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soul .gc

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Everything posted by soul .gc

  1. Ham...what did we evolve from then? It had to be some form of Amoeba or bacteria that started it all. There could have been some on the ground (doubtful), most likely it was from the water. That is exactly why I say evolution is not the whole answer....creationism is and then it worked hand in hand with evolution. Or are you saying that spontaneously a mammal appeared or a fish appeared? Nature cannot be constant - Mathematical FACT. Anytime there is an outside factor then it is NO constant. Even you have to admit that. Which laws are always constant, please provide some examples. As far as extending Human life...we will see. I have not seen anyone live past 120 years in recorded history yet. As far as you wanting scientific explanations of why they lived longer...I cannot provide any except to say...it takes to faith to believe it the same as you have faith to disbelieve it. As to your question on a beginning and an end. Do you not believe our planet will die? What about the Sun? Suns die every day. If we could see Supernovas with the naked eye throughout the universes we would see one explode every minute. Our planet and life could end today, tomorrow, anytime at all. Did you know that there are thousands of comets in our galaxy that are civilization and planet killers? Recently a comet went by our planet less then 500,000 miles away..it was big enough to wipe out all life on the planet....the real scary part is that no one knew it until 3 days after it missed us.
  2. Xterminator---you check with your Brother again? When I managed a help desk in Atlanta I loaded a nifty program on all the peoples computers that I could use to see what they were doing from my PC, since we were all networked. I coudl also spam their machines with random talk and remotely shut them down and log them off. It was a hack I found on the net that worked great... If I were you I would be talking to your brother instead of thinkin about some hacker out there. What hacker in his right mind would type "I';m in, I got in, I'm in" after hacking you. sounds like someone havin some fun with you hehe.
  3. Ham--equating the documentation of the Civil war to the documentation of the creation of the Earth is a far cry from fair. The only one around then was God and his possie. So, I was not there, you were not there, no one was friggin there for milions of years. So to equate the recorded history of the Civil War to recorded history of creation is just wrong. As to why I laughed about 1 generation......we were talking about Noah and his 600 year life who died thousands of years ago and I said how about if Aging evolved in man since the beginning of time. Then you throw in a comment about how aging just changes in 1 generation...I never said that or implied that. Love is more powerful then Hate and comes first in a humans development. Now...as to Nature is Constant.....I would like to thank you for proving yourself wrong. "Part of evolution is luck." Luck is not a constant. So, thanks again for that. You also say, "Humans are not related to fruit flies, or worms.". I was under the impression that everything on the planet evolved from the same organism. Is this not true? Did worms and flies evolve differently? Was there more then one type of amoeba at first?
  4. hahahahahha You now draw into the Civil war and the state of the country as it is withoin the last few hundred years? We have recorded proof of the Civil War, of the Revolutionary War, of the egyptians, the Asians, the African tribes. What I was referring to and you would understand if you reread the comments was far before that. hahaha..1 generation? lol Once again we get off on a tangent. I think I am done seeing as how you are not moving in your view and neither am I. "Nature is constant" That is a very incorrect statement or else you throw off your entire evolution theory since we constant would not include mutations and new species. One last thing on the Hate issue. This again is something we will never prove. I feel sorry for you a little that you think this way, a lot of joy is lost this way. But we could end up in the psychological argument for months and still never resolve the issue to either of our satisfaction. What you descibe about the baby and that feelingbeing Hate is incorrect. That feeling would be helplessness.
  5. Once again Ham---we comeback to the point of I cannot prove to you they lived that long and you cannot prove to me they did not. You CAN prove that modern homosapiens age and die mostly between 70-90 years of age. Who knows what effects the atmosphere, the conditions, etc...had on these people. We have a lot of facts running around that point to the way things are NOW...not then. We did not evolve from an Amoeba? then what did we evolve from? After this "mysterious" bang and our solar system is formed and our planet cools down, we just appear? Animals just spring into growth? plants spring into growth? Just curious. As to your Hate before Love theory...I completely disagree. Did you hate your mom then love her as time went by? What about your father? If HAte truly comes first then you must hate more then you love in order to continually balance that equation. You bring Locke into the discussion and he is someone who wrote his views in the 1600's and those have been refuted and discussed countless times in the last 300 years.
  6. Hambone--How do we know that we did not evolve aging, maybe people used to live for centuries at a time, then as years went by the human body developed aging? OR as a result of a Sin we all are forced to age. Your argument is very good if we are talking about a body structure in the present time....which we are not. I guess we will always be at an impass. You will believe your scientific, "show me proof" stance and I will continue with my duality belief that Evolution and Creationism both happened. It is my opinion, and belief, that a higher power did create the Earth, Sun, Galaxy, Universe, and everything else and then set us on the path of evolution with little pushes as we progressed. You are right and wrong on childbirth. It is mapped out as to what happens each step of the way...what is not mapped out is why it happens and how we came to give birth. If you honestly believe that we evolved from that first amoeba to what we are today then good for you. I, however, do not believe this. I could probably believe part of it...all the way up until you get to the brain. and thought patterns. This is something that is still not understood to this day. Sure, we can say how the brain is physically formed and created....but how about how we think? How we store memories, feelings, beliefs.... Hate came before love??? How? You think that the primitive guy back in the pre-stone age was sitting around with his collection of women and kids, dragging them around by their hair and when they died he did not care? How could Hate come before love? you have to love something in order to develop hate when it is taken away....you cannot have Hate without Love...it cannot exist. DoD--I called him Mr. Facts because he is...all he wants is facts. It had no derogatory conotation so please stop reading too much into this.
  7. Ham--like I said, there is no proof of the Soul...what I am relaying is my own opinion of it and how it comes about. As far as the universe--You give a nice explanation of the way some scientists say the galaxy was formed--what about stars? Did they just pop into being? I am familiar with Anitmatter and some scientifics views of its abilities, but that is pointless to argue. "The primitive Earth atmosphere (Oparin) contained the necessary elements for water, so it didn't just appear out of nowhere." Once again we are dealing with Faith since there is no factual evidence of this. You believe that water came about due to conditions while I believe it was a result of a higher power helping set the stage for our introduction. The bible is not here to give us a scientific breakdown of How we evolved. It is here to provide a stepstone for us to learn a little about God, It is here to show us that Faith should be a cornerstone of your character. Here is a good question Mr Facts: Do you love your parents? Yes? Why? If there is no belief in God or a higher power then what is Love? What is Hate? Who taught us these emotions/feelings? Here is something for you to research. Have you ever looked at Childbirth? Read up on it and everything that happens on a week by week basis. See how the baby is formed, what happens in the Uterus as the pregnancy proceeds. Doctors cannot recreate this accurately yet. The human mind is an Enigma to everyone at this point. We only use 5percent I believe of our total brain power--why? How is the brain formed? Evolution formed this? Boy we have come a long way since that single amoeba in the lake that appeared out of nowhere.
  8. 1) whiplashsaysrangersstink 2) Linchsmellsallthetime 3) Fall3NwillwinMCC4
  9. Here is what I had listed in another forum when this thread got closed the first time...interested on your thoughts: I see a lot of prove Evolutionism wrong and point out errors. Many scientists themselves say they have no idea how the world was formed. Theory 1) By chance, Billions and billions and billions of years ago there was nothing at all. Then...somehow, out of nowhere, there is an explosion and gas particles start to collide and coalesce(sp) together. As they get mass they start to pull in other bigger objects and stars are formed...then the stars with their mass pull bigger objects out of the sky that begin to rotate around them (planets). Eventually Earth had Water appear on it due to condensation or some other phenomenom, and then as billions of years went by bacteria was formed and died and formed again much better then before until it formed Amoeba, then mammals, then land animals, then dinosaurs---then a comet hit and wiped out all life for thousands of years---then life started all over again but this time Man came about and evolved to what we are today--waiting on the next comet to appear. Theory 2) By chance, Billions and billions and billions of years ago a being(s) far vaster then we could ever imagine created the earth and the galaxy. He then left it to develop and eventually helped along life as time went by, helping us develop and improve and creating us in his image. Nowhere does it say Evolution did not occur with creationism, they are NOT independent of each other, they are joined hand in hand. Remember, Moses wrote those books from what God let him know. God did not tell him to write down an exact detail for all the disbelievers in the future, give em a highlight of what happened. It takes faith to believe in Me, I do not have to prove my existence to you. No one has proof of how the earth and life on it was brought about, let alone the Galaxy and Galaxies surrounding us. So which theory is more believeable to you? Both are equally impossible for the human mind to fully grasp, both take FAITH to believe in, both are amazing. NEITHER can be proven while alive.
  10. If you are looking for proof of the Soul you will not find it. It, like belief in a higher power, requires Faith. Actually, your view on evolutionism requires faith as well since no one can prove factually how the galaxy was formed. My thoughts are that each person has a soul at the time of birth. The soul develops as the person does, adjusting and defining the person as the person themself defines the Soul. The Soul is not the genetic code of the person but the spiritual makeup of the person. There is no mass in my opinion since it is incorporeal. I am not here to prove to you the existence of my soul, just to say that I believe I have one.
  11. There has been nothing disrespectful in awhile....since Fat editted Hambones post yesterday morning.
  12. Then this will probably get deleted and I will start it on Th3Fall3N forums...why should it not be discussed? Close ourselves off from other peoples opinions? Why not listen and learn a little about how others think and why they think things? It can only serve to better you as a person, if it is that offending then just do not read...
  13. Ok...saw the first one was closed so I started another. This is good stuff and should be openly discussed. By closing threads we only close off opinions. Anyway, I see a lot of prove Evolutionism wrong and point out errors. Many scientists themselves say they have no idea how the world was formed. Theory 1) By chance, Billions and billions and billions of years ago there was nothing at all. Then...somehow, out of nowhere, there is an explosion and gas particles start to collide and coalesce(sp) together. As they get mass they start to pull in other bigger objects and stars are formed...then the stars with their mass pull bigger objects out of the sky that begin to rotate around them (planets). Eventually Earth had Water appear on it due to condensation or some other phenomenom, and then as billions of years went by bacteria was formed and died and formed again much better then before until it formed Amoeba, then mammals, then land animals, then dinosaurs---then a comet hit and wiped out all life for thousands of years---then life started all over again but this time Man came about and evolved to what we are today--waiting on the next comet to appear. Theory 2) By chance, Billions and billions and billions of years ago a being(s) far vaster then we could ever imagine created the earth and the galaxy. He then left it to develop and eventually helped along life as time went by, helping us develop and improve and creating us in his image. Nowhere does it say Evolution did not occur with creationism, they are NOT independent of each other, they are joined hand in hand. Remember, Moses wrote those books from what God let him know. God did not tell him to write down an exact detail for all the disbelievers in the future, give em a highlight of what happened. It takes faith to believe in me, I do not have to prove my existence to you. No one has proof of how the earth and life on it was brought about, let alone the Galaxy and Galaxies surrounding us. So which theory is more believeable to you? Both are equally impossible for the human mind to fully grasp, both take FAITH to believe in, both are amazing. NEITHER can be proven while alive.
  14. I guess this is getting nowhere. It takes faith to believe in both sides and neither side wants to give an inch. I do believe and will continue to believe in a higher power. If you choose to not believe in one that is your right but I would think it would get depressing as you get older knowing there isnothing but Dirt and cheap pine waiting on you.
  15. "if u read what i wrote correctly i did say that many prinipals of releigion are geneius and great.....but if a leader of a government saves hundreds of lifes and makes his country but he kills one man does that make that man good? (compareing the man to releigion) " Please rephrase this as I have no idea what you are saying. I believe you are saying Religion is great and for Geniuses but that if a leader of a country saves tons of lives and makes his country great, yet he kills one man. Does this make that one man good? which man? the slain man? the leader? Are you trying to compare when Christ gave his life for our sins (according to some religions)? Are you talking about Arafat and his religious zeal? Trying to find out. Also..did you know that not many words in that paragraph are spelled correctly? I am not flaming you about it, it just helps an argument if it is posted with proper grammar and spelling.
  16. Hambone---it is about respect as well. I know you think you are right, as others feel they are right. The best way is to respect both sides and then present your points in a clear and concise manner. Why be so inflammatory in your arguments? To be fair it is not just you, I am just using you as the scapegoat.
  17. "But I do agree with MC Ranger, that this thread would be better closed or deleted. " Why? It is honest, open communication about peoples thoughts ont he subject? Ever wonder why some people build up resentment on issues and people? becuase they cannot express themselves anywhere. Sorry...I just hate to see something deleted or locked because people are talking about an inflammatory subject.
  18. "My point about this post being deleted is that this forum was created for Christian beliefs, not as a posting ground for atheists trying to convert people or disprove God." It is here for Religious discussions is what it says in the forum header...not just christianity.
  19. One other thing--- We have tests we grade a students performance on and then, as a whole, the school. What did people do when the tests started to fall in scores? Teach harder? talk to kids and tutor them? Look at the problem? Nope---they lowered the standards everyone was graded on in order to "make it more fair"---what a load of poop.
  20. IT is all part of the "Dumbing down of America" We are ranked in the bottom 10 worldwide for education standards. We SUCK when it comes to educating our kids basically. Sorry Fat...but overall we do suck. We have a school year that has 3 months off in the summer....why? Becuase farmers used to havee to work the hardest and kids needed that time off to help families get the crops in. We need to end this since that has not been needed for the last 100 years. We have too many regulations governing our teachers and schools. We need to privatize Education. Let a company run it and give teachers raises based on results, not tenure. Get the Union OUT of it. Unions are outdated and in education only serve to protect the teacher themselves, not the students. More later maybe.
  21. "becuase of releigion" Mack--Because of Religion we have the USA to live in with its freedoms (although some of the laws are moronic) Because of Religion - We have an existence - People have believed in Deitys since man could first think. Also...Did you know that Christianity is not even close to the major religion in the world? Your argument can go either way. You ever look at the money in your pocket to see what is printed on it? Those that keep bringing up "Religion is responsible for most atrocities in history" are only seeing the negative half. Religion has been around since man could think. Do some research before opening your fingers on the keyboard. You can also say that Man is responsible for most atrocities" or that "Science is responsible" Religion does not make a person better then others. Religion can help people discover themselves and find faith to keep going. If you have no faith in the "afterlife" then what is the point of going on? When you die you just rot away and that is the end of it all? Admins--Why delete something? people obviously want to talk about the subject and voice opinions, you made the forum for open discussion on religion...it is healthy. After reading these posts I wonder how Mack and Hambone could make their comments unless they are intentionally trying to goad response and get attention. Just my opinion.
  22. I swear a LOT in the game. That is why I like the filter so no one actually knows what I am saying.....I cannot swear on the phone at EDS people even though they deserve it so it needs an outlet somewhere. On the original Fall3N server the filter was not on.....a few people got mad at me, so I kinda need the filter for my problem. My name is Soul, I am a CS swearaholic.
  23. If you ever played EQ then you gotta go read these stories. They made me cry I was laughing so hard. http://eq.crgaming.com/skater/ [link]http://eq.crgaming.com/skater/[/link]
  24. The worst is when someone plays under an Alias then says "hahaha, you know me", like I give a poop at this point...I wish I did not know you by now. You wanna play under an alias then why spend all the time under your original name? Wanna play as an alias, fine. Then do not sit there and say stupid comments in game making people know you are someone else....nothin irritates me faster and I see it happen a helluva lot lately. /rant off
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