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the ring

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Due, to being a novice mapper I have decided to re-build the map from the ground up.


I have learned that leaks suck! I've learned that to control them you must keep scales in tact

and not deviate. I have deviated and paid the price. I cannot find a leak and it's killing me!!!

So off I am to recreate.



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hahah cowboy soooo true man. It's killing me. I found a backup dvd I made with the map in a older state where I plugged up a few leaks I had from carving. So I'm jumping back a bit but its better than starting over.




and whats so hard to understand what I wrote about leaks. If you don't know what they are just ask. I really don't want to have to explain a leak and scales and crap like that to get everyone to understand. Funny how cowboy understood. Anyhow I guess I'll just tell you.


When you build a map you have a scale to work with. A grid is setup in certain settings. 32 or 16 (increments of 16). If you switch back and forth in different sessions (which can happen easily) then you get all screwed up if you leave 2 walls not perfectly lined up. Usually walls are ok but when you get curves and odd shaped polygons its a flippin nightmare. So you have to test as you build little by little. If you just build it all you'll probably never find the leak. The leak means the light in the game is rendered and it goes into the void of the 3d universe of Half life so the light never bounces back and it messes up everything. PAIN.


if still you do not understand then re-read and re-read agin till the little light turns on.

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