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Everything posted by mrX

  1. Trying to see it as funny, but we were talking about a singular plugin, so I can't get past the "that sounds weird as a plural" in my head. Woulda flowed much better as "Maybe your die is loaded" in some strange way to me. Pointing out the pun immediately after .... well Carry on.
  2. Well now...... I heard you had a brother and I suspect he will come in some time and do these misdeeds. So you've given me an idea: preemptive banning. No need to wait for the event; just ban now and apologize now. Then when the misdeed occurs, we can say "told ya so" and move on. Thank you for volunteering for this new horizon in server management. Although your ban has already expired, maybe this idea of psychic banning will become a new norm in the CS community. I suspect Hambone is already in tune with this philosophy, as he already knows the length and reason. A true professional in the making. Anyways, .
  3. Chuck, m0m has the .sma file to compile the version on our server. I'll get it next time I talk to him and edit it. Saw your post on AMX Ace, and have been keeping that in mind. Not sure what the issue is just yet. Have you tried recompiling it with the .inc files in the 0.9.3 release? or an older version by chance? Do you possibly have something loading mapcycle.txt on map change? Or try this version: Download here.
  4. Have you figured out the issue yet? Might wanna wait till after that's solved to try to reconnect. Anyways, put your WonID up in here so we have it.
  5. I edited line 38 to read: And that allows rolldice to be default off without any settings at all.
  6. Just last night I went back to playing Anarchy Online for a bit (been away 6 months) and noticed this in one of my nano chargers. Kinda funny I thought.
  7. mrX


    The avatar is a scene from MCC4 Championship of a DOH guy getting a headshot, although it's too small to tell. Still thought it turned out to be neat tho.
  8. mrX


    Fat's right, there should be some servers listed on their site. Not sure that anyone around here has tested it b/c of the way it needs installed.
  9. mrX


    It's cheater log, you can find it here: Cheater Log Problem is, it must be installed on the server, not just loaded via dll's. Which may be trouble to install if it's through a commercial hosting service. But, it takes pics of what the client sees. Screenshots on their site show it in action.
  10. mrX


    Hello!!! Now why does this name seem familiar? What server is it? Anyways, happy to have you around.
  11. Here's an edited version of Roll the Dice that defaults off. It shouldn't require anything in admin.cfg or server.cfg to have it default off. Download Here For that second issue, make sure the nextmap plugin is running, and also that you have no other plugins that alter the map cycle.
  12. I don't believe it registers a cvar other than just an info one. It needs a bit of the code tweaked to be default off. Unless I'm missing something in the code. Let me know if putting it in server.cfg or admin.cfg actually works (thought we tested this before and it didn't). If not, I'll compile a version that does without any commands.
  13. Catch me after noon EST Friday, I'll set up the basics for you if you'd like.
  14. Is this the readme you got? : $moddir=cstrike LogD, MySQL, and Rcon lines in instruction 4 just ignore for now. You shouldn't have to edit modules.ini anyway. The most important thing above is #3. Make sure you point metamod to amx. If you can't get it working, let me know, or AIM me. The basics can be up relatively quick which covers most of what you're looking for, it's the tweaking and figuring out which plugins you'd like that can take a while. Is it a Linux or Win32 server btw?
  15. AMX is a plugin for metamod, so metamod is necessary. Metamod's dll is what is used to get at the functioning of the game. The readme.txt file explains the installation process. If you have Admin Mod on their now, you'll want to take it off before putting AMX on there. The metamod folder can remain. Also remove Statsme if you put AMX on, it would be redundant.
  16. Guess I shoulda said also, if you got any questions, you can post them here. m0m, BGB, and others around here have some experience with it and can prolly help.
  17. Use AMX mod, www.amxmod.net. Recent version is 0.9.3. Download it, unzip it and read thru the readme's and all the .cfg files. Even browse thru a couple .sma files. Quite a bit of explanation in there. Only after doing this, go to the forums on their site. Seems non-n00b friendly; but otherwise is a great resource.
  18. Post up the demo, let's all vote on it.
  19. The thread on why you were banned. Thanks for the accountability. Unbanned. Keep it clean!!
  20. This is for desktop LCD's: Click Here But same concept would apply to laptops.
  21. Click here Smoke There's a demo there that I took. Clearly shows him wall hacking. He's already been gone since Sunday afternoon. Thanks for posting this tho. Nice to see community people keeping others honest.
  22. Everything he said is good advice. This tidbit just seems necessary under Windows XP if you are using that. To do this, add: '-noforcemparms -noforcemaccel' to the end of the target line of the icon you use to start the game.
  23. You wanna be the court reporter here also, to memorialize this whole charade? As I can see no reason why not, motion for snack break granted!!!! Head on over to Wonderland, there's plenty of spam there for all.
  24. <wonders if anyone else will question the verdict here with rev as judge, juror, and now, apparently, legal counsel objecting> Where is Court TV when you need them? The whole system is corrupt
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