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Everything posted by Barto

  1. who does watersports?? Kneeboarding, wakeboarding, skiing, air chair, what have you... anyone? I kneeboard and slalom water ski.
  2. Barto


    WOWWWWWWWWWWW I am a simpsons MANIAC (just look at the name... if you're cool, you know what it means) And i guarantee you this map will be played when its late and im in server. so GO DOWNLOAD IT! NOW http://csnation.counter-strike.net/#news5084
  3. what happened to Rangers?
  4. Barto


    Sacred, change it now.
  5. Barto

    Look at me !

    i've pulled up 30 inch striper from the CT river...
  6. woot woot! i second that fat man. Well put!
  7. Well tapey you're in luck! I know why people swear. The people who swear are usually too ignorant to express their emotions in more articulate ways, so they resort to 4 letter "Buzzwords" that they think very precisely sum up ANY emotion. I mean look at the "f" word... that is used frequently as a noun, verb, adjective, AND interjection! I mean make up your minds already you foul mouthed people you! Anyone who resorts to frequent swearing needs more education on the aesthetics and art of communication through words, to learn that there are better ways to let people know whats on your mind. Example: Dum_N00B friendly fires his entire team. Two possible response... !@$*& You you )(&$!ing )#($&!!!!! The response from DUM_N00B: NO @#*$ YOU YOU'RE THE @(*@# !$(&er!!! The other possible response: "Wow, I find it depressing and unfortunate that you are so depraved and ignorant that the only possible way for you to make yourself feel better inside is to run around trying to make other people's lives unpleasant. You're like a tapeworm in the intestinal tracts of society. Think about that. And, Dum_N00Bs response:
  8. Barto

    Look at me !

    nice catch. You bag that on the CT River? if not, where and with what tackle?
  9. http://koti.mbnet.fi/temper/crimsonland/ now
  10. Alright, i'm not a total jerk, i can see there is definately room for error on my judgement here. I trust Mossad, Malemodel and TaPe, and will admit fault in this situation. Sorry for the inconvenience! You should be unbanned now. (10 minutes from this post time) If not, please do not hesitate to post here or contact me. Thanks! ____________EDIT_____________ Had some trouble with the unban. LMK if it works!
  11. Also, for people who are examining these demos, my #1 concern/questions are in Demo 1 and Demo 3, especially the demo 3 scout headshot.
  12. like i said, the whole "Linz" thing is a glitch in my demo recording... as i said the name DOES change back after you make a kill confirming that it is you...
  13. indeed, i remember that time well!
  14. As requested... BIG THANKS TO HENDRYX for webspace... hes the man. I encourage everyone who is interested to look at these demos and post your personal opinions. Demo 1 Demo 2 Demo 3 Also, for the 3rd demo, i realize that at the beginning the name (at least on my comp) was "Linz" However after the kill in question it does change back to itsme2, and i am positive it was itsme2 i was tracing at that time. THank you for your opinions, thanks again to Hendryx.
  15. Assuming this is "itsme2".... First off, I was acting off the suspicions of some other respected regulars of the server. I have several demos which i will make publicly available if that is what you desire, including one which i believe is particularly damning. If you would like me to get these demos hosted i and posted i will gladly do so and let the opinions of my fellow admins and server regulars pass judgement on you... It certainly wouldnt be the first time i was wrong. Please let me know if you want me to do this.
  16. One thing i've grown out of doing is wishing death onto someone. Who are we, fallible mortals, to decide who deserves life and who deserves death? What if, by some extenuating circumstance, a loved one of yours commited a crime like that? Would you still think he deserved death? Also, some might say that a lifetime of imprisonment to dwell your crime is a worse punishment than death... Life and death are both administered by something beyond us human beings.... we are not wise enough to take them into our own hands.
  17. i think in order to reap the benefits of this title one must posess an average K:D ratio of .75 or lower.
  18. added the ban just in case. Thanks!
  19. The people of America are growing soft... Sometimes, in a strange way, kids of today envy previous generations... bare with me here. Other generations get their trial by fire... their galvanizing experience that hardens them to the way of the world... My grandfather was tested of course in combat in World War II, but even my father was tested by growing up having to support himself, earn his own money, and help support his large family. I have grown up entirely under the arm of my parents and grandparents.. With little exception i have not been exposed to the real world as they were, and as a result i cannot help but feel i will not be half the man they were. Today teachers have to fear retribution legally in doing ANYTHING, from yelling at a student for being lazy or not working to exacting punishment for breaking the rules. Even if the student is not physically harmed he or she is shrouded by a ridiculously protective legal system in which anyone can be sued for anything... It's all culminating to produce weaker more vulnerable generations, including one which i am ashamed to consider myself a part of.
  20. wow i think i should shave a few hours off just for that!!!! i'll get you playing friday afternoon... thank you for your civility!!!!! i might just sticky this topic for posterity!!!!!!!!!
  21. Thanks for your vigilance. If anyone else who was there could provide more information it would help. I will look into it!
  22. thank you. like i said earlier its only 48 hours, so they will be back by the weekend... All killer is something of a regular and this is his first offense that i know of. However, he will also, like all the people in this forum, be put on the classic "Obligatory Never Ending Probation Period" which means we all keep an eye on him forever and ever and make sure he stays cool, which 99% of the time people do!
  23. Ah, if it isnt Doc Holiday. The ancient master of the Midair Shotty of Doooooooom attack! We all learned many things from him. Hey doc, check out www.paintballmaxx.com, Q will put an autotrigger on your Sniper II for 45 bucks..... you hold the trigger down and pump it and it fires... interesting stuff! i'm gettin one
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