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  1. Ok. So has anyone played with the newest snapshot? I have and its pretty cool. If not then i suggest you do. AND Mojang seems to be a balance of revealing things and hiding things this update! Witch leads me to my next tag, The super secret settings any ideas? I am personally thinking NEW MOBS but i'd like to get some other perspectives. AND this is mostly a question for biggs and any other top MC admins. with the muliti-verse plugin, will we be adding an amplified world? I know this is kinda early but im am really excited about this update!
  2. Looking to play some Minecraft? Look no further! GC has a whitelisted (means the server is private) Bukkit server. If you want to play with us, then post below with your Minecraft name. If you're new on the forums, maybe throw in some info such as who you are or who you're wanting to play with, that'd help us out a lot! To get on the whitelist, players need to post for themselves--no asking for a friend to be whitelisted. Parents, we'll make an exception here for your young kids. He/she won't have to have a forum account... but you will be responsible for making sure your son/daughter follows the rules. Posting here means that you have read, understand, and will follow all of our community rules (read below): Follow the above rules and you shouldn't have any problems... but since this thread is specific to the Minecraft server, here are a few additional rules: * no intentional killing of other players without consent * no stealing or destroying other players' items or animals * no griefing Thanks, and happy mining!
  3. Just so everyone will be aware, I will announce any changes to the server's configuration in this thread. Feel free to comment, just try to be on-topic. Apologies, I should have made this topic a while ago.
  4. Closed for discussion, just a simple vote. Yes or no.
  5. So many of you have probably been wondering why has'ent the nether hub been started or finished. I have two reasons 1. Fallout New Vegas - witch also constitutes the steam summer sale 2. i died and the pigmen are still aggro at me. SO i plan to extensively work on it this week and hopefully get it up and running. so there you are my reasons for not working on it and other stuffs will come in this thread like rules or recommendations and stuffs.
  6. ok so today i died in the nether while fighting a ghast. I missed the ghast and accidentally hit an pigman. so if anyone had been in the future nether hub and saw my stuff and picked it up could you please return it to the mansion or if you see me on (pix_poster) please return it to me i had a full set of diamond armor and a silk touch pick. thats the important stuff. anything else you may have recalled picking up would be much appreciated. I'm not sure if this thread will have much importance because i don't think much ppl have been on today. Thank you if you did recover my stuff and please return it as soon as possible.
  7. S tonight we fought and destroyed the Ender Dragon! so then the next major builds are the Ender Ender and the nether hub. i cant wait to start. so i guess this thread is to talk about the event and suggestions for these build's. i will hope fully have a link to biggs's version of the fight later or he will post it himself.
  8. So today I finally went and got Minecraft, buuuut.... I dont know if there was conflicts with the old free version I had from before that my friend had given me, but it kept logging me in as guest. Now it wont even recogize my email as valid, I tried deleting all the folders and reinstalling but its being completely uncooperative. Now I cant even log in to the account I made on the website. Is there any way of making this work without having to format everything? Or did I just waste $30?
  9. Hi all, This time around we're hoping to kill the Ender Dragon together, so everyone can experience the fight and cutscene! In order to accomplish this objective, we need input on when to launch our assault. Please vote in the poll, noting that all times are EASTERN and you CAN select MULTIPLE answers. Please choose all options that work for you, not just the one "best" time, because the goal is to get as many people as possible involved. Also, if you'll only be available for part of a time slot, then you should make note of that in a post on the thread as well, please! Let's slay a dragon! (PS - If you're one of the people who knows where a stronghold is, please don't go to the end until after this raid occurs. Thank you.)
  10. From the result of the poll (thanks everyone that voted), we now have a new world!! The server is whitelisted to keep things safe until at least a Beta version of Bukkit 1.6.1 is released. I'm taking requests for what buildings people want moved over into this world (I have the old one backed up). It is a bit of work to move things, but I need two things from you: What to move, and rough x, y, z coordinates in the new world. If you're fine just starting from scratch, all the better! Once Bukkit is back, I'll be adding a 'Creative' for anyone who wants to use that. It will be normally generated (not superflat), which should provide plenty of nice scenery.
  11. OK, so 1.6 is coming out this week sometime, and there's been some discussion if we should start a new map. There are many options for how we can do this, so please vote, choosing ALL the options that sounds reasonable to you. The goal is to find the most acceptable option, so please don't just pick your favorite option.
  12. I'm testing out the Multiverse plugin, as suggested to me by several people. So if you want to try going to Creative Land, there is a portal on the upper level of the wooden structure at spawn. Just jump right in! Claims, /home command, etc, should all work the same as before. Here's the first creative build on our new Creative Land world--only took a few minutes but it's a shrine to the Floating Cactus: Location in Creative Land: x: -235 z: 8
  13. Hello. so im sitting here and i've been on the server twice. No one is on and honestly the builds at spawn are random and misplaced and pretty much every where. I think that we could restart the minecraft server after the new update and hopefully get it back on its feet? also I would suggest maybe a world download in case anyone wanted to save their builds. Just a suggestion but i think its a good one! I will help out as much as i can if it decides to go through we can finalize the rest of the details like the white list possibility later. And the reason for the whitelist is because if it gets active we could have spamers or "trouble makers" appear and i believe we are a clean group so give the feedback pls! And I personally in about a year am going to start a youtube channel with a MC lets play so i will probably start the series there.
  14. Anyone ever want to play some Minecraft PvP on a Thursday or Friday night, let me know. If we can get enough to play 3v3 or 4v4 I think it'd be very fun to try out one of these maps! Considering traffic on the server has dropped to basically nil, I don't mind switching maps for a night. Revolution by Sugoi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PzociBprCk Nail by Rixiot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2toLaCZT4Fs Calamity by Moesh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLPkxIK3JoQ
  15. There are many of us who doesn't want to continue this discussion. Especially after we had 2 vote posts, which basically gave the same result: no changes, keep everything as it was. I've heard from many of our admins that this problem is going too far and we need to end this before we all turn into enemies. I've decided to take the responsibility and the hit and end this. There will be no discussion and this will be final word. Whoever wants to talk more, please don't, we all heard enough. I respect all opinions and sincerely take them to my consideration, but it's enough. NO changes. Server runs the way it was for the last year.
  16. ~ Connecting to the GC Minecraft Server ~ Launch minecraft.exe Select Multiplayer on the main menu On the bottom of the window select Add Server Server Name - GC Minecraft Server (or simply choose a convenient name) Server IP - Now select Done Now, simply double-click on the server listed and you are connected. ~ Adding Minecraft to Steam & allocating RAM ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNqy9j3HwlM Target - "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe" -Xms1024m -Xmx8192m -jar "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\minecraft.exe" Start In - "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\"
  17. If you haven't seen Etho's Minecraft videos on the Youtubes, I'd recommend watching some. One of his series that he has going is a set of 'Speed Challenges' in minecraft. Awesome stuff to try, really fun. Here's a link to his most recent in the series, And
  18. Found some lost items in the Enderman farm. Some quite valuable items, so if the items belong to you let me know.
  19. Changed configs in the GriefPrevention plugin so that fire can now spread and destroy blocks (only outside of claimed areas). Don't worry, anything you have claimed is safe. Time to burn some jungle!
  20. I've been trying to get a squid into the aquarium on the top floor of my house. The wiki says it can't be done: They won't spawn in a body of water on that altitude, and they won't swim up a waterfall. Any ideas? Best one i've come up with so far is trying to hit it up a uphil creek, constantly building a block behind it so it won't fall down and throwing splash potions at it.
  21. Is there a way to roll back an area in Minecraft or does it roll back the whole server?? I tried to use restore nature and it left the top of the ground normal while wiping out huge areas of developed land in my area underground.
  22. Me being a bad person: Does anyone know Oakgyrl? Is she coming back? Reason to ask: We had have a little confrontation because of this territory and The Skyway. Since Oakgyrl didn't explain her plans well enough, but was really concerned about me building on her way. Now the territory looks abandoned (everything was demolished by owner). No signs of activity.
  23. Just putting this topic here so we can discuss stuff that may or may not be coming in 1.6. Confirmed: Horses
  24. Topic title says it all--difficulty upped to normal. I actually changed this a couple days ago, sorry that I didn't announce it earlier If you're wondering what that means exactly, check the wiki page here about game difficulty. No, zombies cannot break doors, except on hard.
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