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Demense is blowing chunks...


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GC Board Member

Just an FYI that should be solvable, or at least needs to be brought up with the provider.


Last week before the TWL match we lost, Demense was useless for practice. To be specific, our lag times appeared fine but we had severe lag problems during practice (Monday afternoon/eve). Bad enough to the point where we had multiple "lost connection" kick outs, "speed hack" messages, etc.


No real prob as we played the match on the other team's server but as for getting any last minute practice in it was useless. We thought about kicking folks off of Cuffo unitl we realized none of us really knew how to do so (or thought it might not be too cool to do so)


Over most of this last week, we did not practice (elections, work, etc.) so hard to say if the problem persisted during the week.


Server seemed fine on Saturday for practice.


This Sunday however (Nov 7th), it was back to useless again. We slogged through the 3 hour practice, but real bad lag problems at time (though our pings looked good), multiple "lost connection" kicks, etc.


Any chance someone one here can give a yell to the server hosts to see whats up? Our pings seem fine but that server isn't the happiest of campers lately.


Sorry if this blither is too off-topic but this is twice in the course of a week :(


Give chipper, penty, wentz, etc. a yell - they'll tell ya the same thing.


Edit: Sorry, no logs or tracert on this end - never thought to at the time - my bad.



Edited by Flitterkill
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This is Recon Gamer, and this server is in the same place that Cuffo is in. If it's an RG network issue, you'd see it there, too. If not, perhaps it could either be box-specific, or something that Chip has done. He claimed that other event.

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