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Everything posted by Hambone

  1. Ah, it's been awhile. One of my favorite things to do was get everyone to level 99 in Mandalia Plains before going to Dorter, then giving them all Two Swords and making them monks... Shelling out 1998 to enemies that have 140 hit points max. Pwnd.
  2. Don't. More room for housing for me.
  3. Buddhism does believe in afterlife. The afterlife is what you try and avoid, in all forms of Buddhism. Nirvana, exctinction, is your goal. Afterlife (rebirth) is prolonged suffering in the wheel of Samsara. "Buddhists can go to heaven" lacks understanding of Buddhist fundamentals.
  4. Graphics don't make a game. Like FX said, UO. I did play it, and the graphics are sucky. It is the best MMORPG that will ever be made. It was one of the first, everything else judges itself as a result of its UO predecessor. The Shadowbane graphics, in spite of the unjustifiable bashing, are good. The gameplay (I have 1 friend who has the beta), is good.
  5. UO + Good Graphics + EQ - The Lameness of EQ = Shadowbane
  6. Hambone

    bunny hopping

    A glitch is not a "cheat," correct. It's called an "exploit". Using the gaming engine to produce an effect not intended.
  7. test (At the end of the day....)
  8. plea (changed the default posts per page)
  9. I'm thinking of three different letters..
  10. FFT > FF10 > FF7 > FF3 > FF2 > FF9 > FF8 10 was unbelievably stellar. I loved it. Tactics is the best though. Nothing better than 2 swords Excalibur/Ragnarok killing Ajora in 1 hit
  11. It was only for 60 minutes, to give you some time to cool down.
  12. I was an extreme newbie. I wandered onto [Mmmm] Platinum when they were playing as_oilrig. Had a great time, played a 3v3 and did good by any standard, which was a first for me. Then the map changed to starwars, and being a newb, I was terribly impressed by the map. So then I lost the servers IP, but by chance came across it again when I was just flipping through servers trying to find a good one. I started playing there alot, and W1lc0 invited me to join his clan, and I've been in the community/Th3Fall3N ever since.
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