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  1. yes she is hot and i would like to um....well never mind but WHO needs to make 37,000,000 a year?!? <----- a lot of money, just watched a thing on her on MTV, pwns 4 houses a bentley and like 4 others cars that all cost at least 250,000, her engagement ring is worth 1.5 million. SHEEEEESH.
  2. Rules: 2 Sentences max... no more. ONLY ENGLISH.. lol, um... anything not relating to what was said before is going to be deleted. Seriously, keep it clean, and good. We are starting off with Gunman's since he gave us the idea. Go ahead and continue but behave now...
  3. I am disappointed in the American public. The top three movies this week ended with Kangaroo Jack #1, National Security #2, and Just Married #3... It's disappointing to see that the American public goes to this crap to encourage it more... Ok, don't get me wrong, Id think a rapping kangaroo with an aussie accent would be funny but Jerry Oconnell just sucks... he made Tomcats... come on...
  4. one of the best movies ever!!!! was just on twice last night on fx the sence were they are trapped in the base is the coolest scene ever
  5. After Episode 3, Lucas expects to be a poor loser. Well, not really. But he doens't expect to be making huge hits like Speilberg and Peter Jackson. He will make weird movies like THX and etc. Lucas fails in 2005
  6. What other computer games do you guys play? I love BF1942 and hate it. I get owned so badly in that game, but I am getting better. Does anyone know if Anarcy Online is good?
  7. Guest

    X-Men 2

    What do you all think of this one. Looks like it will be better than the first one. I thought the first one was kinda sloppy in it's plot. Actually.. the plot was quite stupid. This one should be good from the looks of it. AND if there are Sentinals in this one... i will orgasm. lol
  8. well, atleast Oklahoma I think... I bought Signs and Sixth Sense VISTA SERIES for only 25 bucks at bestbuy. if your a fan of m. night's movies, this is awesome. sixth sense vista costs 22.99 seperatly i think. if you don't want sixth sense, you can get unbreakable[crappy movie] for the same deal and its also vista series. they are really nice, i just wanted unbreakable for the awesome cover!
  9. Do any of you listen to Phil Hendrie? He is a Radio DJ out of LA. He is awesome with voices. He can do a woman's voice, a Latino's voice, an old man's voice, he can do them all. He pretends that someone else is on the line with some absurd law suit or believe or what not, and then gets people who do not know it is fake to call in all tinkled off. It is some of the funniest stuff I have ever heard. Been listening to him since April of 2002. He is a huge fan of Beer and Food. And he really like Techno (facehole style)
  10. Good job with your new forum!
  11. ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES EVER... I know a lot of people watched it.. if you didn't .. you suck. God.. the movie is just so intense... any of guys not get it? I can explain it for those who are dumb...
  12. Guest

    Office Space

    There seems to be a wide fanbase in the forums for Office Space. I love this movie. Its stupid, but thats what makes it funny. Any other Office Space fans out there?
  13. Well, I just noticed that there aren't any talks about music so Ill create the first one on the best pop star of the century! AHHH! Greatest singer of all time. She started the craze back in the 80s with Locomotion and I have been hooked ever since. Haha, did you know that she was Cammy in Street Fighter? Yes, the crappy one with Jean-Claude Van Damm? Man, I got her Kylie Fever 2002 DVD, the one with her live concert in Manchester and its incredible, I would recommend any other Kylie fans to get it. www.kylie.com Also, any other Kylie Fans?
  14. Anyone hear that if Ben Affleck cheats on Jennifer Lopez, she's entitled to $5 million? Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?
  15. who's seen them? They're by Steve Odekirk (the guy who made Ace Ventura and starred in Kung Pow)...... they are AMAZINGLY FUNNY!!! if you've seen them which is your favorite and do you have any favorite lines? mine's BatThumb when Wuce Bayne sees Fred drunk (Fred has a british accent) Fred: "FISH!!" Fred: "Oh Wuce it's you...I thought you were a MAAHLIN!" Fred: "If you're going outside be sure and wear a sweater because...there's bacon out there....yes..." Wuce: "That's fine Fred" Fred: "Well it might be for you but what about the 'Baco-bits' people? They can't be HAPPY" ......still makes me laugh.... BatThumb: "You're insane!!" NoFace: "You said that already" BatThumb: "Oh......you're ins...you're in.....YOU'RE INSANE!!!"
  16. Is this man a genious or what? Well, I started this topic cause of my love for Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Casino, etc. Which one do you guys like the most/hate? What do you guys think of Gangs of New York? I thought the movie was really good, I liked how the ending was anti-climatic and it was a different spin of things. Would I see the movie again? Probably not, but you have to give credit where credit is due! Daniel Day-Lewis was just awesome. It almost seemed like he was Wild Bill and he was great. Is it just me or does Liam Neeson die in a lot of movies?
  17. Guest

    Matrix sequels

    Both Matrix Sequels will be out this year. First one in May and the next in November. They both sound utterly amazing and I am anxiously waiting for these. I wonna see Neo fight 100 Agent Smiths. *Drools*
  18. Panic Room r0x0rz j00 b0x0rz! I love that movie.
  19. Guest

    Terminator 3

    While I have been waiting 10 years to see another GOOD arnold movie. This one looks like it may disappoint. I could be wrong but something about a female Terminator that is somehow cooler than the Liquid Terminator from #2 just doesn't sound right. Especially since all traces of the Terminators were destroyed after Part2. I am not too sure about this one. I hope I am wrong. I was the only one on August 27, 1997 declared that day the Judgement Day Holiday. No one else understood.
  20. This movie is gonna be sooo sweet. Feb. 14th seems so far away... sigh. M. Clark Duncan is going to be the kingpin and Colin Farrell as Bullseye. I would think they would have some cameo's by superhero's since they are all from around the same area. Did you guys know they are making a Ghostrider movie *nirvana*, and Ghost Rider will be none other than Nicolas Cage. After I see this movie... I don't have to see any more superhero movies.
  21. Ok, who here has seen all of the Godfathers and loves them to death instead of me? Whats your favorite mob movie? Mine is definatley Godfather II. Over 3+ hours with Micheal Corleone is just too much and awesome. I also like The Untouchables, anyone like that?
  22. Hahahhahaha, just got done watching Jay and Silent Bob strikes back and mall rats. I love those movies. Anyone want a chocolate pretzel? Whats your favorite Kevin Smith movie?
  23. Guest

    Incredible Hulk

    Could be interesting but I am not sure about this one. May be good as long as it isn't another Batman movie with sorry acting and stupidity like the one with George Clooney in it. glah.
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