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Everything posted by Fatty

  1. You'll have to give me a source that contradicts that, Z. I don't know enough about what you're refering to. Show me something from Miller Urey. Not saying you're wrong, just show me so I can look at both. Let's remove the opinions by citing our sources, so it's not you or I speaking.
  2. <searches for "pimp" in online bible> it's not coming up....whew!
  3. Hambone.... are you done or something? Your last two posts made claims based on what? You see, I just gave some links for people to read. If they are wrong or messed up, point out where and how. You've got it all straight, give me a link to his site showing a quote that you disagree with and let it fly. Don't tell me "his arguments are so contradictory and hypocritical" and that you don't have time. You've spent a ton of time posting in this topic, so don't quit now. Make the time.
  4. Ok one more.... http://www.evolution-facts.org/default.htm Just the links to about a ton of stuff I'll never act like I researched. Let's get back to the Bible question now....looking for an error....
  5. I'm sure many of you readers are overwhelmed! You should have easy sources to read, instead of just the pasted choices.... Here are some interesting articles for those of you that are like me and can't just talk about micro/macro evolution from the hip... How Could Evolution Take Place? Dunno, you could read that whole Heinze site, he's got all kinds of answers for much of what's been covered here. http://www.creationism.org/ Heck that's a good place to start too...that's how I found the above. http://www.members.aol.com/dwr51055/Creati...nternet%20Sites wow that person has just a few links... i think background music on sites is funny anymore... Well, evilutionist guys, post up some good reading for us. It would be great for everyone to have some good reading sources, and obviously they should not all be biased from me....
  6. I have read start to finish and Ranger is right on.....
  7. Can we just read this one again. And for those of you that skipped it, shame. Great post, MC.
  8. Man, I can't resist, but please do me a favor.....don't have kids. Heck, even gorillas, which are on one side of one of your arguments, show more than hate. Come on.... Again, i'm so late to this topic, I apologize.
  9. Granted...lots of versions. Pick your version. Don't care which. http://www.bible.com/bible_read.html There's several versions there. Take your pick.
  10. I don't think YOU read everything you posted and/or post. Wow, I'm still making my way through all this. Very deep stuff. You've got some emotions flying around in here too, nice. I'll keep reading. I thought this was a funny post that came after you pasted a gazillion lines from someone elses site.
  11. Also, I'm not going to read a bunch of sites or my school science book and pretend anything that I say here is my own. I'd suggest others do that to. I read above stuff about amino acids, etc. READ THE TOP SECTION ON THIS Heck, that comes with footnotes. I haven't seen any thing based on anything in here. But, I really don't want to go too far here, because again, I'm not calling on my own scientific knowledge. I would like to actually move no further until someone points out an error in the Bible for me.
  12. PS. The next person that talks like anything but a gentleman is gone from these forums. Nobody minds disagreeing with each other, but when respect leaves you, you leave here.
  13. Ok Hambone.... Pick up the Bible. Find me an error. Show me one single error.
  14. BTW, know this, it's not your point of view that's the problem...it's you at this point.
  15. I'm doing some research here to figure out whether or not you are going to follow your point of view....
  16. Actually, words are just words. Power in them is perceived only by the reader. It appears we need to address some of the "proper etiquette" of good discussion? Many are right, we have not completely defined this room as any certain religion or viewpoint, thus viewpoints in themselves are not wrong. If we decide certain viewpoints are not welcome here, we'll have to redefine the title, description of the room. This is why the majority of posts are tolerated at this point. The inability to share one's point of view in a mature manner seems to be the issue.
  17. Because you're you and not we.
  18. I guess it is, because obviously you got lost. There was no problem with literacy here...
  19. This is the stuff that got this guy on double-secret probation. The next useless negative post of his will result in a route-ban....hope nobody else goes to his school. I believe he apologized in another topic about this nonsense.
  20. Verifying date with boss. Plenty of time. Unexpected, but I'm very honored.
  21. Ahem... We're asking that you guys that have just connected on the winning team show your sportsmanship when you get switched over.
  22. Then play the best guns. It's not about egos...put the best guys in! <steps back, sits down, grabs pom-pom> I'm being serious. If someone has an issue with not playing our best guys on the first match, then boot em.
  23. Arg! Should have turned that pic up and down. Horizontal scrolling ahhh! I would go against an AWP on this map at all. A colt on a guy with a bomb in his hand is just as good. I would also not leave him back there to wait, but get him involved in the line to stop the T advance. I would also say that there are really only 2 ways to get where they want to go if they want to get to the back site: Through the first site, or through that door. Now, those walls are thin, paper thin (honestly, I don't think they stop even mp5, someone wanna check me on that?), and if so, we should exploit that. I think Rev's setup looks good. If the guys in the room to the north are covered from anyone coming through the bomb at them, they should be able to hold down people piling through the doorway. In all, there are 4 places that a T can appear to enter the CT half. Have some guns on each, then add patience, and I think we'll do well. ON the flip side, as T, I'd do the same thing. Slow moving, get a gun to most of the areas, find the guarding CTs and nail em slowly. These scenarios defend each other.
  24. Is this the old Killer339? It's not, is it?
  25. Good luck with everything, including shaking the lame habit of ending your post with by3z f00's, especially when you mean plural "fools" which in no way should include an apostrophe, which makes it even more rediculous. I mean, type it once, it's funny, but every time? Dunno why it bugs me so much, you can ignore me. Have fun in S-T. Where is an S-T captain posting up the good news, anyways? Poor chap had to welcome himself.
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