last week of school (my final year) guess what they get, just to spite me.


I'll show them.....i'll show them all


yeah lugging around a kit is not fun but if you can simplify then you should be alright. If you do get into a band in the future and you have gigs. Get a cymbal case, get a hardware case, get drum cases and a drumstick case then you'll be fine. But go easy on the start. What Crow recommended was good. Simple rock beat.

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my best friend is a drummer...he learned to read music but he even said it was poitnless sometimes. he now just puts his ear to a speaker and can hear the drum playing and can pick up what hes playing and then goes and sits on his set and plays it. i myself was the singer in a band for awhile and i myself picked up ona few things from my friend when we were bored. drums are really fun to play i think.


By the type of music u want to play i can tell you if you wanna hear some good drum solos dl chad sexson...hes the drummer for 311 and he is made crazy in my book. he has a long one in the song "Applied Science its about 3-4 mins long. Also the drummer for Dave Mathews Band is pretty crazy too. If you want more samples just let me know i have plenty that range from jazz to punk to marching band you anme it and im sure me and my friend have it.

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Guest Demize
Guest Demize
Guest Demize

Go for it man. Once you start you can't stop It's addicting.. Best thing to remember. Start slow and learn to play rythms at all paces 4-8-16... and try not to quicken pace intill you have a good grasp on the grooves/beats you are playing. If you know what you are doing you can make a cardboard box sound bad Azz :)



I try to play as much as I can and not to knock any other instruments what so ever. They all rock. But I think playing drums and wanting to be as good as you can takes the most dedication and practice. Just because your using your entire body as an intrument. Good fun :)



Whats realy fun is playing mind teaser beats and making your-self pull off some crazy grooves.


and learn you love the ever so fun paraddidles LRLLRLRRLRLLRLRR.

being Left and Right hand strokes.. Practice practice!

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