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Some cs_ maps on the server?

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

I'd like to think it's been proven several times that they're nothing but server killlers, that are often much more dry than de_ maps.


Does it really make that much of a difference to you when you hit E?

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i just want scoutknivez back in the map vote, so we can get ppl on the server when no admin is around. sure beats trying to play 1 vs 1 on train or something.


No offense, but scouts IS A SERVER KILLER not one that starts playing. I don't mind playing it once and a great while, but about 95% of the time it gets switched to the teams get 1 sided and most everyone leaves by the end of the map. I can't count how many times we've had 15+ when it was changed to that map and then finished with 4 or less.

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