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What HL2 mods you are looking forward to?


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Even though it has been a long time since summer meant no school and frolicking in the park, I am anxiously awaiting the warm months anyway. This summer is when the .1 Betas of a lot of the HL2 mods will be available for our enjoyment. It's goind to be amazing, especially with modding teams from HL, UT2K4, and BF42 all converging on Source to tantalize our senses and destroy our social lives...



So what mods are you looking forward to? DoD is high on most people's list, I'm sure, but what other mods have caught your fancy? Post links to them here so we can all learn about some of the exciting new games coming our way.


Here's a couple I've got on my radar:


World at War doesn't have anything on their site yet, but the team putting the mod together are aces in my book. They created Firearms, the HL mod that got me hooked on online play. They've been around for years and have built a good understanding how to ballance gameplay and realism. Near future combat with some interesting variables (I'll see if I can dig up what's been leaked if anyone is interested).


Badge of Blood looks to be the most ambitious project of the group. The zero G combat environments alone should make this one worth it's weight in gold if they can pull it off. Eye candy counts too, and the guy they have doing the environmental sketches is just sick. Space combat from a group that wants to set the bar high.


Insurgency is the last I will post, although certainly not the last mod I'm looking forward to. Modern combat is the medium, with an attempt to make it appealing to a wide variety of tactical and stylistic gamers. The feel I get is almost a cross between CSS and Desert Combat, but that's more perceived than written.













So, um...yeah. Lemme know what you all are looking forward to. I want to know more about what's out there in developement.

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