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Everything posted by Flitterkill

  1. Flitterkill


    Yep - down - back soon... -Fk
  2. You realise after what you just said, GC members who *do* build on the side will be assaulting you for the opportunity to build you your dream machine for a hell of a lot less than four large. Just sayin... -Fk
  3. So, apparently, I no longer exist... Seriously - take a look - at least as of right now.... http://ut2004stats.epicgames.com/index.php?stats=players Search for me, or /-=GC=-/ (memories...) On another note, Ender has been j'accused of teh hax and is currently banned from TWL play - see ONSCentral for the dramas and such. I have the avi if it is no longer hosted there. Also also, we may just have to suck it up and drop antitcc on for at least a bit - seems Rypelcam (whatever - used to remove walls when you play back a demo so you can better understand stuff) can apparently also be used online - which is bad and stuff. We'll see. -Fk
  4. Focus on the men on your mom's side of the family for genetics. -Fk
  5. Flitterkill hacked this in the obvious manner... -Fk
  6. The community ain't goin nowhere. The board keeps an eye on expenses vs. income from memberships (naturally) but does so forward looking, that is, rather than waiting for the doom to arrive, if it appears renewals/new memberships are lagging, the board will knock back a server now rather than wait for the real money crunch to set in. Gives us a cushion (a comfortable one at that) and often times, reducing the # of servers actually drives new memberships as reserves on our oh-so-nice-to-play-on servers drives new memberships (with reserves naturally). Nice offer btw. -Fk
  7. Yep - right in the middle of RP. As usual, SCK down as well - we are on the same hardware after all Ticket in. -Fk EDIT: Out at least until 230am - then I went to bed. Back up now (10am)
  8. Make sure that ain't a bail after a long round of Dria or Dawn - sometimes after long matches, regardless of map, people gotta have a break. HW has final say on these matters, but seeing he ain't here, for the time being, Primeval pulled, Urban-LE and Nevermore-LE jacked in. All else the same. I think every std. map has been pulled at one time or another *except* for AS. Leave it to HW for that decision. Hey, forgot about Red Planet - that hasn't been in for a month at least. Throw that in too. FYI, there is a new LE version of Sun-Tzu recently approved for TWL play - perhaps HW can be cajolled in throwing that up (I assume the LE version knocks out the framerate issues...) -Fk EDIT: 120am Fri Morn, still 16 playing, after xfire, starting rp
  9. You might be surprised by this, but our increased numbers probably have more to do with reverting to primarily stock maps. For whatever reason, and this is going back years now, non-stock maps scare noobs away. I got a bit out of control towards the end as I listened to you guys, and myself as well certainly, and stuck more maps on - so that by the time I flipped it over to HW, we had prob 1/2 stock, 1/2 non-stock maps running. We can probably run two non-stock maps at a time, tucked somewhere in the rotation (not back to back) and probably be alright, otherwise, people see a "new" map, and just bail for the familiar. Which, of course, sucks for us that want a change up but I think we all agree that more people playing on stock is much better than fewer playing on non-stock. BW hates Primeval? Heh...kinda doubt that one
  10. I was feeling it - been awhile since I've played that well, and its been awhile since our server had a run like that - what? 6pm til 2am or something? Funny how when we play, others play. Even Wentz showed up for a time I might be on Nepenthe tomorrow but otherwise I am outs until Dec 28th at the earliest. Travel safe, etc. etc..... -Fk
  11. A conversation somewhere.... "Hey, so like, I landed the Transformers movie rights!" "Yah? And..." "Whatta ya mean?" "A kids cartoon that was designed to sell toys in the 80's. So - what are we gonna do with it? G-rated Pixar style? I mean, sure, we'd probably get the 30-something guys dragging thier kids to see it but.. eh.." "No wait man - we do this. Live. Action." "Seriously?" "Why not? Effects are easy these days..." "And the plot would be what? Optimus and co. trying to stop Decepticons from getting energon cubes or some crap. In live action. We'd better start negotiations with Lion for them to do a new theme song. Oh wait. What am I thinking. I'm assuming you know what the hell you are talking about. This is Howard the Duck coupled with Willow styled lameness. Go away now." "OK - you gotta point. How about this instead." "I'm listening." "Live Action - Michael Bay - Transformers + Independence Day" "..." "?" "Sold." -Fk
  12. Adaptec may not have anything downloadable but they still list it as supported - give them a call or email support and have them send you out a disc. That, or if you have a free PCI slot avail, just drop $20 on this and be done with it (it will work plenty fine jacking in your VCR for the input) http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=WI...-CO&cat=VCD -Fk
  13. And a manta swoops in from an entirely different gametype, squishes one account, considers doing more, figures some CS folks might still want a piece of the action, so leaves for now... Enough. -Fk
  14. Headshots aren't the same this time of year without the SantaHats! http://www.angelmapper.com/infosantahats.htm I'd do somthing about it but I'm not the lead admin... -Fk
  15. Site DNS is crappy at the moment Here is the link for the Epic Forums discussion (and the pic) http://gearsforums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=558603 -Fk
  16. You should join GC and make Bushwack happy he has someone else to play with on the TWL team I know you saved some money on something the other day... hmm..... -Fk
  17. Wentzy's comp is teh suxors, at least the vid card and/or DSL connection are... He lingers about but has not played in two months (or more) PM him - roust his lazy posterior! -Fk
  18. Yep - pm in - I'll let viper know there are some issues here with the power -Fk EDIT: Back up 1120pm
  19. FYI - seems there are still probs with the master server (according to posts at Epic) so expect numbers to stay wierd... -Fk
  20. As for the empty servers / server list not showing anything - Epic just cleared up some problems with the Master Server thingy (was posted in the Epic forums) so folks who have not bookmarked us should find us (and all the other servers out there) again. -Fk
  21. Once our UT core membership dropped, we had to be fair to the rest of GC and make our memberships really go towards the pub server costs (long story short: overall membership always picks up everyone's slack regardless of where they spend most of thier time, however, at the extremes there has to be some issues of fairness of where they money is going) So, to keep us up and running TWL style, we picked up the private on our own. Yep and yep - I guess I just reiterated it. Quite possible, but that can be decided way down the line (like when the demo drops) Side note - anyone see Gogonzolla lately? -Fk
  22. Just finished 1 hour by my lonesome Temerity as our private match server has been supported by just us UT guys - *not* by GC dues (speaking of which, Flitter matching half of the private server is getting to be a bit much given the amount of use its been getting lately (*cough*). Three month bill came and went a few days ago so we are good thru Feb but we need to go to full member support at that point if we want to keep it) Anyhoo - we *are* going to UT2K7 - when the demo drops, our 18p pub goes away (if it is still around at that point) and become the demo server - once full game is released, demo becomes our 2K7 pub. A complete flip over. Now, if we still want to maintain a 2K4 presence, in whatever fashion, it can be addressed then. Bottom line is as far as GC is concerned, our one pub flips to 2K7 regardless - hopefully this time we will have enough admins and long term leadership in place to keep it going from the start. -Fk
  23. I've been getting a bit of chop lately - framerates seem fine but in game dropping frames, etc. Check your tracerts to Nepenthe - see if one (or more) of the hops gives you consistant timeouts like my 9th and 10th do - Viper has been made awares - we'll see if it clears or we need to escalate from there. -Fk ---------------------------------------- 9 * * 52 ms sl-bb23-chi-13-0.sprintlink.net [] 10 41 ms 44 ms 40 ms sl-crs1-chi-0-3-0.sprintlink.net []
  24. So, here's a new joint for you to discuss new servers, gametypes and the like. Nothing wrong with talking about this stuff in the other forums, its just that if you stick them down here, it will make it much more easy for us (board, etc.) to gauge interest in servers, etc. That and we have an offer we hope some of you don't refuse. If you want to take GC into a new gametype and you are willing to put up half, we got the other half. Seriously. Please, if you haven't already, get the lowdown and the all important details in the stucked post HERE -Fk
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