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Everything posted by Camel_Man

  1. i dont think im higher than anyone else, im just always in a bad mood
  2. of course contra is my fav, she is the love of my life (L) i would be lost without her...
  3. what teams are going to be in mcc4? im so lost lol
  4. CsLs are gonna rock it w00t
  5. i have a 1.2 tbird ddr that is just collecting dust on my desk, it needs a home. its a ddr but will also work with pc100 sdram i believe, now i know alot of you are less fortuniate and have slow boxes, if u have a motherboard that will support this baby or would like to buy one to upgrade ur box the processor is yours (providing u pay for shipping)
  6. i havent been banned, but i sure as hell could use one
  7. yes a very mean side...i mean..uhh no...ack jk sayang (L) (L) (L)
  8. Camel_Man

    im out

    its not my school work, i have an appropiate amount of time for that, cs is my break from the real world and it isnt really a break if you are not enjoying yourself, and i havent been enjoying myself here for the past month or so. sorry
  9. Camel_Man

    im out

    sorry i dont have time for the tweak off, im under so much stress right now trying to manage a job and school among other things
  10. Camel_Man

    im out

    i need a break from Mmmm so i wont be playing here for a couple of months (might not even come back ) ever want to chill with the camel while he is in a good state of mind you can find me on the ogl server, or just look me up under Camel_Man on www.gametiger.net peace
  11. rancheros and homemade tortillas.....mmmmmmmmmm
  12. lets see um a bunch of mexicans, eh some mexican potheads, white, africian, chinese etc
  13. Camel_Man


    who would win, the entire footbal team from san francisco 49'ers or 3 teammates from da bears. DA BEARS!!!!!!
  14. Camel_Man

    FPS help!

    mod or retail it doesnt matter, they both run off the modified q2 engine
  15. FINALLY!!!!!! a map that is much enjoyable than regular assault. my rantings have finally come to an end
  16. some specs on this box? it has to be sufficient because a computer can be so cruddy that you are going to see a very small increase in performance to no performance gain at all. what kinds of test, is this basically a which comp gets more frames per second than the other?
  17. ive never taking a computer class either, all my experience is hands on, built my first computer at the age of 12, and i will be 19 by in a week or two. i spend an average ammount of 8 hours on a computer a day, doesnt cut into my social life, but i sure do miss sleep....
  18. Camel_Man

    FPS help!

    i dont agree with orbitals guide, you dont have to disable vsync to get high fps, he doesnt understand how nt kernel os refresh rates work
  19. Camel_Man

    FPS help!

    zap tell me your system specs and i can tell you how much fps you should be getting, and if me helping you would show an increase in fps or not
  20. Camel_Man

    FPS help!

    dont alt tab while at the main screen while ur playing or it will be very big alt tab while u are in game and ull be fine
  21. Mmmm is invite only, and they have to really like u if you are to become part of their family. trust me, i know.
  22. Camel_Man

    FPS help!

    im an expert in the ways of a computer, ill send u an aol msg
  23. grr stay away, contra is my wife to be....GRRRR
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