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Everything posted by Playaa

  1. Playaa


    Dirty and Wheels makes me think of rappers... not sure about cs_havanna since I've never played it... "It ain't no thang dirty..." - random person whom I bumped into on the sidewalk in STL
  2. Playaa


    I'm in favor of Tape and Uber continueing to give advice... besides...think of how helpful a therapy session would be with a psychiatrist if he had MaleModel there throwing in thoughts on butt hair and such...it would just provide so much more comfort...
  3. I'm thinking definatly ceramic and possibly silicon?
  4. yeah my monitor has 60hz also.... but at work I have a 20in monitor and at home I have a 24in so I need some smaller monitors in my life....my eyesite has gotten noticeably worse in the months I've been at my new job...and it sucks cause at this rate by the time I'm 40 I wont' be able to see 10 feet.... I should probably make an investment in an LCD monitor since those don't damage your eyes as much...
  5. *sniff* I'm scared and confused...someone plz hold me... *sniff* what's the b4b under the forum ranking (i.e. under Rev's name) am I just bad at translating l33t 5p34k or is that "bad"?
  6. wow...you'd think after 8 years on the internet I would have realized sarcasm doesn't translate well so on that note... Tra...I was joking...I have absolutely nothing against you in any way...I was just making a joke to crush your dreams and cause unhappiness in life...until you realized it was a joke of course (ps...that last statement was also sarcasm in a joking manner) did I come across correctly in that one?
  7. Playaa


    do you ever make sense?
  8. Playaa


    wow...if this guy flirted with you and kissed you after knowing about your pain...I'd just like to know place and name and I would like to go rip off his genitalia and toss them on the ground and procede to repeatedly stomp on them and grind them to miniscule dust as I mercilessly beat him until he cries like the true baby he is... no one who does that is a man and no one who does that deserves anything but pain...never love... I'm with Zweih(or was it Zeab?) on this one...he is worthless...
  9. HA! first off I like how it replaced c o c k y (as in conceted) with roostery second...Uber...you uh...trained me...well...master
  10. Playaa


    yeah waxing should last you longer and save time over the long run... besides...butt hairs have got to be hard on a razor
  11. felize navidad (dum dum duh) felize navidad (dum dum duh) oh wait...that's Christmas Happy b-day Bullet-man
  12. w00t for Rev's Bday boy it's a good thing being old doesn't hinder your Counter-Strike abilities
  13. Playaa


    oh no man... Love is God and CS all the way... don't ever try to tell me God isn't a Counter-Strike player...that's akin to blasphemy... (though he's probably always a CT...) hey I figured if other ppl could bring seriousness into Wonderland then so can I
  14. actually Tra...I don't love you seeing as how I really don't know you and you give me a complex by actually talking over voice comm. and making me hear a high pitched voice that isn't a 12 year old boy... sorry... wait...no I'm not :-T
  15. Playaa


    I'm with the DJ on this one folks... < personal fact time > I'm 21 years old...and I've never had love from the opposite sex in my entire life. I've never had a girlfriend in my life. I dont' know if I ever will. Yet this rarely bothers me...and when it does tear me up inside...I look to the source of true love...that's my Lord... I have utter and complete peace because of him and what was done for me... I know this is Wonderland not Mmmministries so I'll stop after I say one more thing... if you want to know what true love is...read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 </ personal fact time >
  16. for anyone that cares I represented the community well at my lan... had a total of 9 ppl there 3 of them play Counter-Strike on their college connections all the time...2 of them were my friends and one was a friends-friend...the friends friend (we'll call him Horatio) was supposed to be an exceptional player...so I was worried I was gonna get my butt whipped... I shouldn't have been...you all have trained me well... while Horatio was a good player...he was a very roostery player that cares more about kills than teamwork... so first map of the night...his choice since he was server....fy_iceworld...kill only map... he finishes the map 32-10 after taking the ENTIRE map to frequently tell us how exceptional his score is and how good of a player he is... well...I was down and out after being beaten by that bad (I had like 25-17 or so)... after that map...I convinced them to play cs_estate (my favorite map) and boys..let me tell you...the skills I gained playing against all of you...didn't go away... on estate I ended the map 76-11 in 20 minutes with 4 opponents...and I gotta tell ya...the best way to shut up a roostery player...is to not say a thing as you procede to wipe the floor with the faces of basically every relative he's ever even heard about... aaaahhh...the joy.... btw...don't think that I've become roostery now because I normally don't gloat...but I tell you...this guy deserved every bit of it...all night long he would make fun of the 4 guys who had just started playing CS for the first time in thier lives (1 of whom is going to be pretty good...by the end of the night he was in 4th or 3rd every map)...so yeah...I just feel so good having pounded the punk out of him.... so thank you all for training me and teaching me good tactics...
  17. d00d I haven't played CS against humans since I stopped playing on Plat like 6 months ago...(well actually I did play some humans one night at a small lan but they were all brand-newbs and I beat them 3 on 1 all night long) I used to have a web design business in a gaming center with a T1 but the business shut down (actually we were kicked out first in a nasty move by the owner because we weren't making him any money...long story)... ANYWAY...so yeah...had a T1 for like 6 months...which is when I started playing CS and found Plat...then I lost the T1 and since then I've been on 56k from home... I ping in the 4000 to Cage...though I have no clue why I can watch matches on MmmmTV...it overflows like 5 or 6 times a match...but it's nowhere near as laggy as trying to play... my net_graph says I'm recieving at 2k/sec... so DON'T RUB IT IN!!! :-T
  18. Playaa


    hhmm...sounds like a tought situation... I can't really tell you anything to take away any pain...just know that time will sort things out... if he's happier without you...then it doesn't seem like you'd be happy together... if he's not happier without you...he'll come back...(unless he'd like to live life unhappy...which he probably doesn't) wish I could help...all I can do is pray for you...(which is more help than myself could give anyway)
  19. Playaa


    does he know he makes you this sad?
  20. Playaa


    we hate because we're evil...all ppl have evil in them...and we allow it to come out... since I can't write and you posted about the stars...this song was brought to my mind... "Silence" They won't see The fire you have lit inside of me They look up to the stars And wonder where you might be They look up without realizing That they're standing right there in the palm of your hand I can't explain or understand I just love You It's common knowledge That you've been dead for a while It's well known that the cross is only a burden With pains and trials But then again how come my shoes are so light How come I can walk for miles And still just love You So I think I'll stay Caught up in a silent prayer I believe in silence Our hearts speak the same word So why don't we just walk along The shoreline with a silent song Cause I believe in Silence Our hearts speak the same word We have to prove That our love is real over and over again But let them think what they want I know it will never end Because I know where it began And my heart still heart still pounds twice as fast Whenever you walk by Cause I still love you So I think I'll stay... *grin* I'm a sellout...
  21. Virtual Lan Party? isn't that just....every day? while you guys are playing a "Virtual Lan" I'll be at a REAL lan playing against HUMANS!!! for the first time in MONTHS!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you can't tell...I'm pumped
  22. hehe...some of those posts have faded from existence...I can remember a few arguments in there that turned into fights...that's why I don't post in there (much) anymore...cause it's too touchy of an area... if ppl were completely honest in there, there would be alot of hatred in this community I believe...so I only use it for prayer requests and the like now...
  23. Playaa


    I'm logical...not creative...I have SOME creativity...but when it comes to artistic things (i.e. writing, painting, drawing, designing) I can't do anything... but I'm cool with just being a logical kind of guy... if you go out and get CS and start playing then I'll be the only one left *sigh*... :-T
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