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Everything posted by Korodas

  1. This occurred somewhere around 11:30 EST tonight, October 27. We had a full server, until some SERIOUS packet loss began occurring. Everybody started complaining and the server was vacated in minutes!! ArcticStronghold was left with nobody there and a score of 1-1 . Was a good game too. Only JollyGreenGiant was there when I came logged back on to take the screenshot: Here is the tracert, although this one is a little late. The first time I did it just to check, noticed that the server timed out once before it reached the IP address, then closed the window and decided to post. Then I read I needed to post a copy of the tracert. :/ It looks ok now! Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops 1 10 ms 7 ms 11 ms 2 6 ms 10 ms 7 ms 3 30 ms 25 ms 13 ms 4 12 ms 16 ms 21 ms 5 26 ms 23 ms 24 ms gar1-p360.sc1ca.ip.att.net [] 6 76 ms 75 ms 40 ms tbr1-p012102.sffca.ip.att.net [] 7 54 ms 33 ms 41 ms ggr1-p360.sffca.ip.att.net [] 8 54 ms 52 ms 108 ms 9 63 ms 69 ms 66 ms so1-0-0-2488M.ar1.CHI2.gblx.net [] 10 79 ms 59 ms 58 ms Internap-Ken-Schmid-Chicago.ge-0-3-0.400.ar1.CHI 2.gblx.net [] 11 57 ms 57 ms 58 ms border5.ge3-1-bbnet1.chg.pnap.net [] 12 56 ms 60 ms 58 ms prohosting-2.border5.chg.pnap.net [] 13 78 ms 56 ms 62 ms Trace complete. Mountain Dew and Manslaughter were there when it started. EVERYBODY was experiencing the packet loss, and everybody was quick to leave. -Kor
  2. Hehe, sorry Mk5. It seems like you have a new one every time, so I'm sure you'll be all right. -Kor
  3. I had no idea I had a blue skin...I certainly didn't change anything in my settings. I have seen that happen, sporadically, but I have no idea what the reason for it is. I thought I could get away with the link gun on that hellbender because it is one of the quieter ways to kill somebody. If they're not watching their health, sometimes they don't even realize they are being attacked until it is too late. But when he looked straight at me, I thought for sure I was a dead man! I had no idea I looked like I was on the same team! There were certainly some good games, and I must say that you guys have potential. C-ya around! -Kor [edit] By the way, your weapon changes after the first 100 posts.
  4. Most of the time when GC members play on our servers, we represent by wearing the /-=GC=-/ tag. A few of us go by aliases from time-to-time, like Mk5 (Triad and IFeelPretty), Mountain Dew (Semper), and myself. Most of the time though, we sport the tag. -Kor
  5. Hey now, GC is the first team I have ever joined! It will probably be the only one too. But before I joined GC, I had a few other invitations that I was considering, Smiley being one of them. GC just seemed like one of the best fits, and after mountain_dew joined, it convinced me. I haven't regretted it yet! -Kor
  6. PvP creates so many other different levels of gameplay. Politics, sometimes, becomes a major part. You form guild alliances (outside of faction), you become anti-pk (just against random pking), you claim territory, you lose territory, your alliance becomes betrayed...It can be very interesting. Not only that, but life is much more dangerous. I would easily get bored on any carebear world, where sometimes it seems that all you do is quest and level. Any time you add the Player vs. Player aspect to anything, it makes it that much more exciting to me. I'm interested to see what the final PvP product will be in WoW. It sounds like the death penalty is practically nonexistent compared to what I'm used to. Also, the honor system looks promising, although it does look like it needs some more work. PvP is the only way for me! -Kor
  7. Hey Anaconda! Yeah, I did end up joining GC. I spent so much time on their server and ended up playing with these guys so much that I just decided to join 'em! By the time I joined, I was used to playin' with a lot of them already, so it worked out pretty well. Sorry for leavin' ya hangin' Anaconda! It sounds like everything is working out all right and that you do have a few good players in the lineup. Looking forward to a scrim! -Kor
  8. I'll be there! For sure! I love MMORPG PVP! -Kor
  9. Ahh, come on Manslaughter! Even if you don't necessarily have the time to compete, it would be nice to have you in our ranks. You could still practice and scrim with the team when you had the time -- it's always good to have a few good peeps to scrim with. You would also have access to the super-cool GC team skins! (thanks to Mk5, who is otherwise known as THE man....errr, bot) We'll see you in game! -Kor
  10. Hey Manslaughter! It was good to play with ya for a bit tonight. It seems I haven't seen you in a while. Yep, the lag beast....we've discussed this a lot on our private forums. To be honest though, I haven't had much lag since we dropped down to an 18 man server again except for Redplanet and Dria (every time the core becomes vulnerable in dria, the lag monster strikes!). Every once in a while though, when both spec spots fill up and the server is jammin', the lag does hit. I'm sure somebody else will pop in and give an "official" response, but until then I do have some advice: Join up and you can read our private threads, our multiple discussions on servers, as well as our plans for servers in the future ! Later and GG's tonight! -Kor
  11. Korodas


    This has been discussed a little bit in the past, although it was on a public board. Here is a link to that discussion: http://www.gamrs.co/forums/in...1&st=&p=entry -Kor
  12. Got it. Some really cool stuff. Paladin: Doesn't seem to be nearly the "bang" that a goliath is, but perhaps harder to kill due to the shield. In fact, I would bet it is the perfect thing to take out a goliath--shield against the goliath fire, and then attack with the plasma blast. It seems just a bit faster as well. Mobile Artillery: Not nearly the range I was suspecting, but you don't have to have direct line-of-sight to kill stuff. Of course, there is a delay between when you fire and when it hits, so it's harder to hit stuff on the move (just have to time it--like a goliath) and the first seat cannot protect itself at close range. The second seat, however, has the shock balls which are great for close range. Cicada: This thing looks very cool, and complex. Would take a while to master..but it does bring some heavy weaponry for an air vehicle. I bet this thing, with it's lock-on target capability, could take out a node fast! Will have to play with it a bit later though. Also, the avril flares are an awesome idea--haven't had a chance to play with them yet. Can't wait to try this stuff online! -Kor
  13. Here is the link to the thread that has it: http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showt...threadid=414090 I was worried about the validity of the link -- but later on in the thread, an Epic admin (Dr. Sin) vouches for its validity and that it has indeed been released. I have about 2 minutes left in my download, so I will let you know if it works out ok. -Kor PS ECE = Editor's Choice Edition. It is just new content for UT2k4.
  14. I really doubt it's going to be as "uber" as you think. It won't be anywhere near the power of a levi, and it is probably just a little bit more powerful than a tank. It looks like a scorpion with a big gun on it, a long range gun I might add, so up close I would bet it is VERY easy to take out -- whether you are on foot, in a raptor/manta or even a scorpion. Especially if they are looking through their camera! The hardest part would be finding where it is firing from. Even then, I would bet it isn't too bad. Until you do find it though, I'm sure the camera is easily shot out of the sky. -Kor
  15. "The camera can shoot clear across a map." Yes! Long-range bombing as well as scouting potential! That vehicle is going to be so cool! -Kor
  16. Here is a link to some screenshots. http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showt...threadid=414039 Also, I found this bit of information interesting: "There is also a "bonus vehicles" version of every standard map, but no pics on this post" -Kor
  17. First game would had to have been on my Commodore 64... Zork III: The Dungeon Master, a text-based RPG for Commodore 64. My older bought it when it first came out and I started playing it at about 6 years old. Was a little hard to figure out how to beat, but it had some pretty cool things to read! Graphics sucked though... After that, it was a few more Commodore games until I got my hands on a Nintendo! (Even then, I played Mario Bro.'s on my Commodore) -Kor
  18. I'm probably gonna buy it too, depending on the size of the download. If they don't break it into parts--mod by mod or map by map, the download will be huge! At least a gig. Will just have to see. -Kor
  19. I won't believe it until I'm actually playing it, but all of the buzz seems to point to a release this week! Ebgames predicted that it would be released today (19th), but that you would not be able to receive it until the 21st. Every other gamesite claims that the game will be released on the 21st. One can only hope! I wanna try out the new vehicles! -Kor
  20. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you are right Brillow. HWarrior has got the formula, but when you frag a bot, it doesn't count on the stats server. I've had a few wicked sicks that didn't get recorded because of that. -Kor
  21. Double jump, eh? In a manta? Or are you actually getting there on foot?
  22. I agree, she is hot! The game looks very cool. Man, I miss the PvP of MMORPG's. I absolutely love the PK aspect of those online games. Nothing I've ever played was ever been better than the PK world of the first Asheron's Call though. -Kor
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