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Everything posted by LoveForPriscillaChan

  1. tookey, i am probably one of those people that is "hounding" you guys for team-stacking (although i think the word "to hound" is a bit extreme) please refer to this thread made a while back: http://www.gamrs.co/forums/in...showtopic=33049 first off, let's get some things straight: i believe i can say this with confidence that most regulars on the server do not believe you guys hack; only the random people that stumble upon the server do i also think its false to say that you and nuggz "for the larger part" play on the harder side of the map because many times, i always find you guys on T for italy, CT for cobble, CT for aztec, etc etc but this point i'm willing to conceded because it is due to my own observations only and that could be wrong you see, the reason you guys get the flak for team stacking is because when teams ARE stacked, we look at the top of the leaderboard and blame the top 2 or 3 people on there; it doesnt help that they are usually the same people and it doesnt help when those same people are in the same clan i mean, i always auto and it just annoys me to see that, for example, i get autoed to CT on italy, the map is 5 T vs 4 CT and there are 10 specs waiting to join the teams; i see nuggz on T; next thing i know when round ends, the team is 10 T v 9 CT and it "just so happens" you guys are all on T; this proceeds on for several maps in a row, each time we lose 7-0, 7-0, 6-1, 7-0, etc etc. What's worse is that looking at the scoreboard, all the people that are 24-3, 26-5, 22-4, etc are all on the same team while not a single person on the losing team breaks .500 or if they do, its barely i'm sure everybody would love to improve their CS game but ultimately, we just want to have some fun and relieve some stress by playing CS but losing round after round, getting awped round after round, seeing 4 guys dying to ak spray to one person round after round is no fun as for teamwork always trumps individual skill, i dont think the mechanics of CS is built to suit that; we've all seen you guys with awps and how, more or less, the game just got exponentially harder for the opposing team once you guys save enough money for awps; one of you guys with an awp can take down 4-5 people easily; even if we have really good teamwork, we will have poor execution because we lack individual skills so in the end, yes it is partly our fault that we suck but should the fun be taken away from us because we are just not as good as you guys? i dont think so; besides, wouldnt you guys have more fun if hte teams were even skill-wise? what's the point of playing a game where you know you will win almost everytime? so, is there a solution? i think yes; it is not a perfect solution but like many things in life, perfection is an impossibility but we should always be tiring endlessly trying to achieve it; all regulars (i would love to replace "all regulars" with "everybody" but I know getting just the regulars to do this will be a really big stretch to begin with) should random; no longer should i see 10 people in spectator mode waiting for some poor sap to sacrifice their next 40 min for fun by joining the almost-guaranteed losing team so they could join the almost-guaranteed winning team; i random all the time and it is a lot of fun getting to play both sides of the map; to those of you who say having people random will not solve team-stacking, i beg to differ; yes, probabilisically, there is still a chance that teams will be stacked but (and i think math is behind me on this) there is a much greater chance (think bell curve) that teams will be even rather than being stacked; the results are...random, as the name suggests; if i knew that everybody truly did random and teams are stacked for several rounds in a row and i happen to be on the losing round, i wont feel bad about it; i'll just think: ok, i'm just having some really bad luck tonight, i'll just quit and try again tomorrow; however, if night after night (and i know the problem is nowhere near this bad, but i'm just using this extreme as an example) the same people are on the same team owning everybody, it gets tiring and makes playing CS much less appealing; a more strict solution is to have some form of server monitor, such as ptb, that uses total amount of skill as a balancer instead of just number of people per team but we should try the "in good faith, please random" policy first so please please random and dont care what team your clanmates end up in
  2. actually, one time on dust2 the four of us CT's rushed short and and turned left hoping to flank the T's that went long A we were all mowed down by one person with an ak spray, so in essence, good aim > teamwork of course, that person was vovik so it was kind of expected
  3. we should put dust and militia (and i would want to put in assault or assault_upc but i think i'll get yelled at for this suggestion) in on certain nights into the rotation as for votes, i dont know how the map choices are generated, the choices should be populated so it is not a map that has been played recently, such as last 5-6 maps; it is tiring to play dust2, italy, cobble, dust2, italy, cobble and get rid of the god-awful night-fever
  4. 1127 "I BETAed ur mom" STEAM_0:0:15931580 06:46 89 0 active aimbot, and at one point, he was moving pretty fast, but i think he turned it off by the time i recorded him, or its just getting late; one weird thing is that he always faces the same direction until he turns to shoot; also at one point he had his back turned to me and then he headshotted me...so weird http://download.yousendit.com/48FEA3F3273ADAC0 i dont know how to attach files to posts but if this expires before any admin sees it, please PM me and i can reupload
  5. yes it will; it'll solve a lot of the stacking problems; sure, probabilistically, there is a chance that one team will take all the good players but the chances of that happening is rare and acceptable; i dont mind if its 7-0 once in a while but not like the above, and its always the same players on the same team
  6. whatever, there never seems to be enough admins on or if they are, they seem reluctant to swap players; it would be helpful if at least all the regulars always went auto instead of intentionally stacking; i mean, if you know you're one of those people who can awp the entire opposing team, please have the decency to auto; it doesnt help when the server's top 3 players or so always end up on the same team map after map after map, causing it to be 7-0, 7-0, 7-0 and so on and so on until they all just leave together
  7. more times than not, it was stacked teams, as was this case i joined after round 1 or 2 on rush and the teams were seriously stacked for the next several maps; also, you forgot to include cpl_fire which ended up pretty bad also this is why we really need ptb
  8. i read somewhere back that PTB will be installed on the servers; is this still true and when will that happen? it really isnt fun that a lot of times, teams are stacked but the numbers remain the same (or hte winning team has 1 extra) and it is up to the few honorable people on this server (you know who you are; kudos to you!) to switch teams to help balance; when i am ranked number 2 or 3 on my team and when there is only 2 people on my team over .500 and everybody on the opposing team is over .750, you know there is a problem; this is occurring more and more recently and is an issue that really needs to be addressed Edit: also, i dont see why you guys are berating people who claim to have autoed to the advantageous team on certain maps (T on italy) because it can and will happen enough; i auto all the time and i can say that i get placed on T on italy more times than CT; what i'm trying to say is: it can and will happen; just give the player the benefit of the doubt
  9. get rid of maps one by one and see server response; start with that map at night where its a mall or something
  10. ok, i just tried to play the demo for scar and it get a dispcount does not match and then it gives me a win32 exception; from what i remember from the demo, it didnt show clearly he was hacking but the round or 2 before when i was speccing scar, he was going up the ramp on cbble and as soon as his vision gets over that flat plateau area, his screen just goes crazy and he gets a headshot, then he swings towards another direction, more craziness, and then another headshot at the end (and if server logs chat messages, you'll find this) he said something along hte lines of: "if you dont like hax, then leave" which to me, is kinda self-incriminating scar's player link: http://gcftw.stats.nuclearfallout.net/player.php?id=26209 here's another link:;player=30319 look at his headshots per kill, which doesnt fully prove anything but it defintely isnt good for him (91% on one map, 78% on another); oh, i guess he's banned (didnt read above posts very closely) another guy was 666 but i didnt get the steamids cause you said you got them bewildered
  11. what's so bad about dust anyway? ever since CS:S came out, hardly any servers play dust anymore
  12. dust is classic! put it in there during primetime please
  13. STEAM_0:0:7237462 Name: ( FS ) duderevs intentionally attacked team in order to bait his teammate into TKing him; blamed it on his little brother when confronted, and then continued to do it http://www.system-32.com/files/fs_duderevs.dem
  14. another thing that this mod does that helps gameplay is team-balancing based on score of players so even if the teams are tied, there will never be the case were one team will be full of ppl who are 10-2 and the other team full of people that are 2-10; the skills are disperesed evenly also, if there is an odd number of ppl, the last person always goes to the attacking team (CT on a hostage map, T on a bomb map) and then another thing that this mod added was theme weapon system: pistols only for the first 10 min of hte round except for deagle; next 10 min was a random theme whether it be tmp/mac-10, or shotguns, or scouts, or deagles; after that 10 min, the entire array of guns is available for purchase
  15. # 216 "sayface" STEAM_0:0:9477240 07:48 48 0 active teamflashing, foul langugage i can post demo if somebody tells me how to post EDIT: http://www.system-32.com/files/sayface2.dem
  16. there's several versions of the zombie mod; there's one where all humans spawn on CT and one person gets randomly picked to be the zombie on T and the maps for it are generally for the CT to hide inside buildings, shoot boxes/barrels/obstacles into the doorway until they block it and ... camp please dont upload that version
  17. in cs 1.5, there used to be a mod where it enforced teamwork on teams; for example, if the CT's were able to manage to defuse the bomb or rescue all the hostages, all the remaining T's die; if the T's bomb exploded or the map timer runs out and the hostages are not rescued, all the remaining CT's die; it was to force the team into completing the objectives and no straggler's or campers will result; does anybody ever remember playing this mod (it had some other stuff also) and is it available for CSS?
  18. Hi, In that case, can I get unbanned from Recrudescence? I just checked and I am still banned. Thanks
  19. Hi, I PMed Allanon and he said that he banned me through rcon using mani (I have no idea what that means) and he said it was a mistake. I PMed him back asking for an unban and am now just waiting for that. Currently, the only server I'm banned from is Recrudescence, as I am able to get back into Immutable now (I believe I have mookie to thank for this)
  20. Well when I first joined, it says I was banned. Then I tried joining earlier today and it just says I have an invalid SteamID Ticket. Also, in the admin logs, does it say why I was banned? EDIT: Ok, just checked now that the whole Steam debacle is over. I am still banned from Recrudescence and Immutable.
  21. Thanks for the reply. Actually, I'm not sure if it really is your server that banned me or if it is Steam messing up because right now, I can't even join any server at all because of Invalid SteamID Ticket or something. I'll wait for Steam to sort things out on their end and I'll try rejoining the server to see if I really was banned or not.
  22. Oops...Haha, I was looking at my system clock when posting and it was alreayd past midnight. I mean the day before, or 12/14/2006. I guess my stated time and date has not occurred yet.
  23. 1. SteamID: # 1244 "Undies" STEAM_0:0:378453 00:20 79 2 active In Game Name: Undies Time: No Idea Server: Midwest *Recrudescence* Reason for being banned: No idea. I was playing on the server earlier (around 7:30 EST on 12/15/2006) and I quit out of the game to go to a group meeting. I come back at 2:00 am EST and now I am banned. The weird thing is, I'm only banned from this server but I am able to join WestCoast *Immutable* Administrator who banned: No idea Thanks, Undies EDIT: Hmm... It seems that WestCoast *Immutable* just updated its banlist and now I am banned from that also.
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