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Everything posted by Dark_Cripple

  1. I do beleive the servers don't appear on after the other when browsing for servers on the internet tab, and if their alredy in your favorits, chacne are, you've been won over. i really don't think it makes a difference, but then, it's the long names that bother me.. and "Default Css" isn't exactly eye catching in it's self. i love seeing Gc working so hard though, and perhaps down the road i might join up, but right now i lack any method of payment, and the last thing i need is something to encourage me to play MORE, when i should be studying heres a second Canadians 2 cents....Eh.
  2. am i the only one that plays with no changes or binds? the only thing i've modified is my mouse sensitivity, and clicked that little button in the options to make weapons switches faster... i'm so noob.
  3. Bots? as in..stand in, active when the server is low on people bots? i hate bots, no matter how well they try to make it so bots might "miss" you when your hiding, they still see you, and god forbid a bot gets a sniper rifle, because bots don't have aim problems, it's always this, dead center shot that you can't match. (unless your haxoring like K-wix does )
  4. most of the choppyness is just the intense maps i beleive, generally you only load up small areas, but when your outside, i beleive you load up every outside area in the general part of the game. (you can see other areas from certain places) i have the patch, and i'm also running it off the cd crack. (1.2 cd crack isn't exactly easy to find...friends help) running it with out the cd seems to make a big difference. any advice i could give owuld be simply to turn down the graphics on things that are far away, and to stay the hell away from the freaky ocean house. (you really don't have a choice..) give me a heads up on msn if you want to try out the cd crack to see if it fixes teh choppyness...but "obviously" i won't send it to you if your going to use it to pirate the game...nooo..never..
  5. Has anyone played this yet? it runs on the steam engine, and while the gameplay and fighting is somewhat choppy, it compensates by throwing you into a rather nice story and scenereo. Currently i'm trying to get a ghost out of a mansion, you would think this wouldn't bother me, considering it's a vampire game, but ghosts freak me out. and this is by far, the most freaky part of any game i've played so far.
  6. the first time i used it was on pira...something or other (can never remember the name.) in anycase, the t's usually have the b bomb site camped as you come out of a little door way, i was first out, and using the YMP i dropped about 4 guys, 3 shots each or so, i fell in love with it. Sadly, i can't get these bursts of skill latley. and k-wix, stick to your clarion, your godly with that weapon.
  7. actually, i enjoyed the fact that they didn't let you see much from the train in HL2, your use to blackmesa, which, untill the accident, was basicly our culture at work. But now you get cast into an event and you have no idea whats going on, but slowly it unfolds in front of you. i rather like it. and to the person far up above this post who said he'd take a shot a tthe g-man, i've been dead accurate with the magnum, does nothing someday the freeman will truly be free.
  8. The only problem is the more realistic they make night vision, the less you'll see on most maps. i had the opportunity to try a pair of night vision goggels once, the woods were bright as day, and when i looked back at a light in the town, i went blind in greeness. unless you have an all balck map, then nv would pick up the littlest lightbulb and blind you. and i thought you could make the current NV brighter with the cammand +NvGadjust but it never works.
  9. I by far would use the UMP over the ak47, or the defender. the ump constantly amazes me by beating down m4's and ballpup's. It fires horribly slowly, but the shots are deadly painful, and often horribly accurate, even while spraying. Often 2-3 shots bring soemone down, (save kevlar...) or you just end up with headshots. edit ( i beleive it's called de_piranesi, unless thats the one with teh castle, then i have no idea.)
  10. I quite enjoyed the 3 hour trainride, especially since you had no idea what black mesa was. Once you had passed everything, you quickly realised how deep a complex it is, and once the accident happens..well, then you realised your @#$#'d. i remember seeing the gman and always shooting at him.
  11. I haven't heard good things about the 6000's, i'm still useing my gf5700, it works great ^.^
  12. The other forum i belong to is like this, a genereal maximum of 30 people or so, while it can be quite depressing to see the forums somewhat unpopulated at times, it makes a big difference in terms of people getting involved, i agree.
  13. This is probably the first time ever i've read a "noobie" (not calling you a noob.) post and haven't seen flaming right after. I'm glad everyone is so nice here. And welcome to teh forums, where i have resided a whole 3 days.
  14. I don't think anyone would feel you were revealing to much, People like this don't deserve privacy rights.
  15. "It's a legitimate stratagy!" *runs off* if someone found a way to mod the night vision so that it was heat vision though, that would be uber. i know it's not exactly feasable, thats a big jump. but hey, it would be cool.
  16. i honestly don't understand how people can't see the difference between white/black, and green/black and on that note.. why at CT names blue and not green?
  17. Oh that is so cool. i just spent 15 minuts looking through my profile, i just discovered my "skill" went up by 130 ^.^ and highly unexpected, shodan is my 4th most killed person o.O, but he's also killed me more then any one else, (31)
  18. A good 1/2 of my deaths are being shot by spray from someone on the otherside of a hall, it annoys me to no end. When i hold the button down that long, my bullets might as well be shot into the ground, but when others do it, i'm like a magnet. and the jumping up and down doesn't work for me... As your the multikeys beep problem, i found it did that alot with my old keyboard, but not with my new one, i think it's just the make. but what do i know...
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