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Food for Thought..

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I'm finding this whole site a good read..


"Her that halteth"

Q.47: Why do you emphasize Houses of Hospitality rather than political coalitions?

A. Because James 1:27 says,


Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this,

To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and

to keep himself unspotted from the world.


I desire with my whole heart to be a person of "pure religion." I want to be the kind of person who spontaneously, and from the heart, has the compassion of Jesus, and visits the weak and afflicted. For this reason, it is absolutely vital that I remain "unspotted" by the agenda, mythology, and weltänschauüng of the world. The world-and-life view of our culture is summed up in the phrases


"survival of the fittest,"

"looking out for number one,"

"I’m not going to let him get away with that," and

"take this job and shove it."

It is an impure religion of the worship of self, and the denial of God. It is the refusal to love even our enemy, and to follow Jesus to the Cross. It is the religion of Secular Humanism. I must get these ideas out of my head if I am to live a life characterized by the "works of mercy" which Jesus said are necessary if I wanted to be at Christ’s right hand (Matthew 25:34). The emphasis in Scripture is on our relationship with the weak and abandoned, the crippled and those who cannot repay us. [back to Micah 4.]



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I'd just consider it more fundamental thinking than what is usually associated with Christians today. It's talking alot about Micah the prophet.. Why do you feel it is bashing Christianity? It does seem a bit out there.. Can we get another translation? lol

I found it searching for "catholicism vs christianity"..

I just thought that bit I quoted made alot of sense..

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oh yeah that bit was awesome. But basically it takes a very far right point of view from the bible. It says we are to be anarchists. Where does that come form? They give some very odd references for whatever they state. Odd, and most likely off-base. they bash every type of "Christian" except those that follow what they think. Its kinda wierd. Playaa and Dweez take care of this one. I'm not really up for it...

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