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Everything posted by Cinkadeus

  1. Are you kidding me?? Give some people anything and they'll find the quickest way to be a doosh with it.
  2. Just found a 3 foot snake skin in my basement... God I love Alabama.

  3. love the new spawner. Keep up the good work
  4. I'm not real big on foreign films due to the fact I mostly have films on while I'm working so I can't watch/read the entire time. [Rec] - I liked the american remake of this film. I've heard good things about the original. Dark Water - Japanese horror films annoy me somewhat due to the lack of rules. Besides that, they are generally creepy as all get outs. The Exorcist - Seen it. Didn't really enjoy it much. The Descent - Seen it. Very good one. The sequel isn't much though. Dawn of the Dead (2004) - LOVED THIS FILM! Its basically L4D on film. The Nameless - Looking into this one. I'll get back to you, Flitt.
  5. Go. I'm looking for something supernatural, in the Ring / 1408 genre, but I'm up for anything horror. I've been perusing Netflix and found a gem called "Grave Encounters" which I highly recommend. Yellowbrickroad was also pretty good, albeit it had no ending of any relevance. I've yet to find another really good one out of that garbage heap they have. Shoot a list out here and I'll mark it seen/unseen and if you make my cut.
  6. Nailed it! Perfect evening. Thanks again, Maestro!
  7. Yeah, Thanks for all the input guys! I'm doing a mixture of LB and Preacher's plan with some MPG mixed in as the kicker. Thanks all!
  8. Nice, LB. "Mood" lol We've been together 17 years, we're in our 30s. There's no "mood." There's only "when can we squeeze in a quicky." We only do it to keep the marriage legit.
  9. As a member, I make attempts to warn new guys who do not know the policy. But if they come back with something disrespectful or abusive, I will make efforts to have them banned.
  10. I think this would be easier solved if we just had smarter players
  11. Tenth wedding anniversary is May 16th. I need ideas, STAT! Low budget here too, so no "Trip to Paris" entries, please
  12. Awesome work! Much appreciated.
  13. Nothing has been a leap in tech like Source Engine was. I have yet to be impressed like I was back then. All they've seem to do since is make the same engine take more processing power.
  14. Gee, you'd think as much as you guys get paid, you'd work faster. /sarcasm I've done pro-bono website adminning too... None of the users appreciate what it involves.
  15. I'm an engineer... Statistics and numbers are my life. I don't get out much. I'm just glad they're now on our host and not some random one. This is a good thing.
  16. The links at the top of the L4D2 forum have been updated with the new URL, Sam. It may need a reset. The stats page still isn't showing anyone online and it still says that Maestro hasn't played since Apr 30. And we all know he'd explode if he took that much time away from the server. http://www.gamrs.co/l4d/stats/index.php
  17. Nice! They're now on our own domain! With apparently, no data loss. Excellent work! EDIT: I take that back. The feed from the game server needs to be restored. Its no longer feeding stats into the database. So nothing has been recorded since mookie took the original site off-line. Should be a simple fix. I just got into the top 100 players list so this stuff matters to me SRS stats are SRS.
  18. I've just been ignoring it. In all my yrs of perusing the intertubes, not once ever has Chrome installed something malicious no matter the site. Same can't be said for IE, but I just ignore those warnings most of the time. I use that page to see who's on and as a shortcut to connect to the server without opening L4D2. Hasn't failed me yet.
  19. You don't play at lunch time. I wouldn't say its "A" game in there that time of day. I'm more of a Pick up Radical, Heal Radical, Shoot zombies off Radical kind of player. That's where I farm my points.
  20. I had to gloat. Not that its better than our other regulars, but for me, its a milestone: And for fun, here's a hoot from last week: And that wasn't all either... I couldn't fit them all into the screencap.
  21. Is Radical Exempt? Cause I've seen him be incapped more than 19 times in a round. I love you, Radical.
  22. I eagerly await what has potential to be a truly EPIC post, Sam.
  23. I feel we've somehow deviated yet not really. This is what I get for making creative thread titles.
  24. To me its always like the 9 other infected go AFK when a tank pops. Like they stop to watch or something.
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