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Status Replies posted by FacePalmSmash

  1. You think that Rockstar would have known that their servers would be overloaded before they launched GTAO. Oh, we sold $800 million worth of copies of the game, let's not anticipate the online servers getting severely overloaded! Brilliant!

  2. You think that Rockstar would have known that their servers would be overloaded before they launched GTAO. Oh, we sold $800 million worth of copies of the game, let's not anticipate the online servers getting severely overloaded! Brilliant!

    1. FacePalmSmash


      You'd think that given the history of any MMO that this sort of thing was definitely going to happen, rockstar or not :-p

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Watched World War Z. Thought it was decent, but don't get why the zombies had to be so 'bouncy'.

    1. FacePalmSmash


      first book I read in years, and the movie has to go and not be anything like it. sigh.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. welp concussions suck :P cant game for a bit and end of my soccer season, sad times..

    1. FacePalmSmash


      did you concuss the other person better at least? :-p get well!

  5. Haven't played L4D in soo long...been playing LoL instead xDDD...but oh my, soo many trolls play LoL! Blood pressure rises every time I encounter one!

    1. FacePalmSmash


      on advice from other gc members, i just started playing dota 2. Ive never tried crack, but id imagine if I did, this is what the addiction would feel like.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. just got back from vegas, looking forward to zombie gaming and building things with blocks again!

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