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Everything posted by PuppySurprise

  1. her boyfriend Lucas. He used to travel with a carnival as part of the freak show and caused all kinds of trouble. He played the part of the...
  2. I should have a total of 12 keys...If you want one. Ask nicely or send me something cool! People who will be getting a Savage cdkey: 1.) Puppy 2.) Magruter 3.) Watchtower 4.) Longhair 5.) Crowbar 6.) Dweezil 7.) bullet-401 8.) Kurtz 9.) Rizad 10.) Mini Me 11.) ConGregation 12.) MY DADDY SWOOP
  3. ive played first player savage and americas army, im sure its even better in multiplayer. I would like to see them both at LAN if enough are interested. I'm still waiting on those extra cdkeys for savage from our sponsor. But im not going to rush her, since in essence she is giving me 12 (all totaled) free savage games.
  4. PuppySurprise


    CORRECT!!! and remember.....you're a mellon! your turn
  5. PuppySurprise


    Clue #3 Robert Downy Junior
  6. PuppySurprise


    Clue #2 Blue Limousine
  7. tackled Vince and Mildred. IT WAS PASTOR BROWN!! He and Vince struggled and pastor brown told Mildred to run. I asked pastor brown as he struggled with Vince, "why let her go!?" He replied, "she is my.....
  8. PuppySurprise


    Clue #1 1986 Movie (Comedy)
  9. she tripped over the vaccuum cord and slid across the kitchen floor she just waxed. Money was flying everywhere and she was trying to grab each bill when someone knocked down the back door and grabbed her and took her away. You'll never guess, but the man that took Mildred was.....
  10. the housekeeper Mildred. I was coming in from work and she attacked me after I caught her in the linen closet with...
  11. You've all seen this before. I start a story and then little by little others add to it. I didn't see a thread in recent days like this so here goes, you all know what to do: Mrs. Brumfield was the school counselor. Each day after school Mrs. Brumfield would walk home to her two-bedroom house which she shared with her husband of 48 years, Bruce. She got to the house and saw police cars everywhere! Scared she ran to the house, and under the caution tape to find her husband in the living room floor. He had been assaulted with a.......
  12. PuppySurprise


    ITS MOUSE TRAP!! Best part of the game was when that metal ball fell on that see-saw and knocked that green guy (the swimmer/diver) into that bucket trapping the mice. w00t! your turn daddy!
  13. January 26th 2004 7:48pm EST
  14. PuppySurprise


    Clue #1 Board Game
  15. ya i know...also, rooster is making a website specifically for sponsors and we are gonna have it hosted via fatty and this server. so when thats up and running you can refer to that site to see sponsors, but for meantime i will do the bumpty bump
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