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Everything posted by Tyranus

  1. Dweezil was Ok btw now i am worried about some of the girls I coached in high school there.
  2. 1st This is none of my buisness I really should stick with the first however. I LOVE GC! I LOVE ZD! I LOVE LUNK! In the past I have gone on rants but they have heard me out and when I probably should have been ignored for the rest of my VI career VI4LIFE btw they have had patience with me. The way I look at this is as a brotherhood not as cool as VI but almost. Yes I have had problems about how I have felt about admin stuff in the past but it is real simple. If you havn't gotten how it works yet your probably not going too and should think about either finding a place where your happy or how to work together. This isn't me saying go away. This is me saying where do we go from here. One of my gripes in the past was GC isnt what it once was. They have made steps in my view and thats all it is my humble view to change that. Stutters made that clear above. Sometimes admins do silly stuff for instance All was playing a little too much with admin last week on GG. It was a lil frustrating but he wasn't trying to ruin peoples fun he was trying to make it fun. Cs should be fun and I went back to my roots lately. The first time I played the great Dweezil "which lord protect him is in the middle of all that shooting at VA tech atm" said to me Richie if your not having fun you need to take a break. I forgot about that somewhere along the line as I am sure we all have. My clan is guilty sometimes of what zero has said. I get irate when Slappy lets his bind go that I know isn't a gc friendly bind then he says oh sorry but some in my clan are not .gc material and hop in to play with there boys. I appreciate sometimes how admins don't fly off the handle about it and I tell them on admin chat not to take it easy on them cus they know better. THEY cant make everyone happy and yes Lunk is Lunk but regardless thats how things work. To be honest in all fairness I have given him many reasons to kick my butt lately and he has held back. So maybe this is a how things has gone for a few in the past. I hope we can work on it somehow though instead of flying kites. BTW Flying kites is a big deal to Afghan children because the Taliban forbade it. So Kite flying is a lil more positive for me I have noticed a few waiting for zero to complain but on the other hand you complain sometimes. I like you though and want to continue playing with all of you cus I think you all bring something to my favorite "hideaway from life time" Cs. I hope that some are not offended that I did not stick up for them the way they would like but this is how it is. We are all friends and these Mmmm peeps have provided great game play for years for us all. I know this seams like butt kissing but there are things I dont like sometimes however its pointless to say things especially from an aggressive view. Be back later after I know Dweez is safe.
  3. Tyranus


    Just a topic I am interested. Do you think stats are a good or bad thing? I personally think it takes away from team play and fun. How many in the top 5 camp their team and have to have that next kill? What do the rest of you think? Not that this will change anything I am just curious what others think.
  4. We need more guys common surely there are other texas hold em players
  5. ya i screwed up mani, lots of options on that shouldnt be, i hate mani They will get the kinks worked out it ran smooth when I was on it even anti was excited about no choke.
  6. I might want that one too. Gotta see!
  7. Man Fatty you have a lot of chips over there! Muahhaha I am gonna pwns joos
  8. acually a few of them are slaughterable. ;P especially blackice
  9. Srry Chimp we will move down the street and share scandalous pics of yer mom
  10. Not surprised he painted a bunch of flowers.
  11. I am in. Ill tell Dweez about it. Don plays too. what program would I have to download. Just go to ful tilt?
  12. Tuborg i only said the blue moon cus i thought he didnt like beer. American beer is water boiler all of it.
  13. If you dont like beer. Blue moon is for you order it with either orange or lemon to squeez in it takes away the nastyness. And will look impressive.
  14. Tyranus


    I didnt think they posted recent sat imagry for security reasons. The stuff from my town is like 10 years old. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Earth#Inaccuracies All images are not from the same time. Can be up to 3 years old.
  15. Any Beer that is drank after Ty slaps you to death after tking him. he he he Pwned!
  16. Dude I want them. I said that already I thought. GHooker pm me with some details to get ya the money
  17. Tyranus

    I'm back

    Good he lost all his hax!
  18. I need to make a flyer for IA07.com to put out here locally. I thought if someone enjoyed that they might help us out and do the work . Might be a long shot but anywho. Let me know.
  19. Fatty 2008. I love when you overcharge for yer services he he he.
  20. Sure Hitler you can charge me more for me to pwn joo.
  21. BUMP How much you! <-----impatient.........going out of town in teh morning
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