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Operation Flashpoint


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I played the demo before I had a 3D card.  I really enjoyed it, but firefights were all but unplayable, unfortunately.  Never did buy it, but I think it might be time to hit up the local stores and see if there are any copies still on the shelves.  It fits my MO of old games that run on my system.

I did the same thing, i played the demo and my computer hardly ran it. I was going to buy it but haven't played it since then. Now i'm just waiting for Operation Flashpoint 2.

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Yeah, it ran on my old 750mhz duron, but not nearly as well as it dees now.


One of the things I love about it is the ability to go literally anywhere on the map. Also, when you play the various single, and multi player missions, a mission may start out with the same soldiers in the same initial locations, but after you deal with them, the re-inforcements very often come from a different location, or use a different tactic, such as arriving in a truck, or an APC, or even a squad approaching through a forest.


Also the visuals, and in my opinion, the gameplay hold up very well even after 4 years. The terrain, vehicles, and people look realistic enough that the game really doen't look "dated" to me.


You might also be able to find copies on Amazon (or another internet retailer), or from Codemasters directly.

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