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Everything posted by JackieChan

  1. I prepurchased. Looking forward to jumping into this when it comes out.
  2. Can't be changed as far as I know. They disappear to prevent exploits.
  3. Logically, Spitters don't have much meat to them anyway. Giving them invulnerability is OP since no other infected is invulnerable after attacking. Also, wouldn't really see much point in giving Spitters invulnerability after spitting since people like yelling "spit and die".
  4. Infected are never getting their HP altered. Definitely never adding those stupid moving smokers, jumping jockeys (although we did have those on the server a LONG time ago), or turning chargers. The only thing I've changed with the SI was for balancing purposes: -Smoker does 1 more point of damage per hit -Jockey does 1 more point of damage per hit -Jockeys can control Survivors a little easier than in vanilla That's all I've changed as far as SI goes. That goes without saying all the annoying factors of vanilla Tanks... but I will say it (lol): -Aren't slowed by gunfire -Reach slightly increased -Slightly faster than Survivor's run speed I forget what else, but it definitely makes playing the Tank much less of a headache on a 10v10 compared to a 4v4.
  5. At times, I prefer adding a couple minor things and then gauging people's opinions on them and going from there. Also, the only time you'll ever see SI spawn within 5-6 seconds is if there aren't a lot of human SI players. My earlier post already explains this. When testing stuff out on our Test Server, I get a 2 second spawn timer. If an admin is ever in spec and opens the !spechud, they'll see what each player's "real" spawn time is. I'm up for lowering the multi-kill award. I just made it what it was at the time of coding it because it was just easier. What would you recommend as an addition that would promote more teamwork? There is only so much one could suggest before we get into "ridiculous" territory like those other 10v10 servers you see out there.
  6. The way the spawn timer works is that it operates on a minimum/maximum time and the amount of human players occupy the infected team. For the sake of things, let's say that we're talking about a full server in this situation. In this case, the spawn timer for an infected player who died would be anywhere between 15 to 20 seconds in length (default settings on the server). I believe the time the game gives you to spawn in depends on how long the infected player has been alive for and how frequently they have died. If a player dies fast each time they spawn in, their timer will be closer to the maximum spawn time (20 seconds) as opposed to the minimum spawn time (15 seconds). Anyway, the minimum time you see when you're able to fly around waiting to respawn in is going to be "14" seconds or a "for real" time of 15 seconds because the words "Entering Spawn Mode..." counts as 1 second. With the upgrade purchased, you'll get a "for real" spawn time of 13 to 18 seconds (12 to 17 seconds by what he game tells you). Yes shorter, but in most cases, not noticeable because the "in between" time falls in the same area as the default settings. ...Hope that made sense. Also, the multikill stuff is outlined in the buy plugin/server update notes thread.
  7. I'm just curious on the feedback on the 2 new additions to the buy plugin. Let me know your thoughts on it. Figured I'd make a poll topic instead of posting in the update notes thread. (As usual, I abstained from voting)
  8. The L4D games aren't friendly toward downloading things from server to client. Otherwise that wouldn't be something I'd be entirely against.
  9. What happen if I kill the whole infected team with one bullet It doesn't have to be one bullet, but good luck with that.
  10. Update: -New Infected Upgrade: Decrease Spawn Timer. Starting at 30 points, when this is purchased, it will decrease the infected spawn timer by 10%. Make those extra 2 seconds count (will really only see the true benefit of this if it's a full server. The game automatically adjusts the spawn timer based on how many human infected players there are). -Introducing Multikills. As Survivors, if you get multiple Special Infected kills within 2 seconds of each other, you will get bonus points each one. Kill 2 SI within 2 seconds, you will get 1 extra point. 3 SI with 2 seconds, you will get 2 extra points, etc, etc, etc. Obviously, if the 2 seconds run out, the multikill count will reset. No achievement for doing multiples in a row and there probably won't be.
  11. I dunno about everyone else, but I have noticed that when I get pinned around a corner from my team, almost everyone on my team drops what they're doing to try to save me. Not sure why, but it's something I've noticed lots of times when I play...maybe that same attention should be done to Dixie so she doesn't die first all the time... *flees*
  12. Better idle dem streams to get dem drops! http://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo http://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgob Make sure your Steam account is linked with your Twitch account.
  13. I bought into it, but I'm not letting the hype get to me. I haven't played it in a long time.
  14. Oh noes, I've been called out. Such tear. Much sad. I'd put a laser on everything if I could. Deagle + laser would be a dream come true. Deagle is already dead accurate. Don't know how it could be even moreso.
  15. 2 and 3 were my favorites. As far as I'm concerned, the rest never happened.
  16. Interesting. I'd have to look into that then.
  17. Yes, it doesn't say how many with !stats but I'm sure it has been more than 8 times. Yeah it does. "Survivors Jockeyed". 7th one down.
  18. CSGO primarily. You don't need to play CSGO to have a good time there though. Other games can be played. Tons of board games people bring will be played too.
  19. Delayed again. http://www.pcgamer.com/gta-5-delayed-again-on-pc/
  20. For the first one, how many survivors were left? I only saw 1 in the second screenshot, but maybe I'm not seeing everyone else?
  21. Dixie dies all the time and she gets wished Happy Birthday in a forum topic for everyone to see, while I create the server and I get a little status update from Dixie. Thanks gaise. Happy Barfday, Dixie.
  22. Forgot to mention, yes, the ice rink is done. I can post a walkthrough of it if you want.
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