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drag last won the day on July 29 2016

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  1. Make sure that only players who are roughly equivalent to bots, such as yourself, can join.
  2. I just mean it's 10 v 10, but with 2 human players on each side. So you are essentially trying to get as many bots to the saferoom as you can. Sorry if that was confusing.
  3. Anyone up for a 2 v 2 bot herding tournament? I love bot herding, there's a lot of strategy involved, and the games are as fun as they are frustrating. And because it would only be 4 people for each match, it would be a lot easier to coordinate schedules. I know tournaments in the past have fizzled, but I think this would be something we could handle. Maybe do an 8 team bracket if we can get 16 players up for it? Post here if you're interested. Edit: To clarify, I mean 10 v 10, with 2 human players and 8 bots on each side. I call this "bot herding". Maybe there is a better name for it.
  4. I actually made a super detailed spreadsheet from a server dump that Crasx gave me. Never posted it. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SRmtfFTDaoPEW-6vsp12bbDFFoSQS7G3txLepHkNAyo/edit?usp=sharing Has some efficiency numbers like Survivor Points per Minute, Infected Points per Minute, that kinda thing. Top 10 Survivor Efficiencies 1) Kazya 10.58 2) AdamSvp21 9.88 3) Drag 9.79 4) Nerdy 9.53 5) Swatfishy 9.42 6) General 9.27 7) Zim 9.18 8) Abusement Park 8.95 9) Slarfnar 8.49 10) Matt Kemp 8.24 Top 10 Infected Efficiencies 1) Zim 33.52 2) Kazya 32.92 3) Bleach 31.08 4) Vlad 30.88 5) AdamSvp21 30.02 6) lyl 28.82 7) 3F 26.80 8) Turrable 25.95 9) 0bullets 25.74 10) Slarfnar.gc Top 10 Headshots Per Minute 1) Clony 0.78 2) General 0.72 3) Turrable 0.68 4) Deadlock 0.65 5) Swatfishy 0.61 6) Nerdy 0.60 7) Meng 0.54 8) Jose.js 0.54 9) Drag 0.50 10) Aint Even FAZED Clansman 0.50 Top 10 Special Infected Killed Per Minute 1) Nerdy 1.25 2) General 1.23 3) Swatfishy 1.18 4) Deadlock 1.18 5) Drag 1.12 6) AbusementPark 1.02 7) Aint even FAZED Clansman 1.01 8) *sk 0.98 9) Elite Gandalf 0.97 10) Tatsuya Taichou 0.96 Top 10 Common Infected Killed Per Minute 1) Kazya-Bazya 5.32 2) Swatfishy 4.69 3) Drag 4.64 4) Slarfnar.gc 3.94 5) albundy 3.84 6) lyl 3.84 7) AbusementPark 3.78 8) AdamSvp21 3.62 9) Got Your 6 3.53 10) PaPi SnAkE EyeS 3.48 Maybe someone can post the doc in a new thread if there is enough interest. (Also note, these stats are from a few months ago.)
  5. Same thing happened to me. Never have time or energy to play anymore.
  6. I'm in Chicago. Will people be playing L4D at all at FragFest?
  7. Crasx recently gave me a complete server dump, and one of the columns was tank rocks. So here is an analysis on tank rocks. Overall tank rocks hit 1) Dammit Carlos - 982 2) Ekstergans - 943 3) Fat Guy - 831 4) Nerdy - 772 5) Finlanderi - 754 6) Red Devil - 701 7) Matt Kemp - 655 8) *sk - 655 9) Jerky - 650 10) 3F - 631 11) Snake Eyes - 610 12) Maestro - 593 13) rumrunner.gc - 585 14) Paroxysm - 556 15) Lookback - 499 16) Swatfishy - 477 17) TIMES1138 - 474 18 ) AdamSvp21 - 458 19) Clony - 382 20) Joda - 375 Tank rocks landed per tank spawn 1) Shaq - 1.35 2) DammitCarlos - 1.25 3) Clony - 1.16 4) Finlanderi - 0.97 5) Deadlock - 0.95 6) Nerdy - 0.90 7) Tatsuya - 0.85 8) Matt Kemp - 0.83 9) Drag - 0.83 10) Ekstergans - 0.82 11) Joda - 0.78 12) 3F - 0.73 13) Fail Whale - 0.72 14) Red Devil - 0.71 15) Rookie101 - 0.70 16) Gristle McThornBody - 0.68 17) Jerky - 0.65 18) JackieChan - 0.59 19) the5th - 0.58 20) TIMES1138 - 0.58
  8. I think all guns should be removed. The zombies don't have guns.
  9. I know what !np is. And I'll tell you for five dollars.
  10. Hunters = opportunity for most points... you're going to kick people because they are using a certain class? What's next? Are you going to kick someone for trying to throw rocks as a tank and missing those? Aren't they rock training? Maybe don't get mad at the players, get mad at how the server is setup. (3) 25 damage pounces = tank.. and around 20 boomed survivors = tank. Those are by far the fastest ways to get tanks. And let's be real.. to wipe in this server you need tanks. Rarely does the infected team wipe with just setting up as you would on a 4v4 server.. it's extremely hard to coordinate an entire infected team to take down 10 survivors which is why half the server has resorted to trying to get sky diver. I think you are misunderstanding me. I didn't say kick players who only play hunter. I said "hunter around all level and not help their team." If you play a good hunter then by all means play the hunter. You're helping your team. I was talking about some players I've seen play nothing but hunter, wall kick and ceiling pounce the whole level, fail to land a single pounce, and essentially sack their team. You shouldn't be using infected time as hunter training.
  11. I wish everyone who did nothing but hunter around all level and not help their team would get kicked. Too many players using infected time as hunter pounce training.
  12. It would be nice if I could get a full dump of all the data. A lot of it is left out. But the data came from here: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/pages/l4d2stats
  13. It's tracked in the Rank Awards, so the stats are there. They just don't display for everyone. Wonder if someone with knowledge of the backend could shine some light on this. I could do another spreadsheet with all of the misc stats like tank rocks, and scattering ram chargers and witches crowned.
  14. More points? You're already killing it!
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