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I noticed the biggest problem between religions and atheists is Interpetation. I often notice in these forums how everyone generalizes a particular religion. Such as "Chrisitans only think you will go to heaven if you don't sin" or "as long as you aknowledge Christ you will go to heaven" numerous other examples. The honest truth is that most people Interpet the Bible, Quran, Torrah, etc as they feel about the text.


I know some of my Ideas differ from other Christians. But i expect everyone to interpet the bible diffrently. It should mean something diffrent to every individual. And it normally does. Also people forget there is so many diffrent denominations of the various religions. Each one with slightly diffrent views. So to make broad generalizations about a particular religion is a fallacy. Mabye you speak the truth for a few but certainly not for all.


I hold a view that God appeared in many diffrent froms in many numerous religions and that if you live a good life there will be an afterlife. That is my Individual view on my religion and others. And i belong to a christian church. So I find it quite ignorant when someone else tells me what I think by making broad general statements.


I've seen people tell me "Well I don't care for all those people telling me I am going to burn in hell". Never once have I heard anyone say that. "But everyone is a hypocrite who dosen't practice what they preach" Every man and woman regardless of religion are guilty of this. We are all human, We are all flawed. People often buy into religious sterotypes.


I respect anyone's opinion regardless of beliefs. If you can have an informed conversation with me on wether God exists or not I will gladly participate. But if you come to me wanting nothing else but dis-proving what I believe in, without wanting to hear both sides of the story you can leave.


Basically my whole point is for both sides to stop with generalizations and sterotypes. You really can't talk about something unless you have practiced it or studied it exstensivley.

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Ace.. this was a wonderful post and it really opened my eyes to many of the other threads going on. Most people really do just post on the thread to disprove other peoples beliefs... and the fact is, there is no certain way to believe in something. Who says god isn't real? and who says he is? No one can really prove either way... and even if you could, why would u want to? People need faith in bad times to get them through and i believe faith is a powerful thing that can make or break your life, and this is odd coming from me because I don't believe in god, and I don't like the idea of most religions. But your post really opened my eyes to what i hadn't seen, and I too have tried to disprove god. But you made me rethink - let people believe what they want. We should all just live our own lives, believe what we want to believe, if it works for you.. go with it.. don't stop because someone else "disproved" what u think.

I've been told I'm a very opinionated person and no one can change my views, ideas, or actions no matter what. Which is not always a bad thing, because im happy with what i believe and do, and thats why i don't let people change me. But you really opened my mind up and are really making me think about some of the things I have been saying.

But back to my point - Good post, and ur right.. people do need to stop sterotyping, though i have done it myself, we need to stop. ;)

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Well honestly I dont see too many people trying to disprove God.. Am I missing something? I thought lately that the posts presented in here were informative at least.. Not stooping to name calling or any other adolescent behavior. i commend those involved. If you dont want to participate, or think that it's not being conducted how it should, you have a few choices as to what you can do.

And it seems the consensus has been there is more to it than just "living a good life". That is not gonna get you where u need to go according to the bible which is what most of all those denominations are based upon. So Ace, what are you thinking while sitting in your Pew listening to your preacher go on about stuff u dont really believe? Or did i read your post wrong..

Everyone needs to be Rastafarian.. It's the "true" way. Jah mon B)

woot, we got a new thread! :D

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I believe in a majority of what I listen to in church. I just think that over 2000 years just because one person says it means one thing that it could actually mean another in someone's elses point of view. Me and my pastor could read a particular part of the scripture and have two personal take's on it. There is no seperate book that explains what some passages mean. I think they are for the individual to interpet.


In other words I don't think there is one Official take on what the bible means. In my mind it is something diffrent for everyone.

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Well doesnt that in itself sound a little fishy? I see what you mean, but when talking about laws of the universe and the likes, you should try to pin it down a little bit more. I mean someone can take the sentence See spot run. And interpret it a couple ways. Some take it a little too far. Some people see Everything a little differently than the rest. As far as thats concerned I'd have to be a literalist. Those are supposedly the words of God. Albeit they were written in a different day and age, but something of that magnitude should transcend any time gaps. We can't keep re-writing the bible. Or adapting it to our own needs. Will God come back and give us some updates? Do we have any prophets living amongst us? Thats a serious question. Lets talk :)

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Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage
Guest ZDamage

Well this is quite simple. There is only one way to interpret the 10 commandments. Do not murder means do not murder. There is no other way to understand that. There are many things though that are unclear to their meaning and scholars and think tanks have been trying to figure them out for centuries. Good Luck.

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