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Everything posted by VooDooPC

  1. I agree, any of these people could have had a gun and someone could have wound up dead.
  2. That does explain why I wake up tired and sleep until 2pm on the weekends.
  3. But, I don't, that's where I'm confused!
  4. They served me well, thousands of tank shells from World of Tanks went through those headphones.
  5. VooDooPC


    If you're playing by yourself you can reset the region. If you're playing with other people there's a way to abandon your city, I forget exactly how though. I'd have to actually get in the game to check.
  6. 400% is a lot percent. I thought it was doing an insane amount of damage but I'm also kind of crazy. It only carries like 20 shots. I really like the Executioner, the one shot pistol, that thing is sweeeet.
  7. wait so the voodoo that plays l4d2 isnt u? LAWL!!!!! oops There's a doppelganger using my name??
  8. I'm not a CS person or a L4D2 person. Where do I fit in this crazy society??
  9. Can anyone tell me the point of the pistol with the silencer on it?
  10. VooDooPC


    How'd that filling your city in one hour go? Anyone can fill a city, making it work is key.
  11. VooDooPC


    Yeah, it surprises no one but everyone still insists on crying about it. Simcity has the problem, Diablo 3 had the problem, every MMORPG has the problem. People should get over it already.
  12. VooDooPC


    Want to receive this the day it comes out? Order it in the next 5 hours and 35 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. If it makes you feel better I'll probably be on New New New Detroit by the time you get the game because I'll be so bad at it. So you will be just as good at running a city as those in charge of the real Detroit? Shaftiel My plan is to play for about an hour and then have an Emergency Financial Manager take over.
  13. VooDooPC


    Want to receive this the day it comes out? Order it in the next 5 hours and 35 minutes, and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. If it makes you feel better I'll probably be on New New New Detroit by the time you get the game because I'll be so bad at it.
  14. I think everyone is upto silver now. Our newbies are making some real progress!
  15. I have my mouse thumb button bound to medigel. It doesn't do anything while you're alive except let you cancel the rest of a reload animation. I specced out my Juggernaut for shields and HP. He has 2,300 HP and 4,600 shields. I also have Power Transfer, so when I heavy melee is makes my shields go back up pretty fast. On Bronze nothing does more damage than the shields can regenerate. I want to try it on Gold but I'm afraid of getting ridiculed.
  16. Thanks TheDude. I knew they probably changed some stuff since I played but didn't know what. I'll edit my post and fix that stuff. I like the Geth Juggernaut, I was using it last night when playing with WalkingCat and Avenger. On Bronze the cannon ability can take out fodder enemies in one shot and take out brutes, atlases, and geth primes in one three shoot barrage. I don't know how well it works on higher difficulties. I respeced and switch from damage to 10% damage reduction per cannon shot ready to fire and got the skill that lets you have four. So 40% damage reduction isn't bad. I used the shield wall some it seems okay but I haven't tried it fully upgraded yet. I also didn't put any points into the geth turret since I have that on my geth engineer. The heavy melee is also awesome. Has some range on it, looks cool, recharges your shields. I was messing around with it last night and got to wave 9 solo without going down. I think I'll try a solo bronze run with it today.
  17. Hot Multiplayer Tips: Some enemies have melee animations that will kill you in one hit. When I say kill I mean kill, not being incapacitated. I believe these are limited too the Phantom, Banshee, Praetorian, Brute, Scion, and Atlas. Be careful when resurrecting people near these enemies, you or them may be killed, especially near Phantoms. The Geth Juggernaut class is immune to this bologna. You can shoot the armor plates off the shoulders of the Brutes, this exposes their flesh and increases the damage you do to that area. Praetorians have similar armor you can shoot off on their bellies. The Brutes death animation of his arm swinging out CAN hit you and kill you, watch out for that. The Atlases have plates on their knees and shoulders that can be destroyed. When you destroy them it makes the Atlas take a burst of damage and causes them to stagger. The Banshee weak spot is her head. When the banshee has a wavy orb around her she'll absorb any Biotic or technical abilities, you can shoot her to drop this barrier. The Geth Prime weak spot is its glowing cyclops looking eyeball. Geth Primes spawn Geth Turrets and robotic orb things. Enemy engineers set up turrets, the turrets are one of the devious enemies in the game. If you're exposed to one for more than a few seconds you'll go down. Turrets also don't count towards the enemies in a wave. So even if the wave is over enemy turrets can still be on the map. Your gun's recoil is reduced when you're taking cover. Multiple people activating the same objective doesn't make it go any faster UNLESS it's an area objective, such as an escort or hacking. You can activate objectives while invisible. The time it takes to activate an objective is almost the same length of time that a full upgraded stealth lasts. Hit the stealth key and then begin doing the objective, you'll be safe the whole time. On higher difficulties it's not unusual for a single stealth player to go out and do all the objectives and run back to the "home base". You can no longer resurrect people while staying invisible. Objective waves have infinite enemy respawns until the objective is complete. If you're far from an objective don't try to clear the area you're in and then head to the objective, make a run for the objective right away, running passed any enemies near you unless you really have to kill them. When the objective is complete enemies stop respawning and you can kill them all to complete the wave. Cobra missiles will kill anything in one hit. Try not to freak out and waste them. Use them when you have 2-3 large enemies together that you can take out all at once or to clear the extraction/objective zone in a dire situation. Aim at the ground near your target if you can, it's easier to hit the ground than a moving enemy. You get more points for the team the more people that are in the final extraction area when the countdown timer ends. If everyone is alive in the extraction area you get a "Full Extraction", which is worth 15,000 XP. You now get bonus credits for extracting as well. You can cancel reload animations to reload weapons faster. If you look at your ammo count while reloading you will see that the number of rounds goes up before the animation is finished. If you hit a button to use an item, such as medigel, it will cancel the rest of the animation. This is extremely useful on weapons that have one shot per clip, like the Widow Sniper RIfle or the Claymore Shotgun. Biotic explosions are a huge damage dealer and very popular on higher skill levels. To set them up use a biotic ability that has an effect that last an amount of time, such as Pull, Reave, Stasis or Warp. After using one of those on an enemy hit them with another biotic power and it will cause a biotic explosion. You can also use special ammo types, like Warp ammo for the same effect. There are also Tech Bursts, Cryo Blasts and Fire Explosions, all work the same way as biotic explosions but use different abilities. Just think of it as a primer and trigger. When buying crates you have to think about if you want to unlock everything or just unlock whatever. When you buy a crate you get random items and a chance for higher rarer items. Each weapon and weapon upgrade has a level. Weapons go up to level 10, so you can unlock each weapon 10 times. If you want to unlock everything and do your crates as efficient as possible start with Recruit crates until you have all common weapons at level 10. When you get a weapon at level 10 you will no longer receive it in crates, this prevents you from buying a higher level crate and getting a crummy common weapon. Once you get all common weapons to level 10 you move on to veteran crates to get uncommon weapons. If you don't really care about getting everything just buy whatever crates you want. Keep in mind there's a crate that only has supplies, like medigels and missiles, it contains no characters or weapons. Also, when playing online, it's polite to buy your crates when someone went AFK and you know you have the time or when you're done playing for the night, not between rounds. People don't want to sit around and wait while you look through the 10+ items you just got from a crate. My final tip is try to stick together and pay attention to what the objective is. If it's a hacking mission stick together and stay in the zone. If it's an assassin objective, stick together and work your way to the targets. If it's an escort, stay in the area around the escort. Running off by yourself will get yourself killed and then someone else has to risk their life to try and go resurrect you. On Bronze it's not that big of a deal, but on higher difficulties if you die by yourself you're not worth the risk and are going to bleed out.
  18. It's 4 player co-op wave based horde mode with the occasional objective. There's tons of unlocks. Characters, weapons, weapon attachments, other junk. I think it's fun. I know some people think the combat in Mass Effect sucks compared to every other third person shooter, but I enjoy it.
  19. My resume is set up like that. It has a list of things I accomplished at my past jobs, like building a new company website, making the initiative for the company to switch from 2D to 3D parametric CAD software. Then I have a section that says the things I currently do day to day at my job. Last I have another section that is skills like software I use, CNC experience, junk like that. I've gotten a couple of interviews but no dream job yet.
  20. Leviathan is supposed to be extremely good if you're into the lore.
  21. I found out two ways to raise the warebears. The Dawnguard DLC gives you a shout called Soul Tear, which you cast on an enemy and then when they die they are resurrected to fight for you for 1 minute. Another way is with Ritual Stone (one of the standing stones), you can use it once a day to raise nearby bodies for 1 hour. They also work on powerful enemies like Giants and Mammoths.
  22. Yeah, we had a streak of like, 10 games with no losses! >_> < _< >_>
  23. VooDooPC


    Short stress test tomorrow. 8pm-12am.
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