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Everything posted by Hendryx

  1. Go for it. I have one, that i'm assuming fatty has already seen, but Barto will need to sign a waiver on it seeing as he's the one who uploaded it . Stupid formalities...
  2. I'm a proud member of the Anti-Friendship:Rob (aka 'El Barto') Organization (AFRO). During our weekly tuesday meetings in a secret undisclosed location (much like cheney's summer/winter/dog's homes), we draw out various tactics to make his life miserable and make his amazing 'fro ever larger. There's a hidden black button at the bottom of the TTT signup page for all of you who are interested in joining the AFRO. If you want more information, contact me at hendryx@antirob.org
  3. I agree with what Fatty and Tape have said. Yet I definitely agree with what male said. look at it in a broader sense. Who made profane words...well, profane? They are people's opinions. You should always, ALWAYS respect other people's feelings. If they are offended by certain words, don't use them. For that matter, don't do anything that would offend anyone. If you see me in game and the swear filter catches me, its probably because im saying something like "brb, gonna go get a muffin from downstairs".
  4. Two things. One: Have fun. Two: We should definitely play siege more often. It's one of the finer official maps released, yet for some reason the CS demographic likes rushing classic left on dust 8 days a week. There's more to life than getting owned by tunnel rushing n00bars and having mass camp out/AWP wars on that not-so-sturdy mesh bridge in the aztec land.
  5. Hendryx


    Yeah, S!d went through the same thing. The three week appropriately named 'Dark Ages'. We only had three members! But now we're back, stronger than ever. Good luck d00dz.
  6. lol im sorry, i've just been busy. Yeah, somebody else do it, i've got too much crap on my hands.
  7. AHHHH Stupid monthly payment games..... why can't everything just be FREE?!
  8. As long as it works, it's fine for me.
  9. techno (mainly crystal method), hard rock/metal (metallica, disturbed, hendrix (duh), manson, rammstein, some ratm, rob zombie, alice in chains, etc etc)
  10. Lazy!?! If we all weren't so lazy, we'd be out killing eachother with automatic shotguns we rented through underground government officials.
  11. Bah Yeah, watching a bunch of cool people get driven away by some n00bs who's only defense is "you h4x0r" isn't cool. Come on people, grow up already. Instead of acccusing people of hacking, accuse yourself of sucking. But I guess I've already stated this in the moss thread. If you can't handle people who are better than you, get better.
  12. 1) Install Half-Life 2) Patch it to 3) Grab CS 1.5 4) Install it If that doesn't work, go sue valve.
  13. Nice, congrats you two! Remember to switch to foption whenever I join!
  14. So many people make typos! It's CS not BS! What's wrong with you people? But yeah, I've seen people being kicked from servers by VAC recently. Yes kids, the game ACTUALLY has an anticheat! I think some pubbers don't realize how 'polished' this community is from others. Most of them come from servers which didn't do jack about tking/language/whatever, so they think they can act like jerks here. It all depends on the way you were 'raised' as a player.
  15. I get the feeling that DJ just made that up as an example of what goes on in the servers when moss was around. All you complainers should do what I (and I'm sure many others) do: If somebody gets an amazing kill on you: A. blame yourself for doing something completely stupid (which usually happens to me, e.g. going full auto with an ak just cuz im close to someone) or B. Watch that person to find out what they're doing so you can LEARN FROM IT! Don't watch people to find some dirt on them. Watch them closely and see how they fire different guns, walk, and where they go. For those of you who've played Warcraft III, you know how much replays will improve your game. The same goes for Counterstrike. Hell, even if they are 'cheating', if you can find some way to mimic their moves without using hacks then you're doin pretty damn well! It's just sad how as the game progresses (along with its constantly beefed up anticheat), more people accuse of cheating just because they can't handle the game. If you're having an insanely rough time, go play in easier servers, then come back when you feel you're good enough (and have matured enough to play in an actual community).
  16. I dunno what i would do without HLSW. It's so much cooler than using crappy serverspy to check up on my favorite servers. Its in realtime, tells u pretty much everything, and if you have the rcon pass you can admin your server without even looking at half-life! Its such a great tool, go get it!
  17. Hendryx


    ernt wicke wicke ernt w00t oonde oon moot is a word and i'm bored
  18. Hendryx


    Way to go TJ. BTW fatty, its flash. You can do anything in flash! The only limit is yourself.
  19. Hendryx


    I think we should say right now that music shouldn't be allowed in avatars.
  20. He scares me. Yeah, asking for admin powers is a sure-fire way to not get admin powers. in S!d, all of our members get admin access to our server(s), but if they are disrespectful or abuse them we cut the cord. If you want platinum admin powers that badly, try to join Mmmm.
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