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Everything posted by xAustin

  1. well now for the real 1, was be a how can i say this, a smartars in the last 1 i apologize for breaking your rules mmmm is one of the best servers out there and i apologize to anyone who was playing that i offended but mostly i am sorry for breaking the rules, and it won't happen again
  2. well i did say a bad bad word on the mic. i was a lil liquired up n didnt know what i was saying, sry
  3. i just want the 3rd party mapz =/ yesah, if u allow download for anything makes it an easy target for hackers
  4. i was just wanting more mas on the server like mindmaze/mindmaze2/deagle5/playground_x/etc mostly the 3rd party maps n stuff =D well i hope ya grab some of them up soon
  5. xAustin


  6. hots sauce, do u realize u can post 1 time, and say multiple things? it seems like u must make a new reply for each new 'thing' that u have to say. i say just be good, and trouble might get around to unbanning oh and about knowing ur steam id, go into a server, go in console, type 'status' and a list of all the players in that server. find u, and there's ur name STEAMblah blah, the 4-9 digit # is ur steam id
  7. FINALLY some1 that is worse than meeee! how flipin crazy is this? and 1 other thing, hot ... i tryed, i really tryed to read ur posts but its not possible.
  8. audio 90s are very good, that is, if u have a good sound card
  9. im up in wisconsin, only 1 good day of snow, just about all melted now
  10. yeh, i failed engassh thru hikeskool
  11. just trying to make note of how well behavied i have been =D just thought it was wroth coming to the forms about it.
  12. i called that every time i seen him p.s i loved the story
  13. believe me,i have told him, slaped him, spanked the crap outa him (literaly, he craped his pants) thx
  14. anyone anyone? helllllllllllllllllo???????????
  15. sigh, can some1 answer this!? been siting in forms all day waiting for n answer
  16. btw fatty, u look like austin 316 in ur icon, sry had to add that oh and what did u mean by quoting me?
  17. 1 more thing, kinda hurts me when some admins i dont even see at the server, and when i do.. im a nice guy, dont do anything wrong.
  18. oh and i hate dust, i always leave the server when its on any way (dust2 is diff, i love it =p )
  19. ok, it being monday after school. i was on a field trip for school, geting back late last night. i tryed joining the server today, im baned. i honstey dont know what you are talking about. and being at this server so long, serious. i know the rules, and dont go off name calling. WOW. all i can say considering i wasnt here even. p.s well only 1 other person in this house that plays cs, is the brother.. he has a crap comp, so when i do leave he uses this. was most likely him, actually i jsut about know it was him. no one else could have. well thx fer giving me another good reason to kick the.. poop.. outa him.
  20. that was a quote from what he sent me in private
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