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Everything posted by MikioZen

  1. ill get someone to go over muffys house and check it out if you want? if there is proof.....with trist its a 50 - 50 chance ya know/
  2. ive played with him he is a pretty skilled guy
  3. Bahh link = devil look at the video highlights
  4. WATCH IT!!! interview of when he came out java script:LaunchMediaModule('http://cgi.techtv.com/mediamodule?action=view&version=20020926144730&video_src=/thescreensavers/08202001/ss00912301a&width=320&height=240&vidsection=3200042&add_date=998290800&start=&end=&duration=&bitrates=')
  5. well hes going to be on a special episode of the screensavers a show on tech tv www.techtv.com and this is right when he gets out of jail for his famous hacking spree and this will be the first time he will be touching a computer sense his arrest its going to be a good watch so watch it. if you live in cali then i might be local but for the easterner betta get digital cable or go over a persons house with digital cable (like me ) to watch it. this is going to be good so WATCH IT. channel 341 for me i dunno for you.. www.techtv.com www.thescreensavers.com mikz
  6. i know...ive been naughty...send it way....what was that like 3 seconds after i posted i get yelled at....sniff new record
  7. the forums anti hax prog is working eh? click the link NOW FOOL!!!!
  8. lookie lookie.... .,,ccc$$hcccccc,. .zd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c,. .zd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c, ,c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c, z$$$$$$$$???"""""'.,,.`"?$$$$$$$$$$$ d$$$$$$??,zcd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h ,$$$$$$F,z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c,`""?$$$$$h $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h.`"$$$$h . zF,$$$$$$$$$$?????$$$$$$$$$$$$$?????$$r ;?$$$ $. ,$P'd"$$$$$$P" .,c,,.J$$$$$$$$$"',cc,_`?h.`$$$$ $L ,$$". $ $$$$P",c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$',$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$ $$c, d$',$ $.`$$P c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$ $$$$C d$ ,$P $$ ?$',$$$$???$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$??"""?$$$ <$$$ $$$$$ z$F,$$ `$$ $ ?$" "$$$.?$$$ $$$P c??c, ?$.<$$',$$$$$h ,$" $F ,F ?$ $ F ,="?$$c,`$$F $$"z$$',$' ,$$P $h.`$ ?$$$$$F d$ $P J$ $$F L ",,J$$$F <$hc$$ "$L,`??????,J$$$.` z$$$$$ ?F,$',$F $$ c$c,,,,,c,,J$$$$$$$ ?$$$c,,,c$$$$$$F. $$$$$$ `$$',$$ $$$$$$$$F"',$$$$$$$$$$h ?$$$L;;$$$??$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ `F"$$$$$$$$$$$$""""?"""h $$$$$$$"$,d$$$$ $$$$$' $$$$$$. h `$$$$$$$$$$$cccc$$c,zJ$$$$$P' $$$$$P',$$$$P $$$$$$$ "$c "?$$$$$$$$$$$$??$$$$$$$$" ,d$$$P",d$$$$P ?$$$$$$h ?$$c.`?$$$$$$$$$' <$$$$$' ,$$$" ,$$$$$" `$$$$$$$h "$$$c,"$$$$$$$' `$$$P ,$$$' ,c$$$$$' `$$$$$$$c "$$$c`?$$$$$ $$$ ,$$P' z$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$. ?$$c ?$$$$ $$$ $$F ,d$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$ "$$h`$$$$ $$$ ,$$ ,d$$$$$$' `$$$$$$L $$$ $$$F d$$P J$F d$$$$$P ?$$."$$ `$$ ?$$' z$$$F $P $$$$$$' `$$$c`? ?$.`$$hc, cd$$F ,$' $$$$$$ $$$$c `$$c$$$$$$$$$",c$' $$$$$$ $$$$$ `?$$$$$$$$$$$$P' $$$$$$> $$$$$ `"?$$$$$$$P" $$$$$$L ;$$$$$ `"""' ?$$$$$$. and . . `!! `~ ~- . -~ . ` ::WWX!tWu. '~~` ~ .: :MM$R$8$N$$$Wi. < ` . ~`! @R$MR$R$$$$$$@@RMHHX~~- ~ ' ` . .XHQSMM$RB$8$$$$$88D99`#i .X: !~ .XM?X!XMMBMt$M$$$M$$%RMRMe.`.??!!: .X$$9?MS5RX@RB$$$$$$HHH5RMM!MM!!!!X ~~~ !M$$M8R$M$$M$Q@$$$$$$B$?$5MMMX@$M!!: :. `!!#RRH$$5$M!< """"XH$MQ9MM*M"@< :~ X` '"R! '!!X?#H@N%!~ '!$! : >- :<!X::!!. :!8M! .:!" : :.::$$b .- . '$BMM .XH> !RMXM$$$N$$$$R!!$$$$$$$~@#!!~ '$8B:@$W@H! 4X99$@XMM$RBSU@$$$$$$$$$~!~!`<! .` ?$$$W@!! `~~!!!X!H76MMBR$$$$$$$M&~!!!X~ !: #$$$$@"! <!!!!7MM?X`xM$B$RMR#! ~!! ~.. `"` !~.'~!:!!!/!X! d@ix.. """".: .~!!!:!!!X!~.uM#MM$$$$!!,. ~! `<~!!~X!!H!?"`ueesuuu,";;"` !: ! !!tH!!n@BRX ``"``` .~'< ~<X: `MM!!""#MStW$MHMWXxx:< ~ ~MX~ !!!<(~!!.X~X!MM!HR!! ' f !X$b. ! !. ! ` : $R$$$W< .=" #?M$$$8Nx. :!< ` -` `@!!!?!**"#$$X!W$$$MXW! ` ' "" `"`WH! ^"*> ` `. . ' ~- - . ` ` . *.: :XWX: "UXUu:$RMWWU$$$$$X #$R$$$M$$$$$$$$$W ================================ these might not come out right http://users.inetw.net/~mullen/asciiart.htm
  9. http://www.smilepop.com/index.cfm?action=v...418&page_id=418 ------------- OFF TOPIC LOL --------------------------
  10. MikioZen

    CT lans?

    www.lanparty.com have informed me there are about 3 ct lan tourneys this december i for one might go to. This one in Storrs (UCONN) http://www.lanparty.com/parties/7722.shtml
  11. Well they pushed it back cuz they want it to run like a sport... spectator sport so it can go straight into the cpl and evolve gaming as we know it... I heard this from angel himself somewhere i think it was a cs movie or from sogamed it was from a interview with him... so when CZ comes out BE ReaDy
  12. DoP handled loosing Original well Why cant Other clan do the same?
  13. hmmm..... Bug, toka and i showed up at the Dunkin Donuts where were you and barto?........thats what i thought See, the lan dont lie!!!
  14. frankly i dont think it will work, welll maybe for CAL-o or something cuz for cal you need a lot of time on your hads....that best way it to make a team with local players and go lanning it up at a pc arena ( like this www.pcgamingarena.com) it s Quite hard to get into cal-i without being close to eachother unless you are like 3d who live in different states but still manage to pracitce up the ying yang... but as we see team rival who live new them show them up by wining cal-i last season....solution CT vs. Iowa Rushing into cal is not fun p.s. billy jean is not my lover
  15. wait why does moss get images in his sig and we dont?
  16. lol the arvg clan has like 8 or 9 peeps in cal, you have like 20 not enoguh people you must be kidding me you have lazyness
  17. woot i feel a 1v1 comming on!!!!!
  18. Lol i see mack and talent there all the time but talent plays under a diff name.... Speakeasy Offensive is also a good server and XS
  19. Ive played with Scatman who is by far the best player ever because he used to be in Dop but left , he was the best in the clan and now he is a pub bum. getting kicked after like 7 rounds. anywho i played with him through Jordan aka Nallix all you [Rangers] should remember him. and Every time i l0ok at him there was a hs on me. he was on 56k and still the only way i could kill him was when he lagged the finaly score was 62-2 before we decided to stop the murder...... also ive played with dop on speakeasy and they were good to but i think 3d, ipx or rival are better now. my money on rival cuz they won cal-i but ipx won cpl (i think)
  20. *Cough * Boblee... Boblee... Boblee...
  21. Playaa where you get your comp from......MOSS WHERE IS YOU MOVIE LEMME DL IT!!!
  22. it was talents and my cousin is 5 yrs old we duke it out in halo and syhipon filter (spelling is stupid) sine he was 3.9 almost 4 and he is one of the most mature smart and un agressive kid in the world. i mean jeez hes 10 yrs younger then me yet he ownz me at some of my own games
  23. The Affect Adults as Much as they Affect its just that when a adult does something they dont blame all adults but when a kid does something bad its open season on our arse. CRAZY TEENS, TERRIBLE TEENS they say. what about that guy who lost his job and commited suscide over everquest? Adults get affected too, you think that just because you know more and you have more of a education means that you are more responsable? thats crazy, 99% of teens are not stupid enough to go too far. thats why there are school shootings about 4 times out of past ten yrs. and that is the same amount of adult "Taking a game too far" This is the future, the age difference are shrinking people are getting more mature at a younger age. for example i want fatty or some other adult to ask there parents about what math course they took there freshman year...they would prolly say Algebra, or even something else..well now a days 40% of the freshman class is taking Geometry and Chem. and it is only going to increase. We are not stupid, we are not reckless and we are not holigans, we are teens. It annoys me when people say games are to mature for kids LOL then why make games. you think we cant handle it then dont make it. No offence but i think it is more dangerous to put it in a Adult Hand then a KID or CHILD hand cuz a adult can do something. the DC sniper he went out and got a gun. even though he didnt play video games it is still a good example of how adult are more capable of killing people then we are. going back to the EverQuest guy: heres a quote from Wired.com http://www.wired.com/news/games/0,2101,51490,00.html "One of the things I personally would like is for them to look into his account," Woolley said. "He quit his job the week before he did this and played (the game) the whole week, and I want to see if there was something that made him do this because he didn't have any major crises in his life." that sound like a addiction to me and this was a Adult, he Quit his job and played the game for a whole week...where was the media on this? if it were a teen it would of been a Bigger story ---------------------------- To Contra: The peope are not MADE violent by CS they were already violent and CS when cs was put in there hands...the parents fault..if u notice your son...err duaghter is acting funny then take the Cs away...simple but the parents just dont care n e more.... --------------------------- Here my Views Talent GL P.S. You know how happy i would be if you used me as a Quote? Quote by MikZ: "i want fatty or some other adult to ask there parents about what math course they took there freshman year...they would prolly say Algebra, or even something else..well now a days 40% of the freshman class is taking Geometry and Chem. and it is only going to increase. We are not stupid, we are not reckless and we are not holigans, we are teens." Think about it!
  24. logictech wireless optical, eats AA batteries like non other. LOL i cant play with non duracell batteries or the battery explodes....and the sad thing is im not joking im going to give this 60$ mounse to my 233mhz IBM Actvia and bust out a corded optical soon WOOT
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