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Everything posted by mrX

  1. Plays nicely. I get a consistent 80ish ping. Have only had one instance of rubberbanding which was about 1-2 seconds and a couple of stutters. But my distance from the server is the likely culprit. It's actually quite clean in there. Some random curses that were quickly brought in line with a reminder. Only had to kick 1 person for repeated cursing. He came back and I don't believe he did it any longer. New faces around too. Asking what gc is, etc.
  2. mrX

    Start Money

    I'd be better off dead without my two dollars....
  3. This apathy really peeves me. It's poor. Not much more to say. I'd certainly not lift a ban on this.
  4. These weren't the result of the recent ban upgrade:
  5. He was in that list I posted in the Board room. That was a backup from 1/3/06. So it was from prior to that.
  6. I moved this over here for more general exposure.
  7. I started with an Atari XE (can't remember which, think it was the 65) and a tape drive. http://www.atarimuseum.com/computers/8BITS/XE/xesystems.html That got returned to the stored and traded in for a Commodore 128D. Had prolly 200 games for the Commodore. The ones I remember playing hours and hours on were Super Huey, Beach Head I & II, One on One (Dr. J v. Larry Bird I think), and Way of the Exploding Fist (I think that was the name) Got my first PC in 1992. Opened the case as soon as I got it home, poked around, then loaded up "The 7th Guest" and my cousin Justin and I played it the rest of the night. Next came Myst. The rest have been a blur as there've been a lot. Of course, I played the Atari, Odyssey (KC Munchkins was great), Colecovision, Segas stuff, and all the Nintendo varieties. Also have had both playstations. Never have played an Xbox tho. Then, in college, Lunk called me about a game called Team Fortress Classic, and then later about a beta of Counterstrike. Think those were my first real "online" games.
  8. Got it working on atm. NE died and wouldn't come back.
  9. mrX


    What confused me was that the ban was lifted without even letting me respond. Then followed up with "I'll let X respond". The ban was basically mooted by being lifted already. Dunno how many times I've seen the "we'll let the admin who banned you respond" in the banned forums before action is taken. The only times this really doesn't happen are on mistake bans, or those that are older. But certainly not in situations like this. As for a GC member, I dunno. I'd ban anyone for killing hosties purposely. Shouldn't have to worry about GC members doing it tho, so I'm not sure there's a need to treat them specially when they do. No apologies or anything were needed. I'll do what I think is right and re-ban in situations like this. If there's some question as to the reasonableness of a ban, well, that's a different topic. The ban's been removed btw.
  10. mrX


    Please do not lift my bans for me. The general respect given to other admins should extend to me. I rarely ban so I'm not sure why this happened. As for what happened, that's not really disputed. This was poor sportsmanship, especially given the situation. I was playing at the time of this. I would of likely lifted this tomorrow sometime, but certainly not within an hour of the ban. The onus was not on me to respond to this. I've re-added the ban for now. I can add more specific "whys" to this as needed if anyone would question what was happening in the server at the time. But, lifting it right away is not proper.
  11. mrX


    Killing hosties to win the round. It was blatant. 2 shots from an AWP isn't a misfire.
  12. mrX


    Unbanned. It was a misfire, others on my team told me it was you. It was Sid.
  13. It's from the MCC IV championship. http://mmmmcs.com/mcc/standings.shtml
  14. Sometimes these strike me funny. I read this as "Your Honor, I didn't purposely run the light, I was just driving recklessly by not paying attention." Anyway, if this were here, and you were asking my advice, I'd ask what your driving record is like and what benefit there might be to fighting it. If you rarely get tickets, I'd say pay it. If it put you at risk of losing your license, I'd say set a court date and let the prosecutor know your predicament. They're generally reasonable; just remember you have to be reasonable too.
  15. Some reading on loss/choke and other good stuff to know: http://whisper.ausgamers.com/wiki/index.php/Tickrate#Choke Any loss would likely be server-wide if it were the server's connection. Likely it's your local ISPs hiccupping.
  16. How many hypos did you need to get through to pull that one off barry? I was thinking Sammy, being "corked" and all.
  17. You're unbanned. Had your Steam ID wrong in the first post: ID: STEAM_0:0:3034825 http://caleague.com/?page=user&userid=92071 BTW, nothing else readily apparent from the logs as a reason for this, as in language or attitude.
  18. mrX

    AIM Server

    Done about 9 this morning.
  19. mrX

    The Toledo Show

    Not sure I'd wanna blow up something so pricey. But if you're in to shooting at them, and happen to be in the UK: http://www.e-vents.co.uk/html/ultimateshotguntarget.html Or do it yourself as this video shows: Link to post
  20. mrX

    Self portrait

    Is this uncle Walt posing for one of those L.H. Oswald photos?
  21. mrX

    The Toledo Show

    Here's a link to other people's pics of the show: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=502622 Check out the Hitec robot video. That really was a neat little gadget.
  22. mrX

    The Toledo Show

    Most of them are made from plastic and balsa wood, which makes them relatively light. Some are covered with cloth, others with a special film. I've never built anything like this, prolly never will. They are thousands of dollars and are used for competition. I believe they all fly. Every one I looked at had a real motor. A competition website: http://www.scalemasters.org/Home.html TORKS (the local guys here that fly these kinda things): http://www.torks.com/
  23. mrX

    The Toledo Show

    Went to the Toledo Show yesterday. http://www.toledoshow.com This was my second year going there and still amazed at how many people go to this thing, and the neat planes and other stuff on display. These are some pics I took. Amazes me the detail that goes into some of these things, and that someone would risk flying them after all the work. Plane pics 1 Plane pics 2 Plane pics 3 Heli pic 1 Heli pic 2 A HUGE plane Some Jets
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