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The 4400


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so yeah, just caught the last hour of the premier last night. I had heard some things about the show before and it looked...odd...

anyway, after watching the last hour...I think I'm hooked.

The whole premise of the show is that over the last 50 years, some people disappeared. Then suddenly on July 11th 2004 (the date of the premier actually) 4400 of those people miraculously reappear. I don't know if they have aged or not (I don't think so since one of them dissappeared in 1951 and still looks like he's 30-something). The thing is, that no one (even the people who disappeared) know where they went. They don't remember a thing...I think (but remember I didn't see the beginning so I don't know) that they even don't realize that any time had passed at all...one character was thinking about missing his wifes party that night when the party had happened like 30 years ago.

So anyway, after they reappear, 5 of them become main characters along with 2 Homeland Security Agents. The 5 people who are main characters (and presumably other folks of the 4400) begin to develop supernatural powers. One man causes waves of energy to shake things and bust peoples heads open when he gets angry (though it's not something he TRIES to do). Another young guy can drain energy from people just by touching them (think Rogue from the XMen). Another little girl can tell the future, but she doesn't know what she's doing so she tells people what she sees (like telling her new foster parents where they're going to be buried...then the next day they get a brochure from the very same cemetary). Another woman is pregnant and doesn't know from where (her husband was out of town for weeks prior to her disappearance and she wasn't with anyone else).


All in all, based off of the Pilot...I'm giving this show a 9/10 score.

For reference sake, Friends - 10/10, Seinfeld - 9/10, Firefly - 10/10, Alias - 9/10 (at least the early seasons), Family Guy - 10/10...those are shows I like.


Visit www.the4400.com to find out more about the show. It's on USA channel (so only Cable or Sattelite customers can see it) at 8pm central on Sunday.

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I also watched it, I thought it was a made-for-TV movie cuz it was on..what, two hours? I was extremely disappointed at the end...Until I realized it's a recurring show and it's not over! I was skeptical at first, but I really liked it and intend to watch another episode or two. Along with Simpsons (and 24 when its on) it'll be one of three shows I watch. That is, until the Grid comes on...I can't wait to see how well that one works. And I'm hoping to have my A/V receiver set up for the first episode, since it's broadcast in HD. As pretty as things look in HD, I can't wait to hear TV shows that take advantage of Dolby Digital 5.1...


But The 4400, great show.

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  • 1 year later...

just thought i'd bring this thread back from the dead as i recently watched the first and second season of this show (they're available on your local bittorrent site for download) and it's become probably one of my all-time favourite shows.


i watched the first episode of the 3rd season on computer as well cause we don't get the usa channel in Canada. it was a bit of a let down to my friends and i though as it doesn't seem to have the same on production quality. music isn't nearly as intense, the actors all seem to have changed hair styles, and it just doesn't immerse you the same way.


still a great show though and if you've not seen the first and second season it's definately worth the time. you'll get hooked!

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