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Everything posted by paroxysm

  1. You would have to be careful w/ this one, if to confirm sending points is binded to the regular 1/2(yes/no) otherwise someone can send points to someone when they didn't mean to because they were weapon switching. But I like the idea because it allows you to send points in times of distress when you can't afford to stop and type.
  2. yea it is pretty nit picky, it's a pretty niche suggestion, comes in handy for specific situations
  3. aw, that's a shame. Well, the crashes were fixed, so I'm happy w/ that, I'll donate anyway.
  4. Well, I wouldn't want those suggestions to go overlooked.
  5. On that thought, why not also add a !heal/pickup/respawn cink that would heal/pickup a remote target to compensate for those noobs that don't know how to use the point system or don't listen. I think it's a great solution because the problem is definitely there. Ofc, you can add logic to prevent a person from being healed/respawned/picked up more multiple players simultaneously( a grace period of 5secs just like the !sp cink heal command ). There's so many ways you improve the buy plugin to make it more user friendly without complicating it.
  6. I haven't played with you much, but when I did, I enjoyed that you added to the playing quality of the server and anyone who does that is alright in my book. Best of luck to you in your studies and succeed
  7. paroxysm


    Too late now, let me quote it just to make sure you don't change it.
  8. The new information is to accommodate newbies is my guess
  9. I guess the new menu can look cluttered but I've played w/ servers that use similar format for menus and you get used to it. As long as things didn't change too much, there won't be a lot complaining.
  10. The current hud only shows the current class limit and maximum class limit achievable, not current class count( ie current players running around as a hunter or a jockey) EDIT: Sky, I've played on this server for a very long time, I wouldn't be requesting this feature if I didn't feel it necessary to augment SI playing capabilities, I don't know, maybe I'm just too strategic when it comes to choosing an SI class instead of spawning as whatever I ghost as, some people actually do the latter.
  11. I maybe mistaking the '/class jockey' form with the '!class jockey' but don't both of them trigger spam protection? I know you can spam the 'sm_' form unless a spam protection logic is placed server side. EDIT: This approach is about the closest you can to switching to a specific SI w/ a key bind without writing a menu to do it, sounds reasonable Jackie? OFC, leave the old algorithm of class selection in place to make it backwards compatible, that way players who prefer this new method can use it while others can remain using the old form.
  12. Now that makes sense, just one command that's robust, even better, now it needs to be in the form of 'sm_class' such that it's not typed to the chat everytime you use it and won't trigger the spam guard. It also needs to ignore any invocations as a survivor to make it even more robust, Jackie, I can settle for this.
  13. Sounds like you're over complicating things Biggs, simply passing the points to the new player joining is a simple and logical method since the new player is 'replacing' the one getting kicked.
  14. For the love of god, you completely misunderstood what I meant with bindable command and claim that I don't understand. For example, implement a command say, sm_jockey that, IF you're an SI ghost, will transform you to a ghost jockey provided the jockey class limit isn't reached. The command will also have logic such that IF you invoke it as a SURVIVOR, it does nothing( ie. no op). That way I can bind say, key 6 on my key to perform both slot6 and sm_jockey( ie. bind "6" "slot6;sm_jockey" ) that will both retain it's survivor functionality since slot6 does nothing as SI and will transform me into a jockey when i'm a ghost. Then implement such a method for each standard SI class. You avoid writing a menu and the most important benefit of the algorithm is satisfied, win win. Understand?
  15. Yeah, in theory it sounds good, but once I got online and tested it and rclicking is not natural, it's very very odd to incorporate it, but atleast better than nothing lol. Honestly, if you'd try it in game you'll see what I mean, ultimately pressing a key for it is much faster. I wish I could bind buttons to accomplish this, but you can't add logic to unbind those keys when you're playing a survivor. As a workaround the menu writing jackie, but how you implement bindable commands for each standard SI class, then make it so that when you invoke that command as a survivor it does nothing( and doesn't notify you), that way I can bind append those commands to my standard 1-6 keys. They retain their survivor functionality and work as intended in SI, but w/o that menu feeding you si count stats, you'll pretty much have to guess whether the class you want is available or not; you could make those commands spammable that way you can just spam it until you get the class. EDIT: Regarding your loathing towards writing menus, I'm sure there's a plugin out there that implements the algorithm, just import, test, profit??
  16. Sky, I think you're over thinking why I was request this revamp. It's not because I want to preselect a class that I want to ghost as, it's actually the opposite, I want to be able to change the class I am on a whim very quickly. If I know there's a situation where that I'm a charger, and something changes such that a jocky would be more beneficial to spawn as, I want to be able to switch to a jockey as fast as possible. If I can just press one key to become a jockey( ofc it'll depend on how many jockeys are currently spawned but that's why there are si limit increases), I think, in general, that is tremendously faster than scrolling across each class. Because, naturally, when I'm scrolling, I have to monitor which class I am to make sure I don't jump over it. This becomes a bigger problem when you're having slight lagg where it takes like, say half a sec for the server to switch to the next class you scrolled to. I won't know what class I have scrolled to until that timespan is over. However, if I know what class I need and what I need to press to get it, it's just simply a matter of pressing a button and waiting server to update, but since I already know I am going to switch to a jockey, I don't have to repeat this process for every class I scroll to that's not the one I wanted. It may sound strange to ask for such a feature, but when the server has those competitive rounds, there a ton of those situations where you think you need this class, but something changes and you need another class quickly to seize the opportunity.
  17. hrm, doesn't sound as natural as sky's mouse wheel scrolling, I'll test it out when I get online.
  18. Sky, that problem just sounds like a name problem which is easily overcome with name spacing your method names. Your approach also sounds favorable and since it has already been done and you have access to it, it's just a matter of loading it. I would like to see it happen.
  19. The point is the class selection needs to be a whole lot faster, do that for me and I'm sold. Biggs you can easily add code logic that prevents the class selection menu from taking precedence over vote menus
  20. If Jackie implements this, I will most definitely become a member.
  21. You could just send the points of the guy getting kicked to the member who's doing the kicking.
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