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Whiteboards / Dry Erase boards


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Stupid questions. I just got a used whiteboard for my "office" and have been trying to clean it up. It stains very easily to the point where simply using the thing can leave permanent streaks. I use Expo dry erase pens and understand the basic chemistry concepts of solvents, etc. I get why the special cleaner is supposed to remove pen marks...But what is it in the whiteboard that tolerates these relatively harsh chemicals repeatedly, and what can be wrong with a whiteboard that makes it stain? Poor quality? Age? Poor maintenance? Is there a solution to bring a bright white life back to the poor old nag? Any help in this situation would be appreciated. Google away, guys, I haven't put any effort into learning about these beasts yet, so I may be missing the obvious, but I'd rather let you guys go, "DU-uh, it's called Google, Fox. Ever heard of it? You can use a com-pu-ter."


Thanks in advance.

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One of the things I'll do (before it gets bad or stained) is scribble over the old/dry ink with new and then erase. That usually takes it off, but you end up using a bunch of dry erase marker ink.


Really only good to use on smaller amounts of writing.

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Take a green scratch pad and scrub your face really hard.

Then rub your face all over the board. The oils in your skin catalyze the benzene bonds on the board which frees up the dried ink.


After 20 minutes, your board will look brand new!


Post a picture for us so we can see the results.

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Thanks guys. This is an aged board, been used in the department for awhile. Kind of what I figured, but I was hoping for something more along the lines of Mr. Duke, promising a clean board without buying a new one. Speaking of which, Duke, I only have a steel wool pad. Will that work? It's not one of those Brillos with the detergent already in it.

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