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Everything posted by Pestilence

  1. hehe yeahh i assure you tho, it was all show
  2. I agree with ya 100%. I'm glad they never sold out!! 10 yrs ago I saw them at a local pub.. Mabe 100 ppl there max. And they rocked out in a big way.. All of the ppl there were big fans so it was alot of fun.. I actually got to sit down with Fat Mike and buy him a beer.. Way 1337.. My favorite album is still "Ribbed" though.. my favorite nofx album is maximum rock n roll.. Ever heard of it? I bought it at a hippy cd store place, i've never seen it in mall stores. anyways its wayy cool or liberal animation is the first one i heard. i heard they suck live is their live album, thats pretty cool too, but they were my favorite punk band back in the day. Hotdog in a hallway, stickin in my eye, six pack girls, i live in a cake thats me on the beach side combing the sand metal meter in my hand supporting a pocket full of change there are a few other punk bands i like that are/were on the epitaph label like osker, zeke, gas huffer, voodoo glow skulls, and many more... rancid is a fav of mine too as for green day, they were cool like in 8th grade, they were punk, but i don't like them anymore, sellouts... reminds me of that song sell out by reel big fish.. EDIT: Someone put their chocolate in my peanutbutter
  3. LoL, it is an awesome game, flying the jets, driving the tanks and if you can find a good server with good teamwork it makes that all the more fun. BTW don't be mad but it wasn't me flying, but i'm practicing. I just wanted to look cool. anyways, i'm glad you like the video as much as i do.
  4. I hope that is a joke. My g/f is dumb like that, but i'm trying to make her smarter.
  5. Rammstein Kmfdm Chemical Bros. Dust Bros. Old 70's music and of course my Nine Inch Nails I miss Layne Staley and AIC. Their music sure takes me back.
  6. Gym was the best class, I would have paid to have gym all day, not sit out. Who wants to sit out of gym? Bah!
  7. 'Tis very fun. Its very hard to fly too. For a noob like me anyways. i don't know how they can handle a jet like that. When I fly, I can't even turn around very good.
  8. Maybe if she was a little bit prettier I would feel more sorry for her.
  9. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7...216709723&q=bf2 someone filmed me flying a jet in battlefield 2
  10. Let me guess, Batman is the one with the skidmarks? =)
  11. Idiots...it's only a territory, like Puerto Rico Canada is America Jr.
  12. Anyone who is old enough ever try Sparks energy drink? Its alright.
  13. I would have pry done the same thing by showboating, but I woulda just done something simple. I don't exactly know what she did, but I think its funny it cost her the gold. If I messed it up I would be more embarressed then anything, but I would get over it. Its always funnier when it happens to someone else. Why do they call it showboating anyways?
  14. The song is called "Oh Yeah" and its by "Yello" I don't like it enough to get it tho, it can can old fast.
  15. I would go back to when I was 15 and tell myself to never give up my dream of being a proffessional football player and then tell myself to get in contact with some scouts from colleges that could give me scholarships and tell myself to tell my coach I want to carry the ball as opposed to being a fat-man lineman. I would tell myself to never give up.
  16. Someone told me once, that in Syberia (where it gets extremely cold) they sometimes use vodka or some other kind of potato made drink to start there engines. Has anyone ever heard this? Sounds like a test for Myth Busters.
  17. Norris is overrated. Dolph Lungren > Bruce Lee > Jean Claude Van Dam > Steven Seagal > Zombie Chuck
  18. LoL, I like Duff Man's music.
  19. LoL, yes I am, I could use it in this cold!
  20. Pestilence


    My truck thermometer said -17 pry -30 something with wind chill
  21. I wonder who does Duff Man, Ohh YEA!!! or McBain I miss Phil Hartmen doin Troy McClure.
  22. I like seeing people making fools of themselves. Like momma always said, "Don't count your chickens before your eggs hatch."
  23. mine played it, you have to copy the link then go up top where it says windows media player above now playing right click and hi lite file open url then paste it and it should connect, thats how i did it anyways
  24. yea its cold here too, my truck said -17 without wind chill, i went to go to the store and i was closing my car door my poor fingers stuck to the metal door, ouchie!! then i was getting ready to put gas in my truck and i touched the pump and i got insta-freeeze on my other hand, double ouchie!!
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