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Everything posted by Demoner

  1. i too have an 83+ i'd be willing to get rid of but not my ti 89 as that is too great to part with for work. if you change your mind let me know cause i'll glad get rid of my 83+ for any reasonable offer.
  2. I'd definitely open up your case first, my first guess is something wasn't quite tightly plugged back in. I've had cleaned my case before booted up fine but later suddenly shut down on me. All because my hard drive cord wasn't plugged in fully.
  3. Sorry to hear that, I hope you're able to get back to normal quickly!
  4. yeah no live draft those things take too long. I've never tried it online but I can't imagine it being any faster than in person.
  5. well either way man, Happy riding. Yeah 700 miles in one day is a bit nutz and crazy if you ask me. I've gone back in forth from school on my cycle 360miles one way, but even that i found to be a long ride. Granted my bike is 33yrs old and not very big so. I guess depending on what their riding (I'm guessing all 500cc and up) it probably wouldn't be quite as bad. Either way does sound like a fun trip. Now I really wish my cycle wouldn't of broken down on me this past 4th of july weekend
  6. how far north are you planning on going thru the U.P. ? I suggest making a trip all the way up to Copper Harbor if you get the chance. Really, cool to see this time of year and right when the leaves are changing colors. Either way I hope you enjoy the trip and look forward to seeing pics!
  7. good to know for getting rid of your annoying neighborhood dogs that bark until 2am, poop on your lawn, or simply your neighbors who don't take care or train their dogs. Anyone know the number for the Madison ASPCA Chapter? lol don't worry i haven't done this. this idea was considered last summer up at school to our neighbors but no one ever did it just talked about it.
  8. well think about it, no Mondays mean most of us would only work 4 days a week instead of your normal 5. Tuesdays would be the new Monday but only a 4 day work week would make tuesday a little bit better don't you think?
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